It's an old thread, but I want to ask a question. I stopped using niacin as it was not giving me flush. But today morning, I took 3 niacin pills (100 mg each), not because I wanted to masturbate. It was lying around and I thought of giving it a try. Maybe it would work that time. And oh my goodness, it actually worked giving me a strong so called "flush"! Man, I was on fire! And, I loved that feeling too. Anyways, I just masturbated after 40-50 mins and haven't got any symptom so far. Hopefully, I will not be getting any until next orgasm. Anyways, my question is - can I masturbate multiple times during that flush period? It's a dull question, I know. But it makes sense for me.. Somehow... Also can anyone explain why I wasn't flushing before? Thanq!