Author Topic: Reduction of POIS through sport  (Read 35815 times)


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Reduction of POIS through sport
« on: December 06, 2013, 04:36:38 PM »
Hi all, so happy to find this topic! I wasn't aware so much discussion already existed on POIS.

I have tried none of the "cures" described here yet, and therefore have experienced 100% of the POIS symptoms after most of my ejaculations for the last 15 years (I am 35). As a consequence, I have learned to refrain from ejaculating too often (typically once or twice a week, mostly on the weekend because I can't afford to be too tired at work). Needless to say it has been sometimes very frustrating, but the cost of that pleasure is just too high.

In the course of time, I have made two discoveries that I thought could be relevant to share in this forum because they have helped me a lot.

1. Physical activity: I have very clearly noticed that my POIS symptoms are MUCH weaker, or do not appear at all, when I do regular physical activity, such as, in my case, 30mn of swimming 2-4 times a week (which is pretty new for me). The difference is simply dramatic. Right now I can't find the time to swim, though (too busy at work) and so I am going through difficult weekends as my boyfriend and I are very much in love with each other. I repeat, however, that my symptoms alsmost disappear with the practice of a soft cardio activity such as swimming.

2. I think PEIS would be more accurate an acronym than POIS, as it is possible to experience an orgasm without ejaculating, in which case the fatigue symptoms do not appear. It is the ejaculation, not the orgasm, that trigger the symptoms. A good course of action for me was to try to learn to have my O's without ejaculating.

those were really nice discoveries for me, but I am aware that they are not easy to do if you lack time, as I sometimes do. The "dry" orgasms are also not easy to achieve, especially during intercourse.

More info about me:
35yo, 6ft tall, 160pds, healthy/normal lifestyle
My symptoms appear about 30mn to an hour after an ejaculation, and last about 24 hours
I get flu-like symptoms: sore/stiff muscles, headache, fatigue, but I usually have no problems thinking, or memory issues.
POIS also make me look terrible: pale face, dark circles. I feel thinner, too, although I know it's only an impression.
I had seizures several times in the past, although it's been years since the last time I had one (2005)
I usually take 500mg of magnesium, and 0,125mg of xanax after sex to be able to sleep better. I still get the POIS symptoms in the morning, though.

I hope this modest contribution helps!
Cheers :)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2023, 02:26:10 PM by Dav »


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2013, 10:18:23 PM »
I agree that something like Post Ejaculatory Syndrome would be more appropriate. Pois symptoms can occur after a night emission, or even just from being excited for a little while (maybe from pre-ejaculate?). Besides, it sounds a little less salacious.
I have both physical and psychological symptoms for about 6 days. Muscle soreness, pain in the prostate and warmth in the pelvic area, fatigue, lack of motivation, irritability, confusion, inability to focus, forgetting obligations, difficulty communicating, difficulty interacting with others.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2013, 08:13:48 AM »
I agree that something like Post Ejaculatory Syndrome would be more appropriate. Pois symptoms can occur after a night emission, or even just from being excited for a little while (maybe from pre-ejaculate?). Besides, it sounds a little less salacious.

One day, we may be able to take it out of the "syndrome" category. See .
A syndrome is an association of identifiable symptoms, most often referred to an ailment which may originate from a plurality of etiologies.

If we find a cure or at least a specific root cause to POIS, then it could be possibly named as a disease. Some syndromes, like Downs Syndrome,
do have a single root cause and no hope of cure.

But our research should at least help to define if a cure is possible and shed MUCH light on possibilities for amelioration. Given that we know already that
certain treatments help some of us to "feel much better", is a very good sign, indicating that POIS is less likely to fall in a category similar to Downs for instance.

At least we should be out of the darkness, and have a more positive and certain directions to origins and treatments of POIS. The "going around in circles" can be reduced or stopped.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2013, 08:25:41 PM »
Thank you so much for your replies. I've just watched the video in which Victor tells the world about his POIS (so proud of him!): Dr Waldinger himself discriminates between orgasm and ejaculation, but I guess the name isn't what matters most (although I completely share your views on the "syndrom" aspect of it, Daveman)... I'm so grateful that Waldinger got interested in finding a medical explanation for this condition, and I'm so grateful for this forum, too!

Two days ago, in the middle of my POIS, I was still wondering, what could trigger these terrible symptoms I've had for 15 years? Now, after looking up "fatigue after ejaculation" online and coming upon this forum, I know I am not alone and that many have already taken huge steps towards relieving their POIS. How could they possibly think of niacin, fenugreek, or garlic?? What led them to think that those substances, among all substances, could alter or suppress their symptoms? I marvel at that thought.

