Author Topic: This theory can end our suffering from this curse  (Read 2646 times)


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This theory can end our suffering from this curse
« on: April 29, 2022, 04:15:05 PM »
""Excessive sexual activity, cause over-stimulation. Thus, the body, in an attempt to deal with the increased demands placed upon it, begins to over-secrete its own stimulants. These are the stress hormones adrenalin, cortisol, epinephrine, cortisone, endorphins, prolactin, etc., which are needed to sustain the body's most essential activities. Yet, abusing the stress response day after day and thereby wasting the body's energy resources take their toll on both the body and the mind. One of the undesirable side effects of excessive adrenalin secretion, for example, is a constriction of important blood vessels, including those that supply the intestines. This greatly diminishes the body's ability to digest food and eliminate harmful waste products. Consequently, destructive bacteria begin to decompose the waste matter while producing powerful toxins. Many of these toxins enter the lymph and blood. Toxins have a strongly stimulating influence on the body, which may drive a person into a mode of hyperactivity. The body?s energy reserves become depleted further, and a toxicity crisis or acute illness becomes unavoidable. The toxicity crisis can weaken the body to such an extent that it is hardly able to perform. Thus, the body allocates energy only to those functions that are absolutely vital"

We all must have noticed that ,  if we eat junk food like PIZZA after orgasm, our symptoms multiplies manifold.

I think , we need to accept the fact that due to some genetic disposition , our semen producing capabilities is less than others, so it becomes very taxing for our body. There are people, who are born with genes, that makes them less intelligent ,then why can't there be people with less vitality.

We will experience less sex in our lives for sure, but we need not suffer this way. I have done some experiments with lifestyle that has helped a lot in minimising the symptoms.

1) Inflammation is the secondary cause and comes from gut due to impaired digestion after orgasm. Make sure when you plan to have sex, your gut is not congested with food.

2) After orgasm, whatever we eat, will lead to some sort of inflammation, so for next 5-7 days drink a lot of water but minimise food intake. Also whatever you eat, should be very easily digestible and should cause minimum toxins in the body, so rely mostly on fruits, vegetable and their juices. Eating any complex foods like meat will increase symptoms. Digesting meat is very complex and even in normal body functioning, body takes 2-3 days to fully digest the complex compounds from meat ,so these should be a big no in POIS.
Raw Fruits and vegetables contain bio- enzymes, due to which they get digested very easily.
Also load your body with natural anti-inflammatory foods ,like ginger, turmeric and green smoothie. This will help a lot in keeping insanity in check.

3) Outside of POIS , focus on building health , so that body can cope with ocassional releases without much pressure.

4) We should not aim for more than 1-2 releases a month. Temptation can lead to unplanned releases but 30 mins of breathing exercise daily will give a lot of power in controlling the urges.

Looking forward to hear from you.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 03:23:44 AM by nshrivas »


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Re: This theory can end our suffering from this curse
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2022, 06:14:34 PM »
Naahh, i don,t thik so, womans do not produce sperm.
Me personaly newer had problems with producing sperm, it
is dioposite.
Newer had "exsesive sexuall activity".
I hawe seweral friend who are sex adicts , ewry other night
diferent woman literaly, and they are always in chasing girls.
They are all healthy like terminators.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 06:27:02 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: This theory can end our suffering from this curse
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2022, 11:20:06 AM »
Sadly, there are a few reasons why this theory can't be true, in my opinion. I'm going to use my case as an example but I'm sure I'm not the only one that this applies to.

1) Not everyone with POIS has an impaired digestion process. In my particular case, I don't have any issues with my digestive system, in fact it's one of the few things that works perfectly in my body even after the catastrophic worsening that I experienced two years ago. I can eat anything with no problems, both in and out of POIS, and I only experience a reduced appetite when I have very high fever during an episode. But I believe that's normal when fever is present for any reason.

2) If I stop eating while having POIS symptoms, it's an absolute disaster. Eating is the only thing that reduces my fever while I'm having symptoms, and having an empty stomach for a few hours makes my fever skyrocket and leaves me feeling as ill as if I had the worst flu ever.

3) In my family, we've always focused on eating as healthily as possible. I have almost never eaten anything that wasn't organic, we grow our own fruits and vegetables, and the meat we consume is almost always from animals that we take care of ourselves, that we kill ourselves, and whose diet consists mainly of grass and plants that grow at our place. Anybody with this diet and with the life I've lived should be in perfect health, like I was as a kid, and yet here I am now, sicker that everybody I know, sicker than all my friends who live on fries and hamburgers and soda and beer.

4) Like Hopeoneday said, I also have friends obsessed with sex that go around chasing different girls every night and who undoubtedly watch tons of porn during the day, and they're big muscled guys who look as healthy as they can be. They don't look like they're depleting their bodies of anything. Meanwhile, lots of people here haven't overmasturbated or practiced excessive sexual activity in any way.

Even if a normal healthy person suddently started having sex all day long and eating junk food, I'm sure they wouldn't develop POIS. There are thousands of sex addicts in the world, and of sex workers too, that have sex like crazy, and who most likely don't eat too healthily, and they don't develop POIS. This disease seems like a very specific thing, with particular symptoms and a progressive evolution that leads to exercise intolerance in most cases. I wish it were that simple as a gut issue.

However, I do think there's something going on with the gut, even if it's hard to pinpoint what. In my case, it all started after a 4-month-long diarrhea caused by my soy intolerance, that I didn't know anything about at the time. After that, I haven't ever had any digestive problems whatsoever. But personally, I'm under the impression that the prolonged inflammation caused by the diarrhea and the reaction to soy caused some kind of malfunctioning of the parameters that regulate inflammation in the body, or maybe leukocytes infiltrated some system where they shouldn't be and things stayed that way. It's all a hypothesis, but... the air hunger feeling that is so horrible and that most people with POIS know so well started exactly when my diarrhea ended. Why? No idea. I do I think it's an important clue, if there was a doctor willing to investigate it.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 12:49:40 PM by IronFeather »
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: This theory can end our suffering from this curse
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2022, 11:38:47 AM »
@Ironfeather. They concluded, from the biopsy, that you had intestinal inflammation. I wonder how they determined that, what were the signs? A similar test like Reve did can be done for your case.

Edit: Thread about theories/ideas:


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Re: This theory can end our suffering from this curse
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2022, 01:48:39 PM »
@Ironfeather. They concluded, from the biopsy, that you had intestinal inflammation. I wonder how they determined that, what were the signs? A similar test like Reve did can be done for your case.

I don't trust the results of that biopsy, there was no information as to why they concluded there was inflammation present. I believe they didn't know the reason why they were sent the biopsy and had to say something generic like that. The doctor who did my colonoscopy and took the biopsy completely dismissed it, saying it was totally normal after all the prep for the test. So I don't know, either it's nothing or the doctor was wrong. Isn't intestinal inflammation usually linked to diarrhea, pain, or at least some kind of disturbance in the digestive process? It seems weird to me to have inflammation and zero digestive symptoms, but who knows, anything is possible.

Which test do you mean? The GI CD117 staining test? Isn't that used to diagnose tumors?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 06:17:21 AM by IronFeather »
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: This theory can end our suffering from this curse
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2022, 01:49:43 AM »

We all must have noticed that ,  if we eat junk food like PIZZA after orgasm, our symptoms multiplies manifold.

During POIS, I crave carbs like spaghetti, pizza, lasagna…and it helps!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business