Hi all.
I have been a poiser since I can remember, although I didn't know that I had it until few years ago. I am 29 years old now.
I have tried tens of different supplements and stacks, and non of them was working, while some helped reduce the symptoms, which were disastrous as they could last for weeks... Weeks of brain fog, decreased brain power, weakness, and hellness.
I have used citalopram for some time, with some slight improvement, but stopped it. Then after a year of hell, I started using sertraline (zoloft) and went to the maximum dose... The symptoms improved a bit, and the duration of pois reduced from 1 or 2 weeks to 3 days or so... I also simultaneously used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone), which was also a contributing factor I guess, however, since my LDN pills finished 2 years ago, I have stopped taking it.
But, symptoms were still there, until one day, I tried to smoke cannabis. I did not try it to overcome my pois, but just to get some fun. (Note that I have never smoked cigarettes and never drank alcohol also).
After few days of smoking cannabis, I tried to masturbate, which surprisingly didn't feel bad afterwards. I thought that it was placebo effect, so after 1 days I tried again, and same, I was still feeling ok. Then by time, I started to push things, and I was still ok, I would get slightly high from smoking cannabis, but there will be no pois symptoms at all, or worst case scenario will be like 5 or 10% pois symptoms, which clear up in no time. Now, and for the past 2 months, I can orgasm several times a day symptoms free, even though sometimes I will not be high, but I guess the cannabis that is still in the system is able to overcome tor stop the symptoms. Now I have started reducing the sertraline intake to hopefully fully get off of it.
I only smoke when in weekends or holidays, or at nights, since cannabis high is only felt for very few hours, so it did not affect my job or life, the complete opposite happened actually, I started to feel the freedom of free will! I am starting to get control over my brain and forget about the hell-like brain fog days.
For information, I am smoking cannabis, I have not tried CBD oil yet. I am smoking it occasionally, not frequently, and it is doing the effect even when I am not high.
I am not saying that this is a cure, it is far from it, but it is working for me like magic for now.
Also, I am not trying to promote any illegal usage of any substance... I am only sharing my experience on the hope that it can help other sufferers around, as I spent years of fighting through every single day! and maybe, it might help sufferers with medical knowledge to further understand and explain the sickness.