Author Topic: Secondary discussion area now up on reddit:  (Read 7575 times)


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Adjunct discussion area for POIS

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Hi and I hope that everyone is doing well. Like many others of you I'm still trying to find good treatment for my POIS, and this forum is one of the best/only places to find such information. But again, like many of you here, I deal with very heavy, daily fatigue and I find it quite hard to sift through all of the forum posts. There are 13 categories with a bunch of threads in each, and then within that, pages of individual posts.

Again I think this forum is an amazing resource for getting together and sharing info and organizing, I'm only bringing this up because for me personally it's very, very difficult to go through all of this information post by post and find the info most relevant to me to help me make headway in curing my POIS and get my life back together, as I'm sure everyone else on here is trying to do. I just want to make this easiest on everyone as this is so important to all of us of course. I sure we would all read every single post if we could to find that gold nugget of information that might help up cure our POIS, but we can't especially with the fatigue that many of us share.

So what I'm suggesting is maybe having a secondary discussion area of our own on where people can get a quicker, easier to read, digested version of the activity on the forum. When you make your own section on reddit it's called a "subreddit". All of the posts are in one single easy to read stream so people can get the most important information quickly.

Another useful function is the upvote and downvote function, so POIS sufferers can push the posts that they think are most helpful to the top and give them the most visibility. Users can post both links and text posts, and there is a comment section for each post where users can even upvote the comments that they find most helpful. I think this would be great for us so users could very quickly find helpful information to help them best cure their POIS and help others do the same.

As a reminder is website that hosted user mellivora's AMA (online Q&A session about POIS) which helped not only raise more awareness about POIS, but it also pushed us to and above the $33,500 donation threshold for the NORD grant and made the exciting research that's happening today possible.

It was also where I did a 2nd POIS AMA a couple years later.

I've already secured the URL which is obviously not active yet, but you can check out how reddit works by clicking through and going to the homepage, or checking out one of the subreddits such as this one, Obviously I would add all the current mods here as moderators there, and probably remove myself as one.

What do you guys think? Again I don't want to replace this forum completely and of course I appreciate everyone who made the poiscenter forum happen, it's just a suggestion as an addition resource for POISers.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 08:09:24 PM by dean93 »


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I think this is a fantastic idea! Reddit is one of the best information sorters out there: in general, quality goes to the top, crap goes down or away. Speaking of, we would need mods to make it work. I check reddit at least 10 times a day, so I'd be happy to moderate. I think it's vital, I've been through the rough days where we had a virtual free-for-all of the Naked Scientist Forums and learned how important it is to have rules to follow and that are enforced.
Turmeric and Rosemary 30-45 minutes before orgasm for anti-inflammatory and immune support has helped me a lot. Faster and easier than niacin approach.


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I think this is a fantastic idea! Reddit is one of the best information sorters out there: in general, quality goes to the top, crap goes down or away. Speaking of, we would need mods to make it work. I check reddit at least 10 times a day, so I'd be happy to moderate. I think it's vital, I've been through the rough days where we had a virtual free-for-all of the Naked Scientist Forums and learned how important it is to have rules to follow and that are enforced.

Awesome! It's great too get good feedback. Now just to wait and see what others think of the idea. I definitely agree that good moderators are vital; I would essentially leave t up the the current leadership of this forum to decide modship.


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I totally agree with Nightingale. We should aim for maximum exposure of our issue. Many fellow sufferers might be out there seeking answers, totally unaware that their ailment has a name.


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Made an alternative POIS subreddit called /r/POIS_
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2023, 06:08:23 PM »
Made an alternative POIS subreddit called

Given that the main /r/POIS subreddit has had changes that not everyone may like I have made a new POIS subreddit as an alternative for those who find the rules/checks on what can be posted and so on too restrictive

This way power is also distributed more evently between the POIS communities so a single person/a group cannot take a full control of a particular POIS group and then change it to their fitting

It can also help SEO/general POIS info-spread

Those willing to join for any reason are welcome and can make posts and comments

Roles and flairs and customizations will be added over time

Anyone having any suggestions can post them too here or on the subreddit


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Re: Made an alternative POIS subreddit called /r/POIS_
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2023, 01:46:14 AM »

Made an alternative POIS subreddit called

Given that the main /r/POIS subreddit has had changes that not everyone may like I have made a new POIS subreddit as an alternative for those who find the rules/checks on what can be posted and so on too restrictive

This way power is also distributed more evently between the POIS communities so a single person/a group cannot take a full control of a particular POIS group and then change it to their fitting

It can also help SEO/general POIS info-spread

Those willing to join for any reason are welcome and can make posts and comments

Roles and flairs and customizations will be added over time

Anyone having any suggestions can post them too here or on the subreddit

Thank you, Journey.

