Author Topic: The pois is over  (Read 44158 times)


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The pois is over
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:04:32 PM »
Today the 3 july 2015 it was my birthday
i couldn't expect so huge present for my now 37 years

A long, long way so much sacrifices and finally i beat the illness
in 2012 my pois almost killed me
i was in the hospital, i stayed 5 days in a bed like dead
the doctors didn't know was wrong, so they put me in psychiatric section and refusing to study my case
a strange feeling to feel the death
i hadn't the time to cry
at this moment it was the beginning of my study
i wrote three books, with notes, theory
i bought a smartphone beacause of that
for writing my treatments, the effects, the changements, the results, be aware and make my research
i printed hundreds medicals files, read hundreds articles, you know this story
i had to stop my work, i was photographer, too sick
i had to stop seeing my friends, and i lost amost all of them
i saw rarely my familly
for 4 years i was living like that.
It wasn't living but just surviving
my only focus was the pois
i had only that, beat that sickness
and go back to a normal life
i have no wife, no children
and i couldn't
Finally i done what i have to do
Now i feel like a normal guy
i had strong physicals, psycho, and neuro symptoms
now it s over.
I ll reply you in a few days
my study.
It was not only my victory but our victory
the doctors, hospitals, refused to do their job
so we did it
we beat and finish a rarely sickness
i don't know if there s any case like that in history

Demo, i never found the moment to speak with you
i just want to say thank you for all you did for the communauty
you probably saved my life with this website and for others poisers
the same for you daveman
steph thanks for your kind messages, your support, i did it !!
quantum, je voulais te remercier aussi pour tes messages, ton devouement, ta motivation et ta presence active sur le forum
si tu veux on pourra se parler via skype
labyrinth we shared so much messages, you know, you were so much busy on the forum
i hope my study ll cured you
thanks all the others poisers on the forum

i ll write in a couples of days
my study
there s hopĂȘ
there have always been hope

« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 09:09:10 PM by Outsider »
36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2015, 03:00:45 PM »


« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 11:27:01 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2015, 04:07:45 PM »
what is happening brother ?! any thing extraordinary
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2015, 07:37:43 PM »

It sounds like something very good has happened for you!

We're looking forward to hearing all about it.



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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2015, 11:41:39 AM »
Happy to hear about your success !

Can't wait to know the details ...


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2015, 09:38:53 AM »
Will you provide updates outsider ?



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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2015, 01:34:47 PM »
30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2015, 03:56:08 PM »
the research is right something is wrong with the vagus nerve
it seems like there s a inflammation on the left side on the x nerve
who can be explained by the shower problem
this Dysfunction, decrease the level of acethylcholine.

my addiction to olanzapine
helped to understand better my pois.
I tried so many times to stop it, or to switch it with many complement food and medication
i always failed.
So i remembered something
olanzapine decrease the level of dopamine, noradrenaline, and  adrenalin.
So it s like many neuroleptic a cholinergic effect, who increase the vagal activity
high nora, adrena, and dopa= low vagal activity.
Theses hormones are released with  Excitement
like our pois.
For me, sexe without ejaculation is enough for being sick because of the excitement
the nicotine, coffee, tea are also involved with Excitement.

for the shower, if i pass hot water on the left side on my neck
i m pretty bad sick, with strong inflammatory symptoms
but if i miss this part of the body and pass a few minutes on the right side of the vagus nerve
i m not sick and it really help me.
But not too long and too hot.
on the other hand, cold on the left side of the vgs nrve, decrease the symptoms.

With my olanzapine study,
i stopped it and tried a cholinergic
the mytelase,
and soy Lecithin for keeping high level of choline
and acethylcholine.
The mytelase  helps for ach the transmission  and increases levels of ach.
When i began this medication, i was like cured
the neuro and psycho symptoms were gone, and it was just wonderfull to feel any symptoms.

The mytelase has stong side effect
tough spasms, nausea, dizziness
i take it at the end of my meal
and it s perfect.
I take 60mg by day
i tried 30mg it doesn't work.

I  hope it ll help you.
Reply me in this link if you try the treatment
and tell me  the results
this is perhaps the beginning of something
36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2015, 02:15:30 PM »
Hi Outsider,

Congratulations on getting a cure for your POIS and relief from your symptoms.

