Author Topic: Animus Solution  (Read 62976 times)


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #60 on: July 12, 2011, 01:31:34 AM »
hi friends,
i am off pois since the last 2 days,but i have got pain in my left had happened many times before and i am not sure how many days it will last,but i have noticed it happens if i have multi orgasms maybe in a couple of days..if i have an O after a gap of maybe 10-15 days or more then this pain does not come.that means the orgasm should be full load..even a pain which exists,does go away then..but if i have these frequent ones like i had in this last week,then my left testis pains...

Hi bitu,
So you're saying if you have multiple orgasms the testicle pain is more severe. I can understand that. I also had that problem too. It feels tender, painful and very sensitive. There are definitely a few of us with this problem.
It could be that the testicles are undergoing a kind of trauma due to multiple ejaculations.
I checked online and found some brief therapies for it, which I've also tried. I found the support and elevation helps.

(quoted from emedicine health)
Trauma: After careful evaluation, if no serious underlying testicular injury have been identified, most cases of testicular trauma can be managed and treated at home. Treatment consists of the following measures:

    pain medications, including anti-inflammatory agents;

    scrotal support and elevation;

    ice packs; and


More severe cases of testicular trauma involve testicular rupture, blunt trauma with an associated hematocele (a collection of blood) and penetrating traumatic injuries requiring surgical intervention.
hi animus,
                         i was suffering from this pain in my left testis since almost 2 months and i was avoiding it but yesterday i visited a urologist who examined me,he started pressing the area around my testis with his fingers and there was no pain the n he squeezed my left testis and the pain i usually have got elevated then he even squuezed the other testis but there was no pain..he told there is an infection in my testis(parasites) and he has given me a course of medicines for 3 weeks and asked me to get blood,urine and sonography reports done...its just been a day i have started the medicines the prescription has anti biotic a pain killer and a 3 week course of hetrazan 100 which kills the parasites maybe...i have not had the pain killers cause i wanna know is the drug really making a difference...and atlast i asked the doc about POIS but he was not aware and he told me that i was the first patient he has met who has this POIS i didnt talk much about it...


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #61 on: July 12, 2011, 08:31:31 PM »
hi friends,
i am off pois since the last 2 days,but i have got pain in my left had happened many times before and i am not sure how many days it will last,but i have noticed it happens if i have multi orgasms maybe in a couple of days..if i have an O after a gap of maybe 10-15 days or more then this pain does not come.that means the orgasm should be full load..even a pain which exists,does go away then..but if i have these frequent ones like i had in this last week,then my left testis pains...

Hi bitu,
So you're saying if you have multiple orgasms the testicle pain is more severe. I can understand that. I also had that problem too. It feels tender, painful and very sensitive. There are definitely a few of us with this problem.
It could be that the testicles are undergoing a kind of trauma due to multiple ejaculations.
I checked online and found some brief therapies for it, which I've also tried. I found the support and elevation helps.

(quoted from emedicine health)
Trauma: After careful evaluation, if no serious underlying testicular injury have been identified, most cases of testicular trauma can be managed and treated at home. Treatment consists of the following measures:

    pain medications, including anti-inflammatory agents;

    scrotal support and elevation;

    ice packs; and


More severe cases of testicular trauma involve testicular rupture, blunt trauma with an associated hematocele (a collection of blood) and penetrating traumatic injuries requiring surgical intervention.
hi animus,
                         i was suffering from this pain in my left testis since almost 2 months and i was avoiding it but yesterday i visited a urologist who examined me,he started pressing the area around my testis with his fingers and there was no pain the n he squeezed my left testis and the pain i usually have got elevated then he even squuezed the other testis but there was no pain..he told there is an infection in my testis(parasites) and he has given me a course of medicines for 3 weeks and asked me to get blood,urine and sonography reports done...its just been a day i have started the medicines the prescription has anti biotic a pain killer and a 3 week course of hetrazan 100 which kills the parasites maybe...i have not had the pain killers cause i wanna know is the drug really making a difference...and atlast i asked the doc about POIS but he was not aware and he told me that i was the first patient he has met who has this POIS i didnt talk much about it...

