Author Topic: HISTAMINE AND POIS (SEXUAL EXHAUSTATION)  (Read 21352 times)


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« on: December 05, 2012, 04:38:11 PM »

I found very interesting information on the link below, once you open it you can see many sexual topics on the left side, for instance now I have a problem of ear ringing and there is a topic there for that and is related directly to orgasm.  in the bottom of the page there are some contacts for consultation and Dr. Richards offers some treatments with suplements depending on the case.  I hope that this inormation can help.



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« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 11:38:52 AM »

I already received very interesting information about the problems that I have with my pois, you can find explanation and treatment for my case but I think that it will be very similar for many pois suffers.  see the information below for details.



Experiencing the symptoms listed is usually indicative of a moderate to severe case of sexual exhaustion, largely depending on a set of factors and the actual severity of the symptoms.

Somewhere along the road of exhaustion one usually develops a negative self supporting neuroplasticity, which is a term I use to describe inabilities of an organism to restore itself to a proper state (by what is considered to be the once positive functioning) and neuroplasticity through its own neurohormones, hormones, and neurotransmitters that are needed to recharge it in the first place.

Tests are usually ineffective in detecting the imbalanced state through the inability to monitor neurotransmitter levels in the brain, the wide range of acceptable results, and the flat ratio of hormone-neurohormone-neurotransmitter interactions monitored.

Every symptom and the underlined causes for the symptoms experienced is just a direct result of an ongoing process which involves mainly nervous and endocrine systems.

One can exhaust and/or ruin his internal organism balance through numerous activities - usually ill lifestyle and mental burdens, as well as the sexual activities strain on the endocrine and nervous system. We also shouldn't neglect and generall predisposition for exhaustion through certain receptor gene mutations. For instance, around 20% of the patients treated for sexual exhaustion tend to have experienced minor and rare aura migraine attacks at young age, long before the actual exhaustion took place. However, given the right circumstances, anyone can eventually exhaust his organism, reach the "breaking point" and basically stuck in a cycle of inflammation.

It's a self supporting exhaustion through:
-Lowered or/and severely imbalanced levels of acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA levels which usually leads to deranged organism functioning and a wide set of symptoms. However, the most notable consequence of this imbalance is arguably the chronically heightened stress response through inadequate serotonin-GABA modulation on neuronal activity. As a direct result, excessive cortisol and prostaglandin E2 in tissues and brain - once important for proper organism behavioral modulation and adaptation through times of acute stressor exposure, will create the negative neuroplasticity even faster. It would be somewhat of a simplification to blame every symptom on imbalances in just the levels of these neurottransmitters, but they are to serve as a straightforward indicator and eventual major and influential link of stability in proper organism functioning.
-Adrenal gland adjustments to chronically create more stress and inflammatory hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine at the expense of DHEA
-Artery constriction for less blood flow and thus increased local inflammation
-The increased levels of cortisol, prostaglandin E2, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and especially prolactin will negatively affect the levels of GnRH, LH and FSH, and together with the arterial inflammation and constriction may kill testicular function as well as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis' proper functioning. Less androgens to modulate inflammatory response, testicular tissue health, insulin resistence, energy levels, tissue and testicular health, proper nts. and hormonal conversions, and neurotransmitters homeostasis will result in even more vicious cycle of inflammation to suppress them even further through low dopamine levels and chronically heightened prolactin. The overactive sexual activities will slowly drain the organism of its potential for rejuvenation.

You can see how this state may manifest in a wide range of symptoms through individual gene expressions. However, the symptoms you've listed can be mainly contributed to improper serotonin-dopamine-acetylcholine-GABA ratio/levels for weakened nervous modulation on excitatory and inflammatory response and abnormal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis functioning for lowered androgens levels.

If there's anything positive it is that you probably haven't injured your penis or experiencing any severe abnormalities in its shape. It is usually in this condition when most injuries happen. Even forceful masturbation may result in excessive inflammatory response and collagen scar tissue release, not to mention jelqing or stretching.

