Author Topic: Propranolol (Betablocker) reduced the intensity of my POIS by atleast 75%  (Read 18739 times)


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Again tested 40 mg 1 hour before O, and another 10 mg a few minutes before O, but wasn't effective at all at stopping POIS.


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I have significant heart reaction with my POIS that has only worsened over the years. But I can not tolerate beta blockers because my heart rate reaction involves breathing problems and dilation. Beta blockers dilate blood vessels even more. As a side not my racing heart does not involve high blood pressure but it could if I have a breathing attack. It?s complicated.
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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Re: Propranolol (Betablocker) reduced the intensity of my POIS by atleast 75%
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2021, 09:33:15 AM »
I was testing Propranolol since begining of fall and it's the most promising thing for me.
 Turns out green tea particulary messes me up ( I become shaky inside, heart starts pumpin', prone to joints pain, any emotional situation pushes me off limit to akin adrenaline rush at first seconds of fright, but prolonged in time, bad bloodflow, shortness of breath etc.)
 So if I have a cup of green tea only Anaprilin can help me after (it doesn't go away FULLY on it's own). Usually I would take 20mg with wheat bakery (or with cheese in addition- even better) then sit at home next day, since I can't walk too much after anapriline, and then ejaculate in the evening. After that I good to go, can walk normally and exist without any "adrenaline" symptoms.
 Temperature changes can still mess me up, but it's managable, I didn't happen to test stress resilience in extreme situations but casual situations are no problem (unlike in the green tea phases). I also yet to test waking up before fully rested (with alarm clock) on this scheme.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 08:46:26 PM by an-y-more »


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I just want to bump this topic because Propranolol (in much higher dosage) is the cornerstone of POIS moving from total life devastation to managed condition.  I've taken propranolol XR 60 mg 2x a day for the last 18 months and it controls 80%+ of the symptoms.   I also take a daily allegra, and famatodine and those seem to help with the remaining 20%. I have to be careful with gluten, lack of quality sleep, and indulgence in alcohol or other substances.  I can still have severe POIS events if sex is combined with another of these contributing factors.

Nevertheless, sex and masturbation have returned with relative normalcy and on most days I am a normal functioning person again. 


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I just want to bump this topic because Propranolol (in much higher dosage) is the cornerstone of POIS moving from total life devastation to managed condition.  I've taken propranolol XR 60 mg 2x a day for the last 18 months and it controls 80%+ of the symptoms.   I also take a daily allegra, and famatodine and those seem to help with the remaining 20%. I have to be careful with gluten, lack of quality sleep, and indulgence in alcohol or other substances.  I can still have severe POIS events if sex is combined with another of these contributing factors.

Nevertheless, sex and masturbation have returned with relative normalcy and on most days I am a normal functioning person again.
Thank you for sharing this important information, OpiesDad.  I am glad you have found a good relief method.

I have added you as a reference member in my POIS Types Chart, in the propranolol section - see section #10 at .

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excellent thanks for adding me to the write-up, Quantum.  It's accurate, except ultimately Niacin did not do much for me but sudafed does help.


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excellent thanks for adding me to the write-up, Quantum.  It's accurate, except ultimately Niacin did not do much for me but sudafed does help.
Ok, I have edited a bit the niacin part. 

It is interesting to note that you, and Arun, had a racing heart ( tachycardia) in common while in POIS , and that beta-blockers like propranolol slow down the heart by blocking the beta-adrenergic receptors.   

This block of the adrenergic receptors is also effective against very high adrenergic stimulation/stress generating high anxiety.  It blocks not only rapid heart rhythm, but also tremors, and panic-like anxiety, like stage fright, so can explain that it eases the social interactions, if we consider social activities as the "stage" of life.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2022, 09:58:36 PM by Quantum »
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Yes.  Very much so. It is prescribed off label for migraines as well and I find that it manages some of the uncomfortable head pressure I get with POIS. The stage fright dose tho is 10 - 20 mg. Very low bordering on placebo. For POIS, I take 60 to 180 mg of extended release. Still in the safe range but a much more significant quantity.