Author Topic: "Found a cure for trauma-induced POIS (hormonal type)" continuation naltrexone  (Read 13739 times)


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Hi, I owe you this guys, so here it is. (TL;DR at bottom)

This is a continuation to my previous thread, I'm making a new one because as of now I feel almost 100% symptom-free and it's getting better and better.

Previous thread:

A few weeks ago, in addition to my already ongoing 4-5 months of testosterone replacement therapy I've started dosing low dose naltrexone.

Here's good info:

It works for quite a lot of diseases, mechanism isn't really known. What interested me was that rather than naltrexone doing the healing, it kinda "pushes" the body to do the healing itself. It turns on some healing mechanisms, tickles them so they start working like they should. This is very simplified explanation. Other things that interested me is that it seemed to work similarily to BPC-157 that I've previously tried and that was somewhat successful for me (not fully, though).

Anyways. TRT helped me feel much better emotionally.  I was no longer an emotional wreck after orgasm and I could orgasm more often. I no longer have trouble gaining weight. Et cetera. Not gonna list all the feels where TRT helped me.

Instead, where it didn't help me was: general fatigue, and after-orgasm fatigue. After-orgasm burning eyes. Diarrhea, gluten sensitivity, milk sensitivity, I still had fucked up gut. I was also still dissociated after orgasm, and in general.

Interestingly, LDN is also used in dissociative disorders. And in celiac disease (gluten intolerance). And hormonal imbalances! I often had to pee very often because of sodium imbalances in my body. I had to drink a lot of salt water to keep up.

LDN started working the very first couple days - I had a single ejaculation shortly after starting, then I went across the country to my friend, and I haven't noticed any symptoms. In the first couple weeks of dosing 4.5mg every night, I had some blood in my stools. I was prepared for it. It was said that during LDN therapy the first couple weeks you can actually feel worsening of symptoms. I didn't, I just had blood in my stools. People who also self-medicated with LDN on the Internet said they'd take a couple days break every time blood appeared. I had a single day break here and there, just randomly because I had forgotten LDN. The blood is gone though, it's been over a week since I've last seen it in my stools.

Now onto how it works for me. I used to have worsening of symptoms every time I ate gluten or milk, also when on TRT. Or even proteins. Or even just food in general... Sometimes it felt really random. However always after gluten I'd have burning eyes back, and fatigue of that kind where I'd better take a nap if I wanna be productive. No more.

I'd have loose stools often. No more. Since taking LDN, all I get are healthy, solid stools that leave little to no wiping & cleaning (lol). This is a huge change. I feel like a teenager again, when I had always healthy gut.

I barely have any fatigue. I used to have this blood sugar (or something, will never find out, it's not worth it) problem, where if in the morning I didn't eat anything and I went to do some activity first, before eating, like going shopping for food. When I came back I'd be very fatigued and weak, nauseous etc., I'd have to eat ASAP. I was always avoiding this issue by breakfast first thing in the morning. However later in the day, any longer than a couple hour fast was giving me fatigue. Not as intense as in the morning, but intense enough to direct my focus onto you have to eat right now and you have to prioritize this. No more. Granted, I haven't tested longer fasts. However I see that I am nowhere as weak as I used to be when I don't eat for some time. I haven't tested in extensively by eg. fasting for a whole day. However I've already had a few situations where I haven't eaten for a few hours and I was fine. I was just hungry. A little weaker because of no carbs, but nowhere as fatigued as I used to be.

Orgasms. In the last week, I must have had almost two dozens of them. Haha, almost, but still a lot. My LTR and I have got "Back" together and we live very close to each other. So we've had sex every day for the last 7 days, every day would average to 2-3 orgasms. Therefore something between 14 and 21 ejaculations.

Now here comes the "almost 100% cured" part. 3 ejaculations ago I've had a weak POIS reaction - just burning eyes and a bit of fatigue, all in all maybe 5-10% of what it used to be. It lasted half a day. After sleep I haven't felt it. However, I think for most of you 2-3 ejaculations a day for a week is more than you ever wished for. Actually, I think a completely healthy person, if he ejaculated that many times in a week he'd be fatigued. So I don't think it's bad. Especially that post after every other ejaculation I felt completely fine.

