While testing for POIS hormonally, it was found that I had hyperprolactinemia - 1,000% higher prolactin than average!
I was immediately given a brain MRI, looking for pituitary problems (tumor). There was none. (Whew!)
So, with my doctor's permission (medical texts AND university endocrinological studies have very little to say about prolactin in MEN (women' s prolactin is related to lactating pregnant women, but men....?? No clue in medicine today about MEN with hyperprolactinemia in 2009).
So, with endo's approval I went off on my own studying it. Wikipedia provided the answer! Reglan, among other Rx meds, have been shown to cause hyperprolactinemia.
I stopped Reglan, switched to Zofran, and BOOM! No more high prolactin!
Lucky Dr. Demo