Author Topic: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?  (Read 22070 times)


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2019, 01:57:54 PM »
I had a very intriguing conversation with a doctor (anaesthesiologist) today concerning the theory that my POIS is due to allergy to mercury. Briefly,
-- my POIS started not long ago after a dental visit,
-- I do have mercury in a nail sample,
-- I tested strongly allergic to inorganic mercury.

The doctor challenged me by asking the following question: if I think that the POIS symptoms are an allergic reaction towards mercury, how can I imagine that I have the allergen (mercury) in my body the whole time and the reaction won't be happening more and more? Why are there recoveries from POIS, after the POIS attack? The allergen is always there!

What do you think about this? Here is the answer I gave:

I think the mercury is inside the cells and hence does not interact directly with blood. Of course, every cell has contact with blood, in order to receive nutrition, but the blood doesn't enter the inside. That's why in a normal state, there is no allergic reaction. However, during orgasm (or intense physical activity for me), somehow (I don't know how) the mercury goes outside of the cells and then interacts with the blood, calling for white blood cells (due to my allergy towards mercury) and hence the inflammation. That's why the allergic reaction occurs only when triggered.

The doctor said this sounds to him like science fiction.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2019, 03:00:44 PM »
I had a very intriguing conversation with a doctor (anaesthesiologist) today concerning the theory that my POIS is due to allergy to mercury. Briefly,
-- my POIS started not long ago after a dental visit,
-- I do have mercury in a nail sample,
-- I tested strongly allergic to inorganic mercury.

The doctor challenged me by asking the following question: if I think that the POIS symptoms are an allergic reaction towards mercury, how can I imagine that I have the allergen (mercury) in my body the whole time and the reaction won't be happening more and more? Why are there recoveries from POIS, after the POIS attack? The allergen is always there!

What do you think about this? Here is the answer I gave:

I think the mercury is inside the cells and hence does not interact directly with blood. Of course, every cell has contact with blood, in order to receive nutrition, but the blood doesn't enter the inside. That's why in a normal state, there is no allergic reaction. However, during orgasm (or intense physical activity for me), somehow (I don't know how) the mercury goes outside of the cells and then interacts with the blood, calling for white blood cells (due to my allergy towards mercury) and hence the inflammation. That's why the allergic reaction occurs only when triggered.

The doctor said this sounds to him like science fiction.

I don't think POIS is an allergy to inorganic mercury, I think it's more the fact that mercury is a potent neurotoxin which accumulates and damages the nervous system and deranges hormonal systems, which then don't function correctly in response to ejaculation.

Your theory doesn't make sense because you would be constantly undergoing an allergic reaction whilst your amalgams are in since they constant off-gas mercury which you breath into your lungs and then into your blood.

Don't let your Dr put you off, if it is mercury you will never get better until the mercury is gone. You may be able to manage it with pharmaceuticals and supplements but will never be "cured".

As far as I'm aware I don't think there is anyone who has completely cured their POIS, but many manage it with supplements and diets etc. I also think that POIS has multiple causes. My POIS extends longer than 4 days, and even outside of POIS I still get some other symptoms with fatigue and brain fog. I think those who have mercury induced POIS are probably those whom diet has little effect, some supplements work to take the edge off, and their POIS lasts longer than 4 days, but that's just my guess.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2019, 04:33:29 PM by JohnJames »


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2019, 09:36:07 AM »

As far as I'm aware I don't think there is anyone who has completely cured their POIS...

Animus - 10 years’ success:
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2019, 01:09:59 PM »

As far as I'm aware I don't think there is anyone who has completely cured their POIS...

Animus - 10 years’ success:

If I'm understanding correctly he was castrated and has to take on-going testosterone, and things to reduce the size of his prostate, but I guess he doesn't have symptoms any more atleast so I stand corrected. However, I don't know if theres anyone who has reversed their POIS without having to take anything ongoing, have a particular diet, or stopped the production of sperm/semen, someone who has reversed the cause of the disease without merely treating the symptoms.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 01:19:44 PM by JohnJames »


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2019, 02:43:36 PM »
Now I understand better. No, I don’t think anyone has totally reversed the cause of POIS as you describe.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 06:26:46 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2019, 07:09:28 AM »
I don't think Animus could avoid taking the medications that control prostate growth.
Even after a TURP procedure, the prostate can grow back. (However I am not sure if a radical prostatectomy prevents prostate re-growth)

And of course he would need the testosterone as he had an orchidectomy.