Usually the way to go is to transform your neuroplasticity to a positive one. The inter neuronal connections have been developed and ordered to process information in a specific manner. You may experience severe difficulties in rewriting their work to induce proper (by what you consider a proper response) responses in certain situations.

The first step is to create what you would consider a positive neuroplasticity and keep it for a prolonged period of time.

Every problem must be addressed simultaneously to avoid feedback reactions supporting the developed negative neuroplasticity. That's why just a random set of products or supplements of any kind will prove to be ineffective.

For starters there are some things you may consider doing, such as exercise - running is very beneficial especially for NO and hGH boosts, proper diet (much fiber, fruits, avoid milk with prostaglandin E2 analogs, avoid much red meat, no soy or refined sugar either), negative ion exposure, and massages.

Discontinue sexual activities for 2 to 4 weeks and then limit masturbation as well as other similar in nature activities to 3-5 times a week for 3 to 5 months.

Alpha-Amino, Multi-Alpha, Griffonia simplicifolia - 5HTP (half the dosage, should gradually discontinue it 2nd to 3rd month), GRB6-GABA (should gradually discontinue it 2nd to 3rd month), Alpha-HGH and Ultra-Purified-FishOil for the specific case, will improve nervous and endocrine functioning, stabilize acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, GABA levels, aid hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis proper functioning, restore proper serotonin-GABA nervous modulation on excitatory and inflammatory response, increase androgens, increase elasticity prostaglandin E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide, alter numerous gene expressions, and eventually rewrite the negative neuroplasticity developed.

Note that the primary goal for the first 2 to 3 months is to restore the proper acetylcholine-dopamine-serotonin-GABA levels and ratio and modulation on inflammatory response (as well as proper dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversions and dopamine-prolactin ratio). You would then need to monitor your overall stress levels (both physical and mental) for some months to make sure you're keeping the neuroplasticity that has been developed.

Please, keep me updated on the case.

Glad if I could help!

Best Regards,
dr.Richards, MD


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« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 03:38:28 PM »
where do you get these supplements from? and why are they a special product?

looks like:
amino acid complex
multivitamin complex
human growth hormone
fish oil


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« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2012, 05:26:36 PM »

I haven't order the sumplements and I am going to buy them as soon as possible, the combination make sence to solve or reduce the pois.

I don't know where to buy them, maybe in the 1st link that I sent, I preffer to order from there rather than in any other place.

Thanks for the time spent on this.


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« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2012, 07:41:34 PM »
i have most of this stuff already.
i havent been taking it though. i will start next month.

i dont think you should buy it from that website. it is too overpriced.
i get most of my stuff from iHerbs.

amino acid complex
i have whey protein, but im scared to take it because it is whey, and because it is protein. i will try to find a source soon.
mercola said to use whey concentrate NOT isolate.
now has a product made from whey isolate, you can take a look, and compare. i am going to try to find something else.

multivitamin complex
there are many out there. pick which one you think is best. i use genessential greens (its never available). it has everything. maybe even some stuff we shouldnt take. i am a bit worried about green tea, since it inhibits doa, which breaks down histamine.




cod liver oil
my metametrix organix test, which is a nutritional and metabolic test, showed a problem with neurotransmitters, causing inflammation. my 5-htp was also high, but i have been taking 5-htp for a bit before the test. i was recommanded to take magnessium, fish oil and watch out for protein.
my genetic test said i had problems braking down serotonin. maybe that is why my 5-htp was high. maybe it was the supplements.


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« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 06:33:33 AM »
Following my genetic tests I believe I have low levels of BH4.
I have MTHFR c677t a1298c and the GCH1 mutations. This was an interesting discovery.

So I possibly feel less pain but low levels of BH4 may increase mast cell instability.

So yeah, I think this gives me something to think about. People with low BH4 may supplement synthetic bh4 or take other stuff to boost BH4 or boost neurotransmitter levels. Stuff like L-Dopa, and 5-HTP. This doesn't mean I have sexual exhaustion, just that I don't create neurotransmitters as efficiently as I could and that I may have reduced levels of glutathione and higher levels of homocysteine.