I am just curious, do you think this is the final fix for your symptoms?

If so, it would be great if you can explain this a little more.

Most of the things you mention seem like drugs that a person would need to get on a prescription from their GP.

Also, are there also potential side effects here to be considered?

As you seem confident that this is a potential identification of the causes of POIS and potential solution, based on what seems like severe symptoms and also a lot of analysis and pain staking research from you, I hope the researchers are looking at this idea and your contributions.

Hope it is good news and a final result for you.

A final question - do you think this approach is most likely to work best if a person has not suffered from POIS for too long.

My own theory is that the longer one had experienced the chronic symptoms of POIS, the harder it is to shift. It is my experience but may not be true. As ever, I am really interested in everyone's opinions as I learn a lot from reading the forum posts.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 02:18:33 PM by Colm »


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2015, 11:47:18 PM »

My own theory is that the longer one had experienced the chronic symptoms of POIS, the harder it is to shift.

Colm, I used to think the same way...until I found my personal silver bullet...after 30++ years of severe POIS -- and numerous failures.

No in-depth theories/analytics: I think I just got very lucky.
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2015, 06:27:47 AM »
Hi Outsider,

Congratulations on getting a cure for your POIS and relief from your symptoms.

I am just curious, do you think this is the final fix for your symptoms?

If so, it would be great if you can explain this a little more.

Most of the things you mention seem like drugs that a person would need to get on a prescription from their GP.

Also, are there also potential side effects here to be considered?

As you seem confident that this is a potential identification of the causes of POIS and potential solution, based on what seems like severe symptoms and also a lot of analysis and pain staking research from you, I hope the researchers are looking at this idea and your contributions.

Hope it is good news and a final result for you.

A final question - do you think this approach is most likely to work best if a person has not suffered from POIS for too long.

My own theory is that the longer one had experienced the chronic symptoms of POIS, the harder it is to shift. It is my experience but may not be true. As ever, I am really interested in everyone's opinions as I learn a lot from reading the forum posts.

Hi colm,
this treatment isn't psychotropic
Lecithin soya is a complement food
and mytelase is neuro meds

Also, to pass hot or cold in the vagus nerve like i explained
works pretty good

Now i m taking mytelase at the end of my meal, and i don't have the side effect
if i had to choose between the side effect of mytelase and my pois
i take the first option .....

Now, i m like you, i had my pois for a long time, since 14 years old, and i m 37 years old now
my symptoms were getting too strong

i advise you to adapt this study to your own pois
the same for the others
reply me in this link

36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2015, 04:00:29 PM »
outsider thanks for the post and  effort

How long did you try this solution before seeing improvements, does work almost right away or do you have to wait for the effects to build. 
When  running water across the vagus nerve,  how hot is the water and cold is the water
Why does hot water and cold water affect the vagus nerve differently
From your research what is connection between vagus nerve and acetylcholine
Why is increasing  choline intake not enough to provide relief

" some personal somewhat proof for this solution":  from my little reading after seeing your post i discovered an abundance of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, combined with a nearly complete absence of monoamine - neurotransmitters histamine, serotonin, and norepinepherine promotes Rem sleep, which is when  dreams are most vivid. I have  known for a long time that my dreams are not as vivid and " creatively weird" when am in pois compared to when am normal.


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2015, 04:00:55 PM »
Did you try lighter remedies for rising Acetyloholine? Huperzine A or Acetyl-l-carnitine?


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2015, 01:13:22 PM »
I always thought that our problem must be high level of acetilcholine ( but not low. High level of acetilcholine would explain the vivid dream almost all of poisers have.

But it is very interesting that this helps you, outsider. Answer to me: do you also have vivid dreams when you are in POIS?

One doubt: exist a exam to detect the lever of acetilcholine in our body?