From whatever little I know regarding other poisers who have taken either testosterone or DHT blockers for controlling the growth of their prostates, they have not been able to suppress their pois symptoms entirely and satisfactorily. In the case of Animus he is totally free from pois symptoms.

His case proves that his pois was caused by ejaculation and not orgasm.
One or more of the tissues involved in the production of seminal fluid were most certainly the cause of his pois.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 07:22:17 AM by kingfisher »


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2019, 08:59:54 AM »
Excellent analysis Kindfisher


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2019, 10:06:45 AM »
His case proves that his pois was caused by ejaculation and not orgasm.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #48 on: September 29, 2019, 05:45:10 PM »

From whatever little I know regarding other poisers who have taken...testosterone...they have not been able to suppress their pois symptoms entirely and satisfactorily.

Absolutely true in my case.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 05:47:04 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2019, 07:46:03 PM »
1. Coffee enema for 2 months every day.
2. Removed 1 amalgam two and a half month a go
3. Last week started huge doses Vitamin C (Andy Cutler Chelation for mercury removal) Core 4 protocol. Vit C is a binder for mercury so mercury can get out.
4. Last week started detoxication protocol with alpha lipoic acid  (Andy Cutler Chelation for mercury removal). ALA is lifting mercury from tissue so Vit C can bind it and remove it.

After just one chelation round i feel better, i fapped 3 days in a row last 3 days, and i get almost no symptoms. Almost no chronic fatigue, here and there i get little psychological symptoms like low respect for my self, remembering embarrassing moments in life, no body likes me and so on, that's because thiol/sulfites food intolerance because of mercury,  but they dissapear quick. More and more tolerant to thiol/sulfites food where me and my girlfriend could not believe. i think i am lucky because i hear that people are doing chelation/rounds for even years with little progress, but i read really good success stories with this protocol. Andy Cutler Chelation is really helping. Can't wait for next round of chelations.  Everyone who experience POIS should try Andy Cutler Chelation protocol. There is a facebook group regarding protocol.

And another thing i almost forgot is that symptoms also come from low stomach acid, food can't break down and that food come in the gut, where it's starting to ferment, and then you get POIS problems, low stomach acid also linked to mercury poisoning. When i'm fasting for 48 hours i feel really better.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2019, 05:00:56 AM »
Thanks igy78, give us a report back on your progress.
These agree with my instincts
and research so far.
Something toxic is the cause of our POIS.
I will make a new post to complete my opionion about all this in
day or two.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2019, 11:20:37 AM »
I have been oil pulling with coconut oil (ancient ayurvedic practice) for the last month and my POIS seems to go better.  Very hard to decide wether there is a cause/effect link correlation (at the same time i'm using cetirizine after orgasm), but it would be in sign with what you have been saying here...
to be developed...


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2019, 08:47:45 AM »
Short video fragment about Mercury and mast cell activation:


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #53 on: November 22, 2019, 05:11:44 PM »

Little update: started to feel better and better in the last 3-4 day, been taking glutamine for 2 and a half weeks for healing the micro holes in the gut, and the other stuff mentioned above, after glutamine doses now i can eat everything, proteins, carbs,  everything, proteins now can not penetrate the gut, before i suffered hard  if i eat proteins , meat , eggs, icecream, hard pois symptoms, brainfog, anxiety and so on, what is interesting i get smyptoms only after 7-12 hours, when food got into gut, then the hell break loose. Now it's almost gone, i can now eat mcdonalds fries full of sulfites, and before even "if i smelled sulfites" i get hard brainfog and pois symptoms, so before i avoided sulfites and proteins. What i did also is that i tied my self to bed, so i can sleep only on belly, i have sleep apnea and i also got mask (cpap ) for a year, which i though that cpap will help me, but, because that i sleep on my back i also got apnea even with mask and cpap device, i was wondering why it isnt helping me, still have pois symptoms, and 3-4 days a go i decided to sleep on my belly, little or no apnea now, sleeped well and almost no POIS symptoms, so,...