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« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2012, 10:26:47 PM »
amino acids

mercola said to use whey concentrate, not isolate. he also said the amino acids should be in the right ratio. therefore, i dont know if it makes sense to take additional amino acids seperately. it might, since we need more of those. iherb has it as well.

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)    100mg
Niacin (as niacinamide)    100mg
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine  HCI)    10mg
Taurine (free form)    300mg
Glycine (free form)    200mg
Inositol    300mg

again, even if you buy them seperately at iHerb, its still cheap.

they have l-dopa and glutathione as well, but you can get glutathione from whey protein as well.


basically, if anybody wants to go this way, and try to fix their neurotransmitter balance, here is some info and some stuff to get.

what i will try is to use the whey protein powder that i have, add the multi-vitamin powder to it, add mineral powder, add vitamin c powder, and a vitamin b6-p5p pill in the morning on empty stomach. might do it at night as well.
take a teaspoon of cod liver oil.
some vitamin d3 drops.
and think about what to do with gaba, 5-htp, l-dopa, and the other amino acids and combos, like now's tri-amino.


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« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 06:26:33 AM »
Interesting line....

Keep us up on the progress.

Do we know the treatment process and dosages/frequency?

What will be your starting point, dosage / frequency wise, and how long will be required to see results?

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2012, 11:53:14 AM »

Below you can find what it was recommended for treatment time and follow up.

For starters there are some things you may consider doing, such as exercise - running is very beneficial especially for NO and hGH boosts, proper diet (much fiber, fruits, avoid milk with prostaglandin E2 analogs, avoid much red meat, no soy or refined sugar either), negative ion exposure, and massages.

Discontinue sexual activities for 2 to 4 weeks and then limit masturbation as well as other similar in nature activities to 3-5 times a week for 3 to 5 months.

Alpha-Amino, Multi-Alpha, Griffonia simplicifolia - 5HTP (half the dosage, should gradually discontinue it 2nd to 3rd month), GRB6-GABA (should gradually discontinue it 2nd to 3rd month), Alpha-HGH and Ultra-Purified-FishOil for the specific case, will improve nervous and endocrine functioning, stabilize acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, GABA levels, aid hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis proper functioning, restore proper serotonin-GABA nervous modulation on excitatory and inflammatory response, increase androgens, increase elasticity prostaglandin E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide, alter numerous gene expressions, and eventually rewrite the negative neuroplasticity developed.

Note that the primary goal for the first 2 to 3 months is to restore the proper acetylcholine-dopamine-serotonin-GABA levels and ratio and modulation on inflammatory response (as well as proper dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversions and dopamine-prolactin ratio). You would then need to monitor your overall stress levels (both physical and mental) for some months to make sure you're keeping the neuroplasticity that has been developed.


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« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2012, 10:38:53 PM »
Hello and Happy Holidays to Everyone!

I've read some of the methylation links that kurtosis supplied, and tried understanding the MTHFR and GCH1 mutation information - but I am at a loss as to how they relate to POIS. (We each have genetic mutations that do not cause disease, even when inherited from both parents, just FYI.) I've also read nomore13's posts and mperez' posts and tried reading some of the links related to "sexual exhaustion," (very unusual information that i don't think are grounded in scientific research).

All of you-- please -- don't be your own doctors!!! Some of the vitamins/supplements may seem safe-- but some of you are talking about taking supplements that can dramatically affect neurotransmitter activity -- particularly 5-HTP and GABA.  

Please don't take these supplements without some type of medical supervision!!  They are very strong supplements that change the action of neurotransmitters, and can have severe consequences -- especially 5-HTP and GABA supplements.

Daveman posted on one of the threads here about B vitamin supplementation -- seemingly harmless vitamins -- but many people even without POIS cannot tolerate them! If one does not have a particular B vitamin deficiency, why risk taking them? They are all chemicals that can cause side-effects that you do not want.  You've all got enough symprtoms to cope with!

