Hi everyone,
In the last 2 weeks, since i have discovered this forum, my understanding of POIS has made a quantum leap ( pun intended!

). One of the great revelation for me about POIS have been its relation to allergy and auto-immunity. For the last 36 years, it never came to me that an allergic or immune reaction could be at the base of my symptoms, because I never had any of the allergy-like cluster of symptoms (runny nose, itchy eyes, local swelling, and so on), corresponding to a type I hypersensitivity reaction. I did not have symptoms neither from the flu-like cluster of symptoms ( fever, muscle aches, joint pains,...) related to a type IV hypersensitivity reaction. My symptoms are more related to the metabolic consequences of those immune imbalance due to overproduction of cytokines and other immune inflammatory messengers. My extreme fatigue, hypotension, exercise intolerance, emotional liability, irritability, anxiety, and so on, are not what one expect from an allergic reaction, so I never ever considered this possibility. I had very severe allergy symptoms as a child, I had a very, very bad case of hay fever (sneezing, eye irritation, itching, redness of the skin, hives within 5 minutes of being in or near a hay field,....). I had desensitization injections for grasses and weeds, when I was 8 to 10 years old, and knowing that cross-desensitization is possible, that is maybe why, a few years later, when I first had an O, I didn't have any allergy symptoms.
Thanks to this forum, I can now make new links. I see that the allergic and so-called delayed immune response are responsible for two other clusters of symptoms that I suffer from, but that do not look like allergy symptoms. They are rather consequences of the complex mechanic of the immune system, and in POIS case, of its somehow inappropriate response. So, the third cluster I see is the pellagra-like cluster of symptoms (cognitive, dermatological, gastrointestinal), related to niacin deficiency, and the hypotension and dysphoria (bad mood) cluster of symptoms, related to serotonine deficiency in the brain, both of which are linked, it seems, to immune-triggered disorder of tryptophan metabolism, tryptophan being the precursor of both niacin and serotonin ( I will for sure clarify and share my hypotheses as I will have time to continue working on this, and to test a bit more and verify with data and case reports if my hypothesis on the physiopathology of POIS makes sense. I use my spare time doing this, but I am still working full time as a pharmacist, have managing duties as co-owner of the business, I play badminton two times a week, and above all the rest, I have a wonderful wife and two children I love spending time with )
Once I understood that too much IL-6 or TNF-alpha or other pro-inflammatory cytokines could be at the root of POIS, and that T-cell and auto-immunity could be at work in POIS, I've decided to try the natural product I suggest the most to my patients having auto-immune disorders like Rheumatoid arthritis and allergies. In the past 20 years, i have seen very good results with this product. In fact, i have been using it myself, whenever I have a cold or flu. It is a proprietary blend of plants sterols and sterolins in specific ratio (the brand name is Moducare ). It is safe, and present no interactions with prescribed drugs or with supplements and OTC drugs. It reduces IL-6 And TNF-alpha productions, regulates many others cytokines, lower cortisol, balance the TH1:TH2 ratio, among other things. Many scientific studies have been made with this product. See for example,
https://duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rheumatology.org.tw%2Fmagazine%2FFolder%2F23_2%2F23_2_072.pdf - interesting information in the introduction about how it works. Search the net and see for yourself, lots of info available.
So, 2 days ago, I tried 2 capsules 40 minutes pre-O, along with some other things in my ?pre-O pack? like omega-3 and 200mg of Ibuprofen, and I had a POIS-free O , which has been very, very rare for me in the last 36 years. I monitored my blood pressure, as usual, and other signs, and saw that another capsule very 4 to 6 hours for the next 24 hours was ok to stay POIS-free. However, this was not a stand-alone, magic bullet type of thing , I use a multiple approach to POIS (very healthy diet, Omega-3, exercise, curcuma, rosemary, increased Tryptophan in diet, probiotics, total avoidance of aspartame,and so on... ). But Moducare do help to complete my strategy in a very effective way. I suppose the results won't be as dramatic with someone that has not optimized his diet and lifestyle, and has not started yet some useful supplementations like omega-3 and vitamin D ( I have been taking those daily for a long time, having noticed it helped me a lot.... and now, I have been able to understand why ). In other cases than mine, it may take a few weeks of Moducare before it starts being effective.
I did not have time yet to try Moducare as a daily supplement ( I have been trying some other products I read about in here, like fenugreek, niacin, olive leaf extract, and will eventually share about those too). But I do wanted to share my success with it, because it targets the very root of the POIS acute phase, so in theory, it should be beneficial, at least in part, for the four clusters of symptoms (allergy-like, flu-like, niacin related and serotonine related).
Some caution applies to Moducare. If you are pregnant, nursing, a diabetic, an organ transplant recipient or have multiple sclerosis, do not use unless on the advice of and under the direct supervision of a health care professional.
Like with any treatment, take the time to read about this product before trying it. You are fully responsible if you decide to give it a try - I am just sharing what works for me, and cannot be liable for what it will do or not do for you. It is however a rather safe product, with no known side effects if you take as directed. I use it myself on many occasions in the last 15 years, and have suggested it to many of my patients, some still taking it daily after 10 years, for RA.
I am quite sure that it is available in Europe, and in most part of the world as well.
I think it will make a perfect complement to any POIS-relieving strategy.
Hoping it will be of help,