Conclusion, at least in my case: Due to heavy apnea/lack of uninterrupted sleep, my body was unable to clear itselfs of toxins that got build up over the years and POIS symptoms started, heavy metals and other toxins, glutamine and all other stuff above really helped, but what helped the most was sleeping on my belly with cpap, where i got quality sleep, rem phases and clean deep sleep afterwards. So in the future if i sleep on my back i will get soon build up of toxins due to apnea. Great, so sleeping on my belly it is. When i got tested apnea waked me up 45 times in 1 hour and i did not be aware of that. And one thing lead to another, build up of toxins, got leaky gut, proteins gut into bloodstream, and what happens when you have undigested food in your blodstream? Body fights and when you ejaculate, you weaken the imnunity system and that is leading to POIS, because body can not  be on 2 front, to get your energy back and fight undigested food, at least in my case.

So i do recommend if someone is recognizing himself here to do sleep apnea test or try to tide himself to force to sleep on belly, lack of oxygen can lead to really fucked up situations, most important to clean toxins out of your body.

Will do another update in a few weeks.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 05:21:50 PM by Igy78 »


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #54 on: November 22, 2019, 09:48:14 PM »
Thanks for the post Igy. I was just sitting here thinking about starting glutamine to help heal my gut. I know I have problems with it because I have pain in one spot for many years. Then I saw your post and thought it was a good sign that I try glutamine to repair it. Like you my POIS takes 12 hours or more to onset. I was also thinking today that perhaps this delay is because of digestion. I wonder if anyone has tried water fasting before and after O to see if they still develop symptoms.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #55 on: December 24, 2019, 10:09:56 PM »

Feeling better and better with Betain hcl + pepsin, i did a hair test for mercury and i'm toxic to mercury, well,  mercury depletes zinc, zinc is needed to  form stomach acid, stomach acid is needed for breaking proteins, (also to kill pathogens, h. pylori, viruses and bacteria) breaking proteins is needed to make adrenalin, serotonin and the rest of it, so no wonder i was so sick, omg, it helped me tremendously, i'm on 4 pills of betain hcl + pepsin a day (taking it 20 minutes before meal, i eat one meal a day) and it is a lifechanger in my case.  If you did not try it, you must try it and see if it helps, i got all my problems from low stomach acid,  proteins, minerals and vitamins did not break like they should. Ejaculated 3 times in 2 days and no symptoms, i got my energy back due to normal stomach acid. Love you guys and take care of yourself and happy christmas :)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 10:13:11 PM by Igy78 »


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #56 on: March 07, 2020, 08:45:04 PM »
How's the HCL treatment going Igy78? Are you still getting POIS relief?


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #57 on: March 19, 2020, 03:22:29 AM »
Yes! i tested few days without pills, and pois symptoms slowly coming back, so i eat 15 pills before meal, eating one meal a day. In my case it was sleep apnea, which lead to lack of oxygen, lack of oxygen got me into fatty liver,  (google sleep apnea - liver, first video) fatty liver could not make gluthathion to remove mercury, mercury builds up over the years and ta daaaa, pois, low stomach acid, bacteria builds up in stomach and gut, suicidal thoughts after fapping and sex, chronic fatigue and so on.

What is really helping me was coffee enema, not doing regularly like before because i'm getting better, cpap device for eliminating sleep apnea, then origano oil and Grapefruit seed extract (GSE), origano oil, betain and GSE was life changer, i get 80-90% less symptoms, probably aiding liver in some way, i tried TON of vitamins/minerals and nothing helped like those 3. I'm on keto diet with here and there carbs one or twice a week.  Trying to heal my fatty liver now with those 3 suplement, i did abdomen scan and doctor told me my liver is enlarged and fatty. Fucking sleep apnea. Recently started to test fap and sex and symptoms was tolerable.

Good luck!


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #58 on: March 19, 2020, 10:06:55 AM »
Oregano oil, Betaine HCL, and GSE are all treatments for SIBO/Candida gut dysbiosis. Are you sure these treatments are working due to liver and mercury and not simply healing your digestive system? There have been several people that state they cured their POIS by healing their gut.


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Re: POIS - a complication of Mercury Toxicity? Porphyria?
« Reply #59 on: March 21, 2020, 08:53:30 AM »
Hey Milestone I am also seeing a functional med doc atm. However the supplements I am on are quite different;
Liposmal glutathione,Vitamin C, Bentonite clay, folinic acid

I plan to add Vitamin D with k2, vitamin b minus complex, Vegetable juicing, antifungal drug, grapefriuit seed extract, charcoal

What supplements from your stack have you have found the most helpful?