Sent to the 2023 POIS Study Research Team.

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Finally the /r/POIS subreddit and POIS awareness in general is increasing
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2023, 03:01:19 AM »
The /r/POIS subreddit has grown a lot from around 300 users in 2019 when I first posted there to 2310 users now as of early 2023

The current trend is very positive and I sense that it will only get more popular with time as more and more people previously lied to and brainwashed by NoFap/Semen Retention into thinking everyone has such symptoms or that they did it to themselves or that it can be cured by abstaining long enough, will see through the scam and look for more answers

Years ago it seems POIS was relatively unheard of and one would be given the usual advice "just stop jerking off" or "it is in your head" but now more and more even on random mainstream sites/forums if one talks about post-orgasm/ejaculation symptoms and POIS I notice sometimes even those without POIS tell them it is called post orgasmic illness syndrome and give links to resources/communities about it

Of course even with good growth we must strive for continued advertising/awareness rising as every single POISer found and each post/advertisement about it is VERY BENEFICIAL and leads to a POSITIVE FEEDBACK LOOP EFFECT.


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The /r/POIS subreddit has grown a lot from around 300 users in 2019 when I first posted there to 2310 users now as of early 2023…

/r/POIS subreddit user size & growth statistics sent to 2023 POIS Research Study team.

Thank you, Journey.
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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  • INTP, 19 y.o. aware of POIS since 2019
REMOVED added the 2+ week posting limit a while ago to /r/POIS based on his COMPLETELY PERSONAL OPINION without probably even talking with other mods first

Now many new users who join reddit probably having never had a reddit account before just to be able to share their POIS experience are not able to post, some users have already commented how they were not able to post

This slows down potential of new users being able to share their cases and get help and they may leave and not research POIS again

And REMOVED says it is partially because of his fear of me making "alts" to "ban evade"

His neuroticism makes him unable to see that the harm of slowing down growth and interaction on /r/POIS with this stupid useless new regulation is far worse than any possible harm he thinks I may do by rejoining with a possible alt (irony being my contribution on /r/POIS has been very good and he banned me only due to "spam" - which in his view is anything that exceeds his weird personal limit on posting activity as he has some overstimulation issue or something but instead of letting the subreddit be as open as possible he tries to adjust it to his own personal preferences NOT TAKING into account that others may PREFER a more fast-paced/more-active subreddit posting style

Overall his moderation has been terrible as it is largely driven by his neurotic-obsessive tendencies and desire to control things too much - the good things he has done are flairs and quality control but post amount limit/account limits themselves are terrible

/r/POIS needs to have a mod that is not fully controlled by REMOVED as it seems he also controls other mods for example it seems he encouraged REMOVED_ALSO to stop messaging me either directly or indirectly as before REMOVED_ALSO (/u/...) got modded he answered my Reddit DMs but AFTER he stopped answering my DMs and blocked me

Whoever is in contact of one of the 3 original /r/POIS mods please contact them about REMOVED situation and the subreddit-growth slowing useless changes he has introduced

It seems like there is no sharing of power between staff on /r/POIS and REMOVED just single handedly makes changes and then makes other staff agree with it

I am not engaging in any of the behaviors that REMOVED is worried about which he originally banned me for yet he still neurotically insists I must stay banned solely due to a PAST offense that is unrelated to the present behavior

The fact that his introduction of account posting limits got partially motivated by a fear of me returning with "alts" to "ban evade" shows his own personal feelings and specifications often influence his moderation decisions meaning he is not objective enough to be able to moderate /r/POIS
« Last Edit: January 19, 2023, 01:43:29 AM by berlin1984 »


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Yes, it takes a reddit account that is 15+ days old & minimum of 3 comment karma (3 comment upvotes on reddit site wide) to participate at r/POIS. They are still free to browse the subreddit, sidebar, links to poiscenter, etc in the meantime. It is to prevent low quality content, spammers, and trolls from polluting the subreddit. I would say 70% of all posts made by accounts that fail to meet the threshold (and subsequently automatically removed) are either 1) low quality or 2) spam/trolling. Mods still keep an eye out on the posts/comments that are automatically removed (when the user does has not hit the required account age/comment karma threshold) and approve them when we can see they are genuine and legit. You can see this when a post or comment has a green "approved" symbol.

