Hi everyone, new user here. I'm 40 and have had POIS for as long as I can remember (at least 20 years).
Main symptoms (in descending order of awfulness):
- Irritable demeanour.
- General fatigue.
- Cognitive difficulties, most notably in forming sentences.
- "Heavy" legs.
- Muscle and ligament aches, especially in jaw, neck, shoulders and lower back (though not sure they are all POIS-related).
- Queasiness.
- Red eyes, bags under eyes.
- EDIT: Increased light sensitivity.
Symptoms peak the second day after orgasm. Same day is not so bad, while 1st and 3rd days after are somewhere in between. Irritability is the worst symptom for me because I have a wife and child.
Notable other health issues and facts:
- Received many antibiotics treatments as a child due to ear infections.
- Treated with Tetracycline (IIRC) and Roaccutane for acne as a young adult (early 20's).
- Sensitive digestion, intolerant to gluten and FODMAPs.
- Poor long-term memory.
- Suspect I may have had a traumatic experience as a child as I have very few childhood memories.
- Depressed intermittently in my 20s, treated with Cipralex one time. No mental health issues in the last 10 years apart from POIS symptoms. EDIT: Except some anxiety and a mild OCD.
- Exercise used to give me strong POIS symptoms the day after. After I started working out very regularly (2-3 times a week), this almost completely went away.
- I function very well professionally as a programmer. During POIS, I struggle a bit in social contexts, but the programming work itself is OK.
- EDIT: Strong immune system, rarely get sick.
- EDIT: I seem to be unusually sensitive to light (even without orgasm).
- EDIT: I get some POIS-like symptoms from wearing glasses: Dizziness, brain fog, fatigue. Not as strong as after orgasm though.
I've been testing a few dietary supplements and prescription-free meds to alleviate symptoms. My current-best cobbled-together regimen has a noticeable effect. I'd estimate a 40% reduction in symptoms, although I'm not ruling out placebo.
Current supplements:
- Saw palmetto 320 mg daily
- Vitamin D daily
- Ibuprofen or Paracetamol before orgasm and during symptoms as needed
I don't know which of these help.
I'd be interested to know what people with similar symptom sets have had success with. Thanks for reading.