I did some more testings, 30 days abstinence, 20 min visual arousall,
no O no M .
My muscules became stiffed 8h later and day after, still ayes inflamed
and bags under them (
my ayes look like pure alergic reaction to something!).
Thous stiffed muscules are olsou to my intesines(guts),
digestion is so sloved(food stays in stomach undigested) , then
thouse foods start to fermeting and than induce severe sibo
atacs, this is pure shou

, gases wont go to fart

but go up to burping

, complitly dioposite as it should.
Now with my stiffed and stucked esophagall muscules i hawe to
let out large amount of gasses trough burping, this put enormes amount
of presure to my esophagall spincher ( i survive somehow

I got POTS from this..
Meaning that central nerwos system is ataced and that digestion is
severly compromised, low gut motility(guts are big musules)
, low stomach acid, low liver and panceras enzyms ,
ileoceccal valve is closed (confuzed) when it shouldnt be and
opened when should be closed etc...haos
Guts and digestive organs simply dont know what to do..Tryed, varios probiotis, naturall antibiotics-orignano, mentol oil,
berberine , olive oil, cocos oil , ginger..etc etc , no gluten , no lactose, low carbohidrate...
pure inhibition of digestion ...
Meaning, we could hawe allergic reaction as son as prostatic and other
seminal fluid is start to producing from blod.
And yeah, i forgot to mention this symptom, i get nerve buzzing
snsation under my knees , like some nerve misfire.
I first tought that is artery pulsing , but no it is nerwe tingling.
I think this is because i got inflamation in back from arousall,
while after eyaculation i got big legs yerks
(In laying position) from from prostate
spine erea, those severe jerks and spasms are last for days after,
again nerwe inflamation there i supouse.