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2015, 08:03:34 PM »
for me anything that raises acetyl choline hurts me so . there is interpersonal variations and we dont have the exact same illness . we have different pathology with the same manifestation . i tried soy lecithen before and put me on brain fire . thanks outsider good job hope u have better life now
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2015, 06:56:28 AM »
outsider thanks for the post and  effort

How long did you try this solution before seeing improvements, does work almost right away or do you have to wait for the effects to build. 
When  running water across the vagus nerve,  how hot is the water and cold is the water
Why does hot water and cold water affect the vagus nerve differently
From your research what is connection between vagus nerve and acetylcholine
Why is increasing  choline intake not enough to provide relief

" some personal somewhat proof for this solution":  from my little reading after seeing your post i discovered an abundance of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, combined with a nearly complete absence of monoamine - neurotransmitters histamine, serotonin, and norepinepherine promotes Rem sleep, which is when  dreams are most vivid. I have  known for a long time that my dreams are not as vivid and " creatively weird" when am in pois compared to when am normal.

Cold is anti inflammatory
Hot is relaxing, but inflammatory
That s why shower can help some poisers
Or make you sick.
And it s affecting the x nerve for the bad or the good.
You need to experiment by youself and adapting for your own Pois.
The mytelase works in 30mn and live 5h, 6h.
For me completly cured the same Day, and i can feel the inprovement in 1h.
It s important to take it with food, at the end of your meal.

The acetylcholine is made by the vagus nerve.
I know it s not easy but you need to adapt all this informations with your own pois.
Especially if you have another medication like neuroleptics and anti histaminic
36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2015, 03:24:05 PM »
 How much is  mytelase in your country? Does it need prescription?

I loof for it in Brazil, but it is not produced here....


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2015, 03:42:39 PM »
 How much is  mytelase in your country? Does it need prescription?

I loof for it in Brazil, but it is not produced here....

Hi fidalgo,
i don't know about the price, i have my insurance in france.
But i don't think so it s an expensive stuff
there s other medication who work like mytelase.
Looking for, cholinergic treatment, helping for transmission nerve and acetylcholine.
You need to make some research and to ask your doctor, especially if you already have a treatment.
You know, it s better to speak with your doctor about this study, and if he s ok for a prescription with these neuro meds.

For me it s safe, i made some long research, before, and it s fucking work
 know, i m taking mytelase with food i don t have the side effect anymore.

Reply us, if you have the opportunity to try this neuro meds.
And also, think about acetylcholine level
take care with food, and don t forget to take it a the end of the meal

Hoping, it ll help you
36 years old, very strong physical symptoms past my 33 years,
symp psycho, neuro and physical


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2015, 10:20:49 AM »
Hi Oursider,

I am glad you have found something that works. Have you worked out the most you can shoot in a month yet? For me with my medication the "happy" balance is having sex 3 times a month. This means I can give her max 12 orgasms a month (usually 3 weekends in bed). This is because I can pleasure her orally without getting POIS when I take progesterone. I does mean the window of opportunity is quite small and sex for her can only happen on nine specific days of the month. I recently broke my ten day shoot rule and was fine until 6 days later when I found myself in complete exhaustion and a two day depression (crying like a baby). Just thought I would share that! One good side effect of taking progesterone is that it reduces sex drive. I very rarely wake up with a raging hard on now so it has a little effect on reducing sexual frustration. I think we know what sexual frustration feels like!

Can you please clarify the following points:

1) How long have you been trailing mytelase?
2) How do you take the medication? (for example after one orgasm I take 35mg of progesterone over five days to minimise symptoms. Thats daily amounts if 10,10,5,5,5mg respectively)
3) do you take the drug as and when required or all the time?
4) How long does it take to work? (e.g. for me I know progesterone fully kicks in after 30 mins)

I look forward to your response!

Thanks FloppyB
p.s. I saw that mytelase has a low bioavailablilty. I wonder if that means that there is more chance of getting an inconsistent dose as only a low amount is absorbed by the body...
30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.


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Re: The pois is over
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2015, 12:32:49 PM »
Hi Outsider,

I'm looking forward to hearing your response to my questions in this trail:-)  I went to a local GP in the UK where I live and asked for Mytelase. He advised that it would not be possible to get it from a GP on the national health service. I mentioned you got it from a GP in France. The UK GP advised me I could go to France and probably be able to get it. He also mentioned trying to see a specialist, which I am, a neurologist.

Also, I'm curious how many times a day you take it. Is the 60mg spread across a few meals?

Thanks!!!!!! FloppyB
30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.