Now I am so anxious to try them, and tell you whether they work on me, too. I will have to wait a bit, though, because I'm not sure I can find fenugreek or niacin here (I live and work in Haiti). I will be going back to France (where I'm from) in a week, so I will start trying them over there.

More on this soon!



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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2013, 08:28:22 PM »
Also, I've seen a few posts that mentioned exercise as a way to reduce POIS. Do you think that could have something to do with the endorphins or testosterone levels? In my case swimming has helped quite a bit.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2013, 08:49:10 AM »
Also, I've seen a few posts that mentioned exercise as a way to reduce POIS. Do you think that could have something to do with the endorphins or testosterone levels? In my case swimming has helped quite a bit.

Both sound like good possibilities explaining the benefits of exercise for POIS.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2013, 02:59:34 AM »
Doing some sort of exercise really helps me too. Even when in POIS going for a swim can take away some of the symptoms for a while. But overall, the resistance to POIS is greater for me when I'm in good shape.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2013, 12:21:37 PM »
Exercice improves my general energy and then Pois. But when I'm in Pois day 1 or day 2, I have few energy and exercice increase symptoms like muscles weakness and hot flashes.
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2013, 05:28:37 PM »
Same here, fsol. I resist POIS better when I'm not tired, and exercise helps me stay more energetic. It has an immediate positive effect on me: if I have an O on the day I swam I have far better chances not to be affected by POIS. When I am in POIS, though, exercise will typically make my muscles a bit weaker as b_jim describes. In that case, I still try to exercise because to me it's like trying to be stronger that my POIS. When I manage to swim despite the tiredness it feels like a small victory over the bad symptoms.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2013, 11:06:30 AM »
It means the exercise improve the blood circulation and it helps in pois !!
pls don't expose me.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2014, 09:33:28 AM »
Anybody else would like to share their experience with sport / physical activity as a mean to prevent POIS? I would be really curious to know whether those who engage in a regular physical activity (even mild) have lesser symptoms. I don't really know what sport does on the physiological level that helps with POIS, but to me it clearly does. Regular physical activity gets you in better shape and people report being more resistant to POIS when they are in good shape. There must be an explanation to all this. Testosterone levels? Dopamine levels? Blood circulation? What is it? I think everyone with POIS should be advised to practice a sport (and enjoy a good night's sleep)! For those who don't do any physical activity I would advise to completely abstain from ejaculating for a while, at least 4 weeks, until the beneficial effects of sport kick in. Jogging, swimming, tennis, I guess anything cardio goes?

Lately my fenugreek tests have proved disappointing, but I omitted to say I haven't really swum a lot lately, which eventually made me stressed and tired. Once you're in that state, POIS can get you easily and it makes it harder to engage in physical activities. You also don't sleep as well. It's vicious circle. Sleeping and sport are key I think. Sport helps you sleep. Sleep gives you energy for your sport. Being in good shape helps you keep POIS at bay...




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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2014, 12:04:04 PM »
The link between sport and other helpful remedies in here is probably vasodilation ; vasoconstriction at first(especially cardio sport) and the vosadilation and relaxation....Niacin has the some kind of mechanism

Something with the parasympathetic/sympatetic regulation is maybe disfunctionning in Poiser's...Sport is a very good regulator

it helps a lot also for me


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2014, 04:28:53 AM »
I am an athletic person, however exercising does not help my POIS in any way. It makes my muscles becomes rigid and it takes them about a week to loosen up. Without POIS I do not have this problem. For the type of POIS I have cardio exercise does not help. I was very sporty before I got POIS at the age of twelve (37 now). When I got POIS my sports performance fluctuated so much that it became very depressing.

I am not saying sports can't help some POISers but not me.
30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2014, 09:01:10 AM »
cardio does help in brain fog , but a person in pois its very hard to do sports and cardio !!!
pls don't expose me.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2014, 06:29:17 PM »
I have been practicing swimming for 6 months now. It has a very good generl effect on me and it helps me with POIS, but it hasn't cured it.
Exercising is one of the many good habits that make us more resistant to lots of diseases, not only POIS.

It is good news that it is working for you. hold onto it  :)
POIS is my worst enemy


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2014, 02:28:43 PM »
1. Physical activity: I have very clearly noticed that my POIS symptoms are MUCH weaker, or do not appear at all, when I do regular physical activity, such as, in my case, 30mn of swimming 2-4 times a week (which is pretty new for me). The difference is simply dramatic. Right now I can't find the time to swim, though (too busy at work) and so I am going through difficult weekends as my boyfriend and I are very much in love with each other. I repeat, however, that my symptoms alsmost disappear with the practice of a soft cardio activity such as swimming.

YES! This is one of the FEW measures I can take to speed up recovery time. Physical activity, fruits with lots of Vitamin C, and cold showers are a must-do regimen for me in the aftermath of an Orgasm.