hi bitu,
I hope your infection goes away. Good job on getting it checked out by the urologist.
Keep a record of your test results! And let us know how it goes.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 08:10:32 PM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #62 on: July 13, 2011, 08:43:06 AM »
That's definitely one of the big problems with POIS, is that it's very difficult to attend real medical problems with parallel symptoms to POIS. We can't trust the doctors becuase none of them know POIS and always diagnose something that ISN'T POIS. So another diagnosis of something that isn't POIS gets ignored.

We have to be more expert then they. We have to carefully err on the safe side, without going overboard. We have to try to treat depression for instance, becaue it could be prevelent in our makeup with or without POIS. But moreso if it's in the family or present steadily outside of POIS. But if medicines don't seem to help after one or two tries, perhaps we can lower the profile of that diagnosis.

We tend to know when something is less POIS related, if it is present out of POIS or steadily gets worse while the regular POIS is more or less constant.

Not easy, but after all, we've got POIS, sigh!

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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2011, 12:59:20 PM »
Animus, do you have the bulbourethral gland, also called a Cowper's gland removed?


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #64 on: July 16, 2011, 12:02:34 AM »
That's definitely one of the big problems with POIS, is that it's very difficult to attend real medical problems with parallel symptoms to POIS. We can't trust the doctors becuase none of them know POIS and always diagnose something that ISN'T POIS. So another diagnosis of something that isn't POIS gets ignored.

We have to be more expert then they. We have to carefully err on the safe side, without going overboard. We have to try to treat depression for instance, becaue it could be prevelent in our makeup with or without POIS. But moreso if it's in the family or present steadily outside of POIS. But if medicines don't seem to help after one or two tries, perhaps we can lower the profile of that diagnosis.

We tend to know when something is less POIS related, if it is present out of POIS or steadily gets worse while the regular POIS is more or less constant.

Not easy, but after all, we've got POIS, sigh!

that's very true. I'm so glad bitu went to see a urologist. Apparently he had some kind of testicular infection and he's getting treatment for it now. I wonder how the treatment will affect his POIS... first priority is to get rid of the infectionl, though!! POIS is a second concern, we're all interested in though.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 12:09:15 AM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #65 on: July 16, 2011, 12:06:58 AM »
Animus, do you have the bulbourethral gland, also called a Cowper's gland removed?

Hi Starsky,
No, interesting question. the urologist discussed that with me.
he recommended leaving the cowpers gland in. His reason was that it would be good to have some lubrication in the urethra so it would not be too dry, and that it makes very little volume of semen. I guess it's worked out.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 12:48:19 AM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #66 on: July 16, 2011, 07:03:17 AM »
I thaught about it because i get some POIS from being aroused and having a precum leakage. I am curious if i got the cowpers gland removed would i be POIS free? Did you have POIS from being aroused?


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2011, 09:42:28 AM »
I thaught about it because i get some POIS from being aroused and having a precum leakage. I am curious if i got the cowpers gland removed would i be POIS free? Did you have POIS from being aroused?

Apart from that, if you are interested in sterility, I think it's important that the cowper's gland is present, as it provides nutrients and protection for the sperm.

At least you should investigate and be sure. (should you come to a decision).

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #68 on: July 17, 2011, 12:32:15 AM »
I don't quite understand either of your previous comments!
But to clarify,
The Cowper's gland is not something I really looked into very deeply because of it's minimal contribution to semen volume. I don't quite know it's role in the composition of semen other than <5% total volume.
Anyway, sterility is an entirely different matter. All you need for sterility is to not have sperm in your semen.
I removed my testicles first, and still had POIS. (disqualifier: this is only my own experience!)

