We should be ready by April to bring in some of the gentlemen who live locally to begin the lab-based part of the study.
I missed this post in all the traffic! I just spoke by Skype with Dr. Wise, she again said she is hoping to have participants come in by the end of this month!
I have been describing to Dr. Wise in very fine detail how my version of POIS feels like. The arousal, ejaculation, orgasm, and how all my symptoms set in, as if I were giving a very detailed news report about how this illness feels for me. It's a very open conversation, if you are going to talk to her you will be sharing some very personal things! And that's why I'm very excited to know we have Dr. Wise helping us, she has a great attitude and has done a great job at making me feel comfortable in sharing this personal information of mine. She is a sex therapist, so it is like therapy. You tell her how you feel, and she asks more questions

I would encourage you all to work on your own "report" of how POIS happens to you, like a story but with very specific details. The most important details are what symptoms and how strong they are, at specific times (arousal, orgasm, post orgasm). I have been very specific, and I have more to describe. I'm reminded just how complex and amazing sex, orgasm and illness really is. Describing to another person POIS, what I've known so well for many many years, is not easy!