I think it's amazing. For the first time in years I can choose whether I want to ejaculate or not, without "having to" not ejaculate. It's freedom for me. I no longer dread a whip behind me, punishing me everytime I wanted to do what felt natural and healthy for me. Now I can finally choose for myself. And it's a worthwhile choice, coz if you orgasm too much, you get lazy and complacent a bit, haha.

It's gonna get even better, coz it's only been few weeks. I hope not to have take this until the end of time, however, if I do have to, I don't mind, because...

LDN and TRT are extremely cheap.

I buy testosterone in the gray market and for TRT purposes, 70mg of enanthate weekly does the job well for me. It puts me in 1000ng/dL ~ range, together with syringes, this costs barely anything. The bottles I buy from steroid underground labs are usually dosed 250mg/ml, for quality 10ml vial I pay about 40$. Anyways, monthly cost sums about 3-4$. Yup.

Naltrexone is also cheap, because we're not using it in standard 50mg doses, but 4.5mg daily, which is 10x times less. I also buy those on my own. 3 tablets (3x50mg = 150mg / 4.5mg = 33,3 days, supply for a month) cost me about 5-8$.

Total cost of my treatment monthly: 12$ at worst.

In my fifth world country that is Poland I don't hope for finding a doctor that'd prescribe me all this. See, doctors don't like when you're being smarter than them at something. Especially when you're treating an illness that doesn't exist to them with off-label medications that are used for completely different purposes. I don't give a shit. I'm glad I took the matters in my own hands. I am well-versed in sourcing this stuff and I doubt I'd ever have any troubles finding testosterone or naltrexone in the gray/black market. Naltrexone is a bit worse, because it isn't used recreationally and isn't very popular. However I'm buying it from some guy who is also doing LDN therapy. And then, if I didn't have it for a couple weeks I don't think it'd be very problematic - only TRT is problematic, because once you start TRT, your body is addicted to exogenous testosterone. That's it.

Again, I'm glad I took the matters in my own hands, because a) I have no money for doctors, b) I don't trust doctors more than I trust myself, especially when an endocrinologist tells me 245ng/dL testosterone is "in range and fine for my age", c) I am confident in my ability to find solutions like those that I've found - I have the drive to learn, research papers, test myself and let my knowledge and intuition guide me. This healing took well shorter than if I were going to the doctors and hope for the best, instead I had full responsibility for my health in my hands. No handing that over to someone else that I don't know.

I'm not saying all doctors are shit. But if I were to collaborate with a doctor, he'd have to be my personal friend outside of doctor-patient relationship. I'd have to know he takes criticism and that he keeps studying and expanding his knowledge. I'd have to know he's the bold, determined type. I feel that way and I expect the same from people I collaborate with, otherwise we're not at the same level and we won't enjoy the teamwork. Hey, I might just post an ad... Looking to befriend a doctor. Lol

Last but not least, a week after I've started LDN (and few days after an orgasm with no symptoms) I've had a "healing session". The woman knew about my illness and I've talked to her. Now I neither believe or disbelieve in energy stuff. I've neither helped nor stood in the way of her. Basically, she said I have blocked sexuality and so on, and she was healing through touch. Whole session lasted about an hour together with asking/telling the story. It helped me feel better about not constraining my sexuality and also I've found out I can talk with my dead father. It is as weird for me to say that as it is unusual for you to read. And you may not believe it, but that's what happening. Since the healing session was directly about POIS, I thought it might be worth mentioning, though I felt fine even before the session.

TL;DR: 4.5mg low dose naltrexone daily together with a bit of TRT (because I had low T) and I can orgasm freely even dozen times a week.

Go and try out LDN therapy. It costs little, there's a lot of research behind it, and there's nothing to lose. You either benefit from it or not. I haven't read about any cases of worsening the symptoms. Even if your POIS type isn't hormonal it could help you out. With all the research on LDN, we know very little about it.

Use my experience for yourself. I wish you all the best guys.


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Hi Limitbreaker,

I am glad for you that you have found a way to control your POIS very effectively.  I say "to control", because, technically, it's not a cure, you have to keep on taking your treatment in order to control your POIS - a cure would be a treatment limited in time, done once, and then you don't have to do or take anything else, the illness is gone for good.  However, it is a great achievement to get 100% relief of your POIS symptoms, it is totally life-changing, and I feel the happiness and relief expressed through your words.