Here is an excellent example of it in practice, which happened 9 hours ago from the writing of this comment:
Image in mod log:
The post it automatically removed:

More examples:
Another example of comment that was removed by automod (3 days ago):
Here's an example of a genuine comment that was removed by automod, but approved by a mod as we saw it was legitimate (you can see the approved comment/post green symbol):

If we see that a post that is legit and genuine has been automatically removed, we overwrite the automod and approve it.

We are open to feedback / criticism for how we can improve the system, but for now it greatly reduces mod work and keeps the subreddit much tidier than if we didn't have it.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 03:30:11 PM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Yes, it takes a reddit account that is 15+ days old & minimum of 3 comment karma (3 comment upvotes on reddit site wide) to participate at r/POIS. They are still free to browse the subreddit, sidebar, links to poiscenter, etc in the meantime. It is to prevent low quality content, spammers, and trolls from polluting the subreddit. I would say 70% of all posts made by accounts that fail to meet the threshold (and subsequently automatically removed) are either 1) low quality or 2) spam/trolling. Mods still keep an eye out on the posts/comments that are automatically removed (when the user does has not hit the required account age/comment karma threshold) and approve them when we can see they are genuine and legit. You can see this when a post or comment has a green "approved" symbol.

Here is an excellent example of it in practice, which happened 9 hours ago from the writing of this comment:
Image in mod log:
The post it automatically removed:

More examples:
Another example of comment that was removed by automod (3 days ago):
Here's an example of a genuine comment that was removed by automod, but approved by a mod as we saw it was legitimate (you can see the approved comment/post green symbol):

If we see that a post that is legit and genuine has been automatically removed, we overwrite the automod and approve it.

We are open to feedback / criticism for how we can improve the system, but for now it greatly reduces mod work and keeps the subreddit much tidier than if we didn't have it.

I see, it seems someone wanted to make a post from a spiritual type of perspective even though POIS is more scientific focused and such ideas often come from sr/nofap types and have been already heard many times by POISers it could help to encourage debate/change the opinions of more fanatic Semen Retention NoFap types to see POIS in a more scientific rational way so allowing such posts can be good

Also I wanted to talk with you about stuff privately on Reddit but you blocked me (/u/EnergeticOrganizer) can you please unblock me? We had DMed before you became a mod and you only blocked me after you became a mod


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Re: Secondary discussion area now up on reddit:
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2023, 09:59:38 AM »
Why did my mention of the particular user get removed?


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Re: Secondary discussion area now up on reddit:
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2023, 10:17:04 PM »
Why did my mention of the particular user get removed?

Hi Journey,

The POIS community is a small one. Naming and blaming here a moderator from another POIS forum is not in the spirit of POISCenter.  Feel free to review POISCenter community guidelines at  You will notice that the first guideline is "Be nice, be supportive".  Your post has all the characteristics of a personal attack.  Even if this post is less offensive and does not use the abusive language displayed in previous posts of yours with Reddit mods (the screenshots of these also have been removed), it is still far from being nice and supportive.

You already have received sufficient explanations as to why you have been banned on this other forum.  The main goals of POISCenter are to raise awareness about POIS, to share information and hypothesis about POIS, and to find support and understanding.  The POISCenter admin team would appreciate your posts to stay related to these goals.

Thanks for your cooperation !

You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Yes, it takes a reddit account that is 15+ days old & minimum of 3 comment karma (3 comment upvotes on reddit site wide) to participate at r/POIS. They are still free to browse the subreddit, sidebar, links to poiscenter, etc in the meantime. It is to prevent low quality content, spammers, and trolls from polluting the subreddit. I would say 70% of all posts made by accounts that fail to meet the threshold (and subsequently automatically removed) are either 1) low quality or 2) spam/trolling. Mods still keep an eye out on the posts/comments that are automatically removed (when the user does has not hit the required account age/comment karma threshold) and approve them when we can see they are genuine and legit. You can see this when a post or comment has a green "approved" symbol.

Here is an excellent example of it in practice, which happened 9 hours ago from the writing of this comment:
Image in mod log:
The post it automatically removed:

More examples:
Another example of comment that was removed by automod (3 days ago):
Here's an example of a genuine comment that was removed by automod, but approved by a mod as we saw it was legitimate (you can see the approved comment/post green symbol):

If we see that a post that is legit and genuine has been automatically removed, we overwrite the automod and approve it.

We are open to feedback / criticism for how we can improve the system, but for now it greatly reduces mod work and keeps the subreddit much tidier than if we didn't have it.
Please check my response I sent in messages