2. I think PEIS would be more accurate an acronym than POIS, as it is possible to experience an orgasm without ejaculating, in which case the fatigue symptoms do not appear. It is the ejaculation, not the orgasm, that trigger the symptoms. A good course of action for me was to try to learn to have my O's without ejaculating.

Maybe we can extend that to "Post Ejaculation Never-ending Illness Syndrome"... PENIS for short  ;D
Affected since Sept 2008. Very gradual onset of symptoms: Testicular atrophy, low libido, brain fog, lethargy, depression, digestion issues. Worsening of all symptoms the 3-4 days post orgasm.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2015, 08:40:37 AM »
Wow, last time I wrote here was over a year ago... Belated thanks to all the members who kept it going until last summer! Your contributions were extremely interesting, and this morning I thought that, after all that time I should post about my experience with trying to cure my POIS over the last 12 months.

Well, I am happy to say that things are better for me, and it is all thanks to this website. It made me realize there were other guys in the same situation I was in, and that scientists had actually started to work on it. That alone was huge. I was heartened, and I started to experiment with the garlic and fenugreek, which this website also introduced me to. I was thrilled to be able to share about my POIS with people who would understand, and I wanted to take part in the experiments.

I have been using fenugreek for a year now, the 400mg Arkopharma brand. I take 3 caps within 10-15mn of an orgasm. I also tried 2 before and 2 after masturbating, but I didn't see any notable difference in terms of symptoms reduction, so I resumed using them exclusively after ejaculating. After one year of taking the fenugreek, I can say that often times (but not every time) it has worked fairly well for me. The low energy effect induced by the ejaculation is cut by 50-75%. My leg muscles can still get a bit sore, but nothing bad especially compared to what I felt before... I stopped taking the garlic, which wasn't helping me in any way.

I usually also take 1 or 2 caps of magnesium, which I would do even before I heard about the fenugreek. Ejaculations often have a bad effect on my nerves, so the magnesium helps a lot. The combination of fenugreek and magnesium has been great in my case.

If I have a "normal" orgasm, I take the dosage I mentioned above. If my orgasm is particularly powerful, I take 4 caps of fenugreek, and 2 caps of magnesium, as I have noticed that my POIS symptoms are stronger after a strong orgasm (typically, a long plateau phase followed by an orgasm that makes me "see stars"). Sometimes I also take an extra 2 caps of fenu the next day.

Supplements are good, but physical activity is better. Just like for LegatoMan, regular physical activity has been KEY for me, especially cardio. With 20 min of cardio per day I get spectacular results! The weeks I find the time to do my cardio every day or almost every day, I can have 2-3 orgasms with absolutely no POIS symptoms. Definitely, I would advise POIS sufferers to engage in sports or any cardio activity like biking, running, swimming, rowing... and see if it works for them. It's a very healthy habit, anyway!

All in all, I would say that, for a year, the strength of my POIS symptoms has been reduced by 50-100%, mostly depending on whether I was tired or not before the orgasm, and the amount of physical activity I had over the previous days. Sometimes the fenugreek seems to work wonders, sometimes not as much... And sometimes I'm just out of fenugreek!... IN CONCLUSION: Fenugreek+Mg+cardio annihilates my POIS entirely, practically every time. Fenu+Mg alone help a lot but I can still feel slightly low with sore legs, sometimes worse. Physical activity alone may erase my POIS but the fenu and Mg will definitely help me achieve that.

I wonder what the connection is between POIS and blood circulation/oxygenation (Lapoisse mentioned vasoconstriction/-dilation), because when I'm in POIS I get paler skin and nasty dark circles under my eyes. People notice it so I just tell them I had a bad night!



« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 02:55:31 PM by Dav »


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2015, 09:46:08 AM »
Cardio helps pretty good against my pois symptoms unlike bodybuilding. I feel exhausted after a cardio session but feel better throughout the day and the following days and reduces the symptomes by 1-2days.

But I prefer bodybuilding tho - gainz 4 life


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2015, 12:21:22 PM »
You take magnesium did you check the blood test for magnesium
I also want to take cap of magnesium and fenugreek
Pls help me
I think I did magnesium blood test it came normal
pls don't expose me.


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Re: Reduction of POIS through sport
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2015, 02:53:52 PM »
Hi Sameer, my blood tests have never shown any lack of magnesium, either, but taking an Mg supplement helps me with the POIS (or when I am very tired nervously) and it's not harmful to take more than your daily value if you don't exagerate (I take 600mg max).

Keep up the cardio, Staypositive! I go to the gym, too, but I start every session with about 15 min of biking at about 155 bpm (I am 36). I also bike to work a couple times a week (20 min).