You have a very strong personality, and you are not afraid of anything, and not afraid to take risks, as I see, and I also feel you are quite resourceful, very smart, and very determined .   I must underline, for other members, that the road you have chosen is not for everybody, just like parachute jumping or any extreme sport is not for anybody.   Those not prepared and not used to a "bold" attitude like yours could experiment a living nightmare, if they were to choose this "limitbreaking" path.  One have to know his own limits before trying something risky and completely out of the norms, and against current authorities.   Obviously, I am sure that you will understand that, as a moderator, I have to say that this forum cannot endorse any treatment implying off label therapy using drugs bought on the black or gray market.

Nevertheless, I totally understand your dissatisfaction with how doctors handle - or, more frankly, do not handle at all - the POIS problem.   We are on our own, basically, and you did what you thought is best for you.   The risks you have taken have paid off, so far.  Stay cautious, and be safe, so that your good results stay as they are.

Hopefully, medical science will keep up with LDN, and with POIS.   LDN is already talked about in more known disease like multiple sclerosis, so this interest in illness that have huge research budgets will lead to scientific trials with it.  So, for those who prefer a safer approach, LDN may become part of "official" medicine in maybe 3 to 5 years, who knows.  For more information about LDN, see   ( LDN already have a sound Wikipage, sign that it may be on its way to become more used and more accepted, and more tested, too ).

I appreciate that you took the time to write an extensive post and share your POIS control method.  The more info we have on POIS and the way to control it, the best it is ( even if sometime implying "limitbreaking" means, the important thing being that they are clearly identified as such ).

Let us know in a few months if you still have good control of your POIS !

P.S.  In the title, you refer to your POIS as a "trauma-induced POIS".  I am not sure I ever heard about how your POIS first started, and I think it would be interesting to know a bit about this, if you agree, considering your successful control method.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 08:57:03 AM by Quantum »
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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I agree with you that this is definitely not for everyone. Sorry mate, I sometimes forget myself, and I forget that I'm a little different in regards of experimenting with things. Bordering on hastiness sometimes, it used to be. Also, I think I can consider myself very lucky. There are other people who have tried numerous treatments for POIS and haven't (yet!, brothers) seen much improvement.

I hope that someone (some doctor) will try LDN out for POIS. Somehow, it just fits. I am unsure about why it works, but I think if someone wants to try it out with a doctor, I think one can find sufficient proofs in medicinal journals about why LDN could work for POIS, thus inviting the doctor to try it. And if that doctor, or you, would like to contact me, I'm all here. I believe LDN, unlike TRT or other treatments, can target many different types of POIS.

I will report after some time, hopefully this continues. By the way, my nap times are shortening every day! When I've started napping (which was shortly after getting ill), my nap amounted to ~25 minutes. Over the years, I've managed to cut it down to 12 minutes. Lately though I feel fine on even shorter than 12 minutes, or no nap at all. Too early to say.

As for the trauma. 4 years ago I had two frightening experiences, two "bad trips" on psychedelic drugs, second was just one month after the first. And shortly after everything started to be wrong with my body, including getting POIS. Those were the most dreadful and frightening experiences in my life and I think they were frightening enough for me to say that I am not going to experience that degree of fear ever again, at least in this life. The worst is over, the worst is past me - unless I somehow found myself another nightmare. That'd be by my own intention, though. And I wouldn't do that - I don't need it anymore.

Yeah, right now it's only controlling POIS, however I've read that LDN can eventually cure stuff. As you can see my knowledge on this is just like that: "cure stuff" :D  I think I may try a break after a few months or so and see how I feel without it.


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Limitbreaker, please check your PM


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This sounds like a very promising treatment, Limitbreaker.

I was looking into naltrexone, and noticed that it was one of the few things that could help people with "Depersonalization disorder".

"The most common immediate precipitators of the disorder are severe stress; major depressive disorder and panic; and hallucinogen ingestion" - I thought that last part was interesting in the light of your own experiences. The symptoms of DD seem to have a significant crossover with what us POISers label "brain fog".

Please keep us up to date on your treatment - I am planning on buying a small quantity of naltexone myself to see if it makes any difference with my own POIS symptoms.


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This sounds like a very promising treatment, Limitbreaker.

I was looking into naltrexone, and noticed that it was one of the few things that could help people with "Depersonalization disorder".

"The most common immediate precipitators of the disorder are severe stress; major depressive disorder and panic; and hallucinogen ingestion" - I thought that last part was interesting in the light of your own experiences. The symptoms of DD seem to have a significant crossover with what us POISers label "brain fog".