So, as far as removing the Cowper's Gland... I still have mine. And I don't have any POIS. I have really minimal ejaculation now. Just a tiny bit of clear fluid. I assume it's either from Cowper's or the Prostate. As I said previously, my urologist recommended leaving it in to lubricate the Urethra.

the operative word for me in my solution was "dry ejaculation"... this is what ultimately guided my decisions.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 12:43:50 AM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #69 on: July 17, 2011, 09:35:05 AM »
Well, for fertility, of course sperm is critical, but motility and healthy sperm are also very important.

After my reversal, I had a lot of sperm, but was stil infertile for many reasons, the greatest of which was a high content of sperm-antibodies.

But the sperm need good strong tails, they need to be healthy and nourished and protected from the harsh vaginal environment!

So perhaps in all that the Cowper's gland isn't important, I honestly don't know, but if I was concerned at all about fertility, I'd sure check it out.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #70 on: July 18, 2011, 01:16:33 PM »
I thaught about it because i get some POIS from being aroused and having a precum leakage. I am curious if i got the cowpers gland removed would i be POIS free? Did you have POIS from being aroused?

Apart from that, if you are interested in sterility, I think it's important that the cowper's gland is present, as it provides nutrients and protection for the sperm.

At least you should investigate and be sure. (should you come to a decision).

I don't quite understand- why would it be important for the Cowper's gland to be present if you're interested in sterility? Are you confusing sterility with fertility?
for fertility it would be important for all the organs to be present, hooked up and functioning.
removal of any organ would compromise fertility.

I don't think Starsky was inquiring about that, though. Although fertility is definitely a consideration in any surgical matter in the reproductive system.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 01:45:52 PM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #71 on: July 18, 2011, 01:22:10 PM »
I thaught about it because i get some POIS from being aroused and having a precum leakage. I am curious if i got the cowpers gland removed would i be POIS free? Did you have POIS from being aroused?

In answer to your questions, Starsky: chances are "no", and "yes".
I don't think one would be POIS free from just removing the Cowper's gland.
and yes, I also had mild POIS from arousal.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 01:24:39 PM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #72 on: July 18, 2011, 03:27:45 PM »
But perhaps, removing the Cooper Gland only could avoid the mild POIS from arousal ?!
For the PE pois suffers, it would be useless... but for the no-PE  POIS suffers which have little symptoms from arousal, it would be a first main step.
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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #73 on: July 18, 2011, 04:48:35 PM »
I thaught about it because i get some POIS from being aroused and having a precum leakage. I am curious if i got the cowpers gland removed would i be POIS free? Did you have POIS from being aroused?

Apart from that, if you are interested in sterility, I think it's important that the cowper's gland is present, as it provides nutrients and protection for the sperm.

At least you should investigate and be sure. (should you come to a decision).

I don't quite understand- why would it be important for the Cowper's gland to be present if you're interested in sterility? Are you confusing sterility with fertility?
for fertility it would be important for all the organs to be present, hooked up and functioning.
removal of any organ would compromise fertility.

I don't think Starsky was inquiring about that, though. Although fertility is definitely a consideration in any surgical matter in the reproductive system.

Sorry, I get a little dyslexic in POIS. Was talking about fertility....
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #74 on: July 19, 2011, 12:41:37 PM »
I thaught about it because i get some POIS from being aroused and having a precum leakage. I am curious if i got the cowpers gland removed would i be POIS free? Did you have POIS from being aroused?

Apart from that, if you are interested in sterility, I think it's important that the cowper's gland is present, as it provides nutrients and protection for the sperm.

At least you should investigate and be sure. (should you come to a decision).

I don't quite understand- why would it be important for the Cowper's gland to be present if you're interested in sterility? Are you confusing sterility with fertility?
for fertility it would be important for all the organs to be present, hooked up and functioning.
removal of any organ would compromise fertility.

I don't think Starsky was inquiring about that, though. Although fertility is definitely a consideration in any surgical matter in the reproductive system.

