I'm not sure if someone can help me but any advice will be really appreciated.
I was partially cured for 1 month and now it seems that I'm back to where I was before...
I'm suffering from pois for more then 4 years, I went to see plenty of doctors and try a lot of stuff but nothing never work even improve slightly untill I started to take Zyrtec 10 mg dailly.
After about 1 week or 10 days of taking 10 mg of Zyrtec daily my condition was so much better, it was a miracle for me.
Before I was sick for at least 4 days(after O) and sometime even more, in the rare case it last almost 2 weeks.
After Zyrtec I was only feeling sick the evening after I orgasm, the day after I still had little syndroms but 90% less strong as usual! And then that was it!
I have to say that I took opiods (tramadol, I didn't know how strong and dangerous this drug was) and got very addicted to it. When I was sick from pois taking tramadol was making me not sick at all so every time I was sick I took tramadol.I got addict to it and started taking it daily then I reached very dangerous dose, I think I almost die 2 or 3 time (from overdose). I went to see a doctor and now I'm taking suboxone, it's a medicine to help people reducing taking opiods.
I'm telling you that because since I got better from my pois, I started reducing taking opiod (It was almost impossible to stop while suffering from pois) and it's been a month I went from 24 mg to 4 mg, I would like to say that the withdrawl of opiods is one of the worst, I was suffering like hell for 1 month, but at least I was not suffering too much from my pois anymore, so I was higly motivated.
3 or 4 days ago I started feeling some pois symptoms back and today I feel as bad as I was feeling before taking Zyrtec, so it's feel like my pois is back to normal, I'm suffering from my withdrawl of opiod and having the pois back make me depress like I never was in all my life...
So I was wondering if maybe the Zyrtec kinda cured me for 1 month and maybe it's not effective anymore?Does some one ever had a similar problem?
I want to add that in the same time of Zyrtec I tried to drink macha tea everyday, eat guten free gluten and take a probiotique wich help you to have good bacteria in your gut :
https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07B8GYMYP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1I stop taking macha tea for 3 or 4 days because I didn't have macha tea anymore (had drink back daily since yesterday), I also stop taking the probiotique and stop eating gulten free bread but since yesterday I started eating gluten free bread and took back my probiotic.
About my pois, I was getting sick while just being aroused, for instance watching porn and thinking about something erotic before falling asleep is making me sick, like I orgasm( the first 2 years of my pois, being aroused wasn't making me sick).
Also I discover that eating some food like brocoli trigger instantly my pois, when I was in japan eating ramen got me sick. And 1 year ago taking a shower (cold or hot) was making sick as well (almost same symtoms as my pois, but the symptoms last less long (1 or 2 days).
Well I really tought I was cured because of the Zyrtec, now I wonder if the matcha tea or the probiotic or eating gluten free bread didn't help, I don't really know what to think.
Also I started taking a bit more of zyrtec maybe more like 15 mg daily then 10 daily the last 2 week, because I was having an orgasm every 3 days and the zyrtec seems to help.
Well that's my little story of 1 month almost free of pois, I'm not sure but it may help some of you by trying Zyrtec,macha tea,probiotic or gluten free foods.
Also maybe that someone had kinda same story than me and maybe can give me some advice, should I try to take more Zyrtec for instance? Or other antihystamic?
I'm really desperate and every little advice will be very appreciated, this desease is very a hell of a desease, good luck to everyone suffering from it, we need to believe that one day we will see the light at the end of the tunnel...