Please keep us up to date on your treatment - I am planning on buying a small quantity of naltexone myself to see if it makes any difference with my own POIS symptoms.

My latest post was meant for this particular thread. And yes, I think hurray is completely right. I believe we experience some kind of DD when we are in POIS and suffer "brain fog".

I will copy what I said in the first part of this thread:

Well, I think this is really promising.

Naltrexone is an Opioid antagonist, which could work if POIS is what the Chinese researchers said it might be (this is quoted in a Forbes article, thanks demo for bringing this up):

Another theory suggests it might be a chemical imbalance in the brain similar to opioid withdrawal: Orgasm in these men may be consuming larger quantities of endogenous opioids compared to most men, triggering an opioid withdrawal-like state.

In my opinion, I started to feel POIS when I was 18 when I was experiencing a "withdrawal". You can call it a "falling in love-withdrawal", because I wasn't in love anymore and I experienced a deep sadness after months of being in an emotional rollercoaster I am sure I was producing a lot of adrenalin, serotonin, etc in insane quantities. In my case, I can signal this single event as the main cause of my POIS symptoms explosion .


I would like to ask you Limitbreaker whether you have experienced brain fog or not in your POIS symptoms. Another important question is; Have you tried niacin before? Did it work on you?

I have a feeling that this Naltrexone protocol could have excellent results on myself. It is important to consider that Naltrexone also works in an important number of patients suffering from CFS, Fybromialgia, etc.

Best Regards,


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Hi... I've been following this thread with interest and would like to try it.
Unfortunately in my country (Chile) Naltrexone is sold only in 50 mg dosis...
My question is, is it safe to take such a large dosis if we seem to only need 4,5mg? How do you get naltrexone in smaller dosis? Do you smash the pills and take only the needed amount?
Sorry if my questions are silly, but this POIS is driving me crazy and I'm willing to try any succesful method.




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Hi... I'm starting to take Naltrexone today. I cannot split the pill in less than 12,5 mg, so that is the dosage my doctor said I could take.
How long does it take for you to see results?
Please let me know.



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Great JP, hope it works for you.

Glad your doctor is riding along with you.

Give me a call. I left phone number in PM.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Great JP, hope it works for you.

Glad your doctor is riding along with you.

Give me a call. I left phone number in PM.

Hello Daveman, How are you doing?

I am also planning to start a trial with LDN in January. I firmly believe that it could be an amazing tool against POIS.

As you know, niacin completely blocks my cognitive and physical symptoms but not the digestive issues (that don't last really much, probably less than 24 hours) that always appear. It seems that LDN could also stop them and this is why I will give it a go.

I have been in touch with JP and it seems that he is experiencing positive results with LDN though it would be too early to say. He will tell us his own account in the coming weeks.

PS. This documentary is a must-watch:


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I see that LDN is not available online. How to order this kind of drug ?

Since this drug is used treat addiction, do think is legal to ship it internationally ?


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I see that LDN is not available online. How to order this kind of drug ?

Since this drug is used treat addiction, do think is legal to ship it internationally ?

Hello Jimmy, I think you should get a prescription by your doctor.

You should contact an open-minded GP who could be willing to give you a prescription. I found some websites that claim that they sell this product but I am unsure about their reliability.


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Hi everyone,

As Observer says, I have started LDN treatment as indicated by Limitbreaker last week. Seems too early to give a serious opinion, but I'm willing to give it a chance.
I am taking 4,5 mg naltrexone at night. Since the pills come in 50 mg, I had to dilute a pill in water to get the right dose.
I think I'll be trying this for some months to give it a try. I'll keep you posted about this.

Best regards,



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Good luck.  These products are powerfull so you may have quick improvments.
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Hi everyone,

As promised, I'm posting after trying out the LDN method.

After 3 1/2 weeks of taking a Low Dose Naltrexone dosis of 4,5 mg I had an "O".

The day after (today), I can say I'm feeling better, but not as well a normal non-POIS day. Still I feel sweaty legs, some fatigue, and heat rashes, something common in my POIS days, which lasts till after two nights of deep sleep.

On the other hand, I am not feeling cold nor chills, and my stomach is good. My eyes and skin are not dry as usual in POIS days.

I think the LDN has helped me, but I was expecting more POIS relief. It's still not a normal day as I had wished, but I could say that I'm on my 75% performance. Though better, I aim for a full recovery and I won't be satisfied until I get it.