Sorry, I get a little dyslexic in POIS. Was talking about fertility....

no problem, daveman!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 01:05:03 PM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #75 on: July 19, 2011, 12:57:23 PM »
But perhaps, removing the Cooper Gland only could avoid the mild POIS from arousal ?!
For the PE pois suffers, it would be useless... but for the no-PE  POIS suffers which have little symptoms from arousal, it would be a first main step.

No, I don't think so. But I could be wrong.  I think- again I could be wrong- that the condition of arousal also triggers semen regeneration to occur- which possibly activates glands and organs beyond the Cowpers.
Cowper's only makes up <5% of Semen volume. So maybe you would get a <5% reduction of POIS symptoms by removing it.  I personally don't think that small fraction is promising enough to pursue surgery for.
<5% is about the normal fluctuation of symptoms anyway in full blown POIS.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 12:15:41 AM by Animus »


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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #76 on: July 20, 2011, 06:12:44 PM »
But perhaps, removing the Cooper Gland only could avoid the mild POIS from arousal ?!
For the PE pois suffers, it would be useless... but for the no-PE  POIS suffers which have little symptoms from arousal, it would be a first main step.

No, I don't think so. But I could be wrong.  I think- again I could be wrong- that the condition of arousal also triggers semen regeneration to occur- which possibly activates glands and organs beyond the Cowpers.
Cowper's only makes up <5% of Semen volume. So maybe you would get a <5% reduction of POIS symptoms by removing it. I personally don't think that small fraction is promising enough to pursue surgery for.
<5% is about the normal fluctuation of symptoms anyway in full blown POIS.
hi animus ...i somehow feel that you are playing with gods gift that is human many organs you are gonna remove...lets wait for science to find a way instead of removing the organs which maybe important for our existence...


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Re: Animus Solution/Are Your Posts Generating More Heat than Light?
« Reply #77 on: July 21, 2011, 10:52:24 PM »
Hello to all!

I was struck by a comment made by bitu8489 regarding Animus' solution for his POIS.  I did discuss it briefly with Daveman and Demo, who both gave me permission to write some brief comments about it.

Obviously we are each affected by our beliefs, especially those generated by culture and/or religion. We're possibly not even aware of how deeply held some of these beliefs are.

But this forum -- and the NSF forum -- are meant to be places that serve as a safe haven for everyone sharing their experiences,  feelings of isolation, strength, hopes and vulnerabilities. Putting a fellow POIS sufferer on the defensive is the antithesis of the goal of this supportive forum. In my humble opinion, judgemental remarks toward each other must never be made here.

This is not to single out bitu8489 in any way, as there have been other posts that are critical and judgmental of other forum members.  But because of the nature of POIS, and the lack of research and a real treatment, some members have had to take extreme measures for relief.

Animus has not only taken an extreme measure, but has had the courage and bravery to go public about it.  Most wonderfully -- he has had terrific results!!

I have never read posts by Animus trying to convince anyone to undergo the surgery that he's undergone.  He has explained his procedures, spoken candidly of what he went through and how he was helped -- but he has never pushed others to do what he did.

Reading bitu8489's comment from yesterday, "Hi animus ...i somehow feel that you are playing with god's gift that is human many organs you are gonna remove...lets wait for science to find a way instead of removing the organs which maybe important for our existence..." I felt that it was a low blow toward someone (Animus) who has shown extraordinary courage and honesty.

As an aside, there are many medical conditions in which organs or body parts simply must be removed for health reasons or for comfort.  A good example is The Three Tenors (from Ireland). Ronan Tynan, one of the more well-known tenors in the group, was born with a condition which caused his lower legs to be underdeveloped, and also caused him pain as he grew.  At age 20, he decided to have both legs amputated below the knee.  Not only is this removal of body parts not noticeable (he wears prostheses), Ronan also went on to become an orthopedic surgeon!  But his main love is and always was singing.

We are all entitled to our opinions, but it is just not kind, not supportive, nor is it helpful to judge someone's decisions -- especially when the person is not trying to foist his decisions onto others.

