Hi emirnazim, it is related to pois at least in me, i cant speak for odhers.
In pois, and 3-4 days after, i hawe trouble to swaloving, i didnt know for years why this is hapening to me. In pois my chest muscule is stifed, breathing and swaloving problems, talking tirednes, bumping heart etc...
Body function tru our brain tru our muscule tru central nervos sistem(with neurotranmiters etc...).
In pois we hawe "inflamation" a lot of stuf disturbed, muscule stiines and tired( read not working properly)- "opioid receptors, neurotransmiters, hormones etc" if some area in brain who are resposamble for breathing , swaloving ... is disturbed, that things will be afected.
Me also hawe a small hiatall hernia ( it si posible you hawe also), there food is stucked when i swalowing and that make swalowing in pois 10x worse, because esopagus muscules cant work properly couse of pois.(it could be VAGUS nerve "inflamed" and responsibile for this).
I am not a doctor , this is my teory from whot i learned on my self from odhers.
The docs not agre with this couse all this coul be related to anxiety, and they stick to that.
All in all it is wery uncorfordable and afecting to quality of life.