I will continue taking naltrexone hoping for a 100% recovery after an "O", a fulll POIS-free day.

Will keep you posted on my progress.

Best regards,



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Thank you very much for report. Gives as a feedback how things are going after some time.
Me also thinking to give a tray with LDN.


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Thank you very much for report. Gives as a feedback how things are going after some time.
Me also thinking to give a tray with LDN.

I am also going to start the use of LDN. I obtained the drug under medical prescription. Why? Because niacin blocks my cognitive POIS symptoms (still does it after 6/7 years of continuous use), but it doesn't block the bowel/gut issues. I have noticed that they have gotten worse over time (it is not chronic, but they last 2-3 days after an Orgasm - digestion is not great and certain foods are not well tolerated by my digestive system during this period). I am encouraged by the results of the author of this thread.

I will start with 1.5 mg. It will take a while to work, so i could test the "other method" again.

The success of LDN will probably indicate that POIS is an auto-immune condition. I also think that people suffering from different POIS-types could benefit from their use.


LDN is a game changing medication that evolved from the treatment of opiate-addiction. It is now improving the lives of patients suffering with cancer, Crohn's Disease, Rheumatroid Arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis. It is also proving very effective in the treatment of chronic pain.

LDN is a very interesting medication that started out in the treatment of opiate-addiction a long time ago. This was at a dose of 50mg daily. It was found that at a very low dose (less than 4.5mg daily - just under 10%), it had significant pain and immunomodulatory effects. This is most likely because it blocks endogenous opioids, leading to a reflex increase in endorphins that cause a "feel-good" effect and hence cause significant pain relief.

This effect also has the benefit of modifying the immune system to prevent over and under-immunoactivity. Hence, this drug is widely in use in chronic pain management and as an adjunct in some forms of cancer therapy.

It is useful in many conditions where the immune system is overactive, including Crohn's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis. It is now off-patent meaning that it is relatively inexpensive and practical for long-term use. We at the Gleneagle clinic are expert at the appropriate prescription of LDN. We are familiar with the indications, any contra-indications and any side-effects of this safe and effective medication.

PS: If you are from Ireland, you might see the doctors of this clinic. I am sure that they could become allies of our cause:

Dr Andrew O'Flaherty
Dr Edmond O'Flaherty



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Any update from every LDN user?  Has someone try already Oxytocin?  My pois began as child I was very very very sensitive.  I thought semen to be some terrible disease and should not come from my body at all.  I use to panic when it happen and I had no control over it.  I later learn it is normal but by the time I learn this, I already had full POIS.  Now I do know but pois still happen, very pale skin and muscular weakness.   
POIS Free, 2+ yrs (occasional/predictive lapses)
Pois symptoms: Peripheral (Skin: Urticaria, dryness, pale blotchy skin), Exasperation of: [Nerve weakness, Muscle weakness + Mental (CNS: Brain Fog, Irritation, Isolation, Speech lethargy, Anxiety)].
Other conditions: ASD, ADD, GA


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His swell, similar things was hapens to me on those time as a kid discovering sexuality.
I must ask you one quest... I remeber at that time of my first and second eyaculation
that there was blod in sperm. I was quite scared that time as a kid when i so blod from penis. I remeber after those first two, later in my life i newer expirience blod in sperm( here is discusions a lot about couses of our illnes, one of them is autoimune etc...)
I dont know is it normall to hawe blod in sperm in first ejaculation, maybe in that time i get autoimune to my own sperm.
Do you remeber the blod in your sperm on first eyaculation? Or enybody else?

I am trying to get LDN to test. It loks wery promising.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 08:26:18 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Hi Hopeoneday,
when I was a kid I had a similar thing... First time I had one I was very young and I was an ignorant on sexual stuff... I did not even know about the ejaculation part, I was watching some stuff and I was so much into it and suddenly the ejaculation came and I did not even know what it is and I thought that I was going to die for real... I only calmed down some time after the ejaculation finished... I am not sure about the blood in the sperm as I was too busy saying my last prayers, but I might have had them. After that I got educated on the matter, I never experienced that feeling after, but I think that the subconscious mind somehow is still saving that event and reacting according to it somehow. That leads me to sometimes think that my pois can be related somehow to PTSD.

Anyways, I also want to try LDN, but until now I could not find Naltrexone in my country.