You men NEED each other!  This is absolutely not the place to post comments about "playing with god's gift..." as an example. Personal attacks, judgemental comments -- these are not supportive ways of expressing disagreemnt or disapproval.

I truly don't mean to single any one person out -- it's happened on this forum before, and happens on others also -- so you are not alone with this.  For the most part, I think you do a wonderful job of supporting each other through this terrible struggle!

So--if something annoys you about what someone else posts -- please try to take the time to ask yourself before posting, "Will my return comment generate more heat than light?"

Light is what you're seeking here!


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Re: Animus Solution/Are Your Posts Generating More Heat than Light?
« Reply #78 on: July 22, 2011, 09:17:46 AM »

Hello to all!

I was struck by a comment made by bitu8489 regarding Animus' solution for his POIS.  I did discuss it briefly with Daveman and Demo, who both gave me permission to write some brief comments about it.

Obviously we are each affected by our beliefs, especially those generated by culture and/or religion. We're possibly not even aware of how deeply held some of these beliefs are.

But this forum -- and the NSF forum -- are meant to be places that serve as a safe haven for everyone sharing their experiences,  feelings of isolation, strength, hopes and vulnerabilities. Putting a fellow POIS sufferer on the defensive is the antithesis of the goal of this supportive forum. In my humble opinion, judgemental remarks toward each other must never be made here.

This is not to single out bitu8489 in any way, as there have been other posts that are critical and judgmental of other forum members.  But because of the nature of POIS, and the lack of research and a real treatment, some members have had to take extreme measures for relief.

Animus has not only taken an extreme measure, but has had the courage and bravery to go public about it.  Most wonderfully -- he has had terrific results!!

I have never read posts by Animus trying to convince anyone to undergo the surgery that he's undergone.  He has explained his procedures, spoken candidly of what he went through and how he was helped -- but he has never pushed others to do what he did.

Reading bitu8489's comment from yesterday, "Hi animus ...i somehow feel that you are playing with god's gift that is human many organs you are gonna remove...lets wait for science to find a way instead of removing the organs which maybe important for our existence..." I felt that it was a low blow toward someone (Animus) who has shown extraordinary courage and honesty.

As an aside, there are many medical conditions in which organs or body parts simply must be removed for health reasons or for comfort.  A good example is The Three Tenors (from Ireland). Ronan Tynan, one of the more well-known tenors in the group, was born with a condition which caused his lower legs to be underdeveloped, and also caused him pain as he grew.  At age 20, he decided to have both legs amputated below the knee.  Not only is this removal of body parts not noticeable (he wears prostheses), Ronan also went on to become an orthopedic surgeon!  But his main love is and always was singing.

We are all entitled to our opinions, but it is just not kind, not supportive, nor is it helpful to judge someone's decisions -- especially when the person is not trying to foist his decisions onto others.

You men NEED each other!  This is absolutely not the place to post comments about "playing with god's gift..." as an example. Personal attacks, judgemental comments -- these are not supportive ways of expressing disagreemnt or disapproval.

I truly don't mean to single any one person out -- it's happened on this forum before, and happens on others also -- so you are not alone with this.  For the most part, I think you do a wonderful job of supporting each other through this terrible struggle!

So--if something annoys you about what someone else posts -- please try to take the time to ask yourself before posting, "Will my return comment generate more heat than light?"

Light is what you're seeking here!

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

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Re: Animus Solution
« Reply #79 on: July 22, 2011, 11:07:13 AM »
Animus, this is an area that has to be discussed. Somehow it's alright to talk about histerectomies, so why not this? It's much the same thing.

If we didn't "interfere with God's gift" with surgery and medicines and modern tools we'd be lucky to live to an average age of 35.

If "God's gift" can live longer and healthier, than that has to be a plus.

Don't feel at all menaced by any of this, in fact, you should feel proud and pleased that a certain area of help may be opening.

Just as histerectomy is completely valid under the given circumstances, procedures such as yours should also be seriously considered under similar circumstances, and not as strange or tabu, but completely valid.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!