Animus is our "Ultimate Hero and Champion."
What Animus has done 10 years ago is like climbing Mount Everest or reaching Moon for the first time. I am not exaggerating. No one will have the thinking and courage that Animus had.
Even now we all struggle with, finding out the cause and cure for the debiliating disease.
But he somehow correctly figured out, what is causing his problem. Incredible isn't it to have done that some 10 years back.
Thanks a lot Animus on behalf of all the poiser's. Its a great lead and now others can learn from your experience without undergoing the enormous pains you've encountered in finding out the solution.
Biologics and new medicines are now discovered which may completely prevent the effect of semen on our urinary tract without undergoing castration. So in the next few years we will get a cure.
Thanks once again for your invaluable contribution to our cause.
Aswinpras, You are welcome, and Thank you for this... Certain things came together for me at that time, that allowed me to do it... We should not lose faith for an alternative. It's Possible, perhaps, to repeat the surgeries which I did, but risky, expensive, and I tried to emphasize that there are many opportunities for complications along the way of the Surgical Route, which could make the situation worse... It's a bit like an experimental procedure.
I think it's a good idea, now that we have the Scientific and Medical Assistance to do solid work on this, to wait to see what they can come up with.
But I think the theory that led me to do these surgeries... can possibly be used as a starting point of investigation. As a theoretical model. One which we know has a positive outcome. I guess the best case scenario, would be to find a drug which can be taken... which inhibits Semen Production. That would be my first guess. There are existing drugs, treatments out there which Inhibit Semen production, used to treat other illnesses. (radiation of the prostate, chemo drugs) if you google "inhibit semen production" that would be my starting point.