Hi all, so happy to find this topic! I wasn't aware so much discussion already existed on POIS.
I have tried none of the "cures" described here yet, and therefore have experienced 100% of the POIS symptoms after most of my ejaculations for the last 15 years (I am 35). As a consequence, I have learned to refrain from ejaculating too often (typically once or twice a week, mostly on the weekend because I can't afford to be too tired at work). Needless to say it has been sometimes very frustrating, but the cost of that pleasure is just too high.
In the course of time, I have made two discoveries that I thought could be relevant to share in this forum because they have helped me a lot.
1. Physical activity: I have very clearly noticed that my POIS symptoms are MUCH weaker, or do not appear at all, when I do regular physical activity, such as, in my case, 30mn of swimming 2-4 times a week (which is pretty new for me). The difference is simply dramatic. Right now I can't find the time to swim, though (too busy at work) and so I am going through difficult weekends as my boyfriend and I are very much in love with each other. I repeat, however, that my symptoms alsmost disappear with the practice of a soft cardio activity such as swimming.
2. I think PEIS would be more accurate an acronym than POIS, as it is possible to experience an orgasm without ejaculating, in which case the fatigue symptoms do not appear. It is the ejaculation, not the orgasm, that trigger the symptoms. A good course of action for me was to try to learn to have my O's without ejaculating.
those were really nice discoveries for me, but I am aware that they are not easy to do if you lack time, as I sometimes do. The "dry" orgasms are also not easy to achieve, especially during intercourse.
More info about me:
35yo, 6ft tall, 160pds, healthy/normal lifestyle
My symptoms appear about 30mn to an hour after an ejaculation, and last about 24 hours
I get flu-like symptoms: sore/stiff muscles, headache, fatigue, but I usually have no problems thinking, or memory issues.
POIS also make me look terrible: pale face, dark circles. I feel thinner, too, although I know it's only an impression.
I had seizures several times in the past, although it's been years since the last time I had one (2005)
I usually take 500mg of magnesium, and 0,125mg of xanax after sex to be able to sleep better. I still get the POIS symptoms in the morning, though.
I hope this modest contribution helps!