So one of the things that define POIS is the inflammatory response we experience after orgasm. Some believe it is an allergic response but regardless there is a clear immunological response that define what we suffer from, in fact many of the remedies that POISers rely on are anti-inflammatory in nature, like Curcumin, Quericitine, Omega 3, Vitamin B's, Vitamine D, anti-oxidant, etc...
The thing is, there is an issue with defining what kind of inflammatory responses each POISer suffers from and the specific treatment that works for him. It seems like everyone takes something that helps him but another guy would say that it didn't work for him. For example the only remedy that I am 100% that it works for me is Dexamethason. Yet, Kingfisher told me that he was on Prednison for lung problems and that it did not effect his POIS, he even took 40mg shots, while I only take 1mg tablets.
Some people like Quantum believe that there are different types of POIS. But it is clear that all of us are united by symptoms occurring after orgasm and that the majority of us suffer from cognitive illness.
Thus, we really need to accurately define what kind of inflammation do we suffer from, and what is the exact remedy that directly inhibits this inflammatory response. For example NSAID are usually almost non-effective of many POISer's including me ( with the exception of Indomethacin which I'm not sure about its effectiveness ). We shouldn't just stop there, we need to realize the reason for its non-effectiveness. For example is this medication blocked in the BBB and thus it can't heal the brain? Is this treatment not suitable for our type of inflammation? If there are different types of POIS shouldn't we try to label the inflammatory response that we get and the treatment for this specific type of inflammation?
The largest parameter right now that is found to be abnormal in POIS'ers tests is low Neutrophile and white blood cells count, this could be an indication of an exhausted immune system, since POIS lasts for days or weeks ( what is the immune system attacking without success? ). And the only person who reported normal levels of white blood cells count also reported elevated levels of IL-8, who is Muon.
So we need to label why does our treatments work for us, and how does it heal our inflammation and thus perhaps look for what specific type and the region of such inflammation.
Edit: Moun tests do show a decrease in lymphocyte levels at 0.98 Ref: 1.10 - 1.50
Also his tests show that his Th1/Th2 levels are elevated which is almost a bullet proof that there in a general inflammation.