I don't mean to be negative.  It's GREAT to research and investigate, but it's another thing all together to turn yourselves into lab rats.

Please be careful. Check these supplements out with a trusted physician first -- those physicians are there -- and you can find them.  Don't risk harming yourselves.  POIS may make some of you particularly sensitive to side-effects.



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« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2012, 06:17:35 AM »
As with diabetes and perhaps even POIS itself, nerve damage can be permanent. Although the permanency of the nerve damage with POIS seems less aggressive, there's the risk that strong doses of some B vitamins could tip it over the edge.

Some of us have POIS continuously. We don't know why or what's in the balance.

We are so close to research, so close. In my opinion, it would be far better to concentrate in that rather than continue year after year, subjecting ourselves to potentially unknown procedures.

I know we are all desperate. I am one of you. But we are desperate to find a REAL solution.

I make a pact right now.... my wife will kill me... but if 5 more put in $1000, so will I.

We have 3 months... or at least a year more!
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2015, 09:41:34 AM »
Hello and Happy Holidays to Everyone!

I've read some of the methylation links that kurtosis supplied, and tried understanding the MTHFR and GCH1 mutation information - but I am at a loss as to how they relate to POIS. (We each have genetic mutations that do not cause disease, even when inherited from both parents, just FYI.) I've also read nomore13's posts and mperez' posts and tried reading some of the links related to "sexual exhaustion," (very unusual information that i don't think are grounded in scientific research).

All of you-- please -- don't be your own doctors!!! Some of the vitamins/supplements may seem safe-- but some of you are talking about taking supplements that can dramatically affect neurotransmitter activity -- particularly 5-HTP and GABA. 

Please don't take these supplements without some type of medical supervision!!  They are very strong supplements that change the action of neurotransmitters, and can have severe consequences -- especially 5-HTP and GABA supplements.

Daveman posted on one of the threads here about B vitamin supplementation -- seemingly harmless vitamins -- but many people even without POIS cannot tolerate them! If one does not have a particular B vitamin deficiency, why risk taking them? They are all chemicals that can cause side-effects that you do not want.  You've all got enough symprtoms to cope with!

I don't mean to be negative.  It's GREAT to research and investigate, but it's another thing all together to turn yourselves into lab rats.

Please be careful. Check these supplements out with a trusted physician first -- those physicians are there -- and you can find them.  Don't risk harming yourselves.  POIS may make some of you particularly sensitive to side-effects.


Glad to read this. Some people think popping a powerful/potentially dangerous supplement mix is like popping a couple of M&M's!

Like this optimistic POISer in one of our old ads:

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2015, 03:27:29 PM »
I agree that we must be careful with what we take. I've tried a whole range of meds that I was prescribed by different doctors over the years and usually did not often help me get much forward although some docs really wanted to push in finding solutions even though we seemed to go into the unknown. Even they can end up prescribing you something that you can end up being hooked on creating new problems that you have to end up sorting out. You obviously have to be lucky sometimes to find a good doc and one willing to think differently when the traditional methods don't work. Once you want to try start experimenting supplements and vitamins and simultaneously ask advice from a doc with this, they usually have no knowledge or experience in this domain. In my case I recently showed 2 professors as well as 2 doctors from what I found on our forums and none so far seemed to have objections or give special advice on this. After all most of these supplements are widely available without prescriptions but the trick is probably not to get hooked in exaggerating with swallowing these pills or rather take breaks. When I read some of the posts on this site some POISers will obviously try taking some of this stuff on a daily basis. Such as niacin which has obviously proven that it?s not the way to do it. We can only learn as we move forward obviously. And when and if we learn something new it?s probably better to switch and rotate between different tricks instead of staying on one method till we find the real solution. After-all all these methods and tricks have proven to not necessarily work at each trial which is the reason why most of us always end up coming back to the forums searching further.