Author Topic: Prolactine  (Read 6613 times)


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« on: November 19, 2012, 11:59:51 AM »
Have you had your prolactine tested one or two days after O ?

There is some pretty non controversial facts :

1.Prolactine is something else that raise after orgasm

It's suppose to remain high for one hour afer orgasm ;
My prolactin remain high for days after orgasm and in the NSF forum Nathan 123 claims he was diagnosed for hyperprolactinemia ;

2.To much prolactine inhibits the production of testosterone

3.High levels of prolactine are associated with low levels of dopamine ; dopamine agonist are used to treat hyperprolactinemia

I believe a lot of POIS symtoms are cause by low dopamine levels

« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 02:09:47 PM by LAPOISSE »


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 12:50:45 PM »
My prolactin levels are always UNDER the normal range, but for a male it is not a problem.


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2012, 02:05:28 PM »
While testing for POIS hormonally, it was found that I had hyperprolactinemia - 1,000% higher prolactin than average!

I was immediately given a brain MRI, looking for pituitary problems (tumor). There was none. (Whew!)

So, with my doctor's permission (medical texts AND university endocrinological studies have very little to say about prolactin in MEN (women' s prolactin is related to lactating pregnant women, but men....?? No clue in medicine today about MEN with hyperprolactinemia in 2009).

So, with endo's approval I went off on my own studying it. Wikipedia provided the answer! Reglan, among other Rx meds, have been shown to cause hyperprolactinemia.

I stopped Reglan, switched to Zofran, and BOOM! No more high prolactin!

Lucky Dr. Demo :)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 02:12:49 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2012, 03:13:59 PM »
when should i get tested?

i have a testosterone + prolactin blood test to do. the question is when? should i do it when i am at my worst, when i am most symptomatic? should i do it immidietly after o?

my pois is a bit different. it doesnt start immidietly, it really gets going 2-3 days after, and then stays strong for a few days and then mild for a long time after. its very weird.

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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2012, 12:23:08 PM »
If you're at your most symptomatic I think there is a greater chance the test will show what might be wrong with your hormone levels. I would test at the most symptomatic when I'm feeling the worst.
Taking ginger tea, no wheat, fenugreek+green tea/garlic, saw palmetto, niacin, boswellia, huperzine, B complex and nutmeg. See my treatment summary post for more info:


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2013, 12:25:32 PM »
I need to come back in that subject ; what I keep reading about dopamine depletion  match perfectly with POIS

This research is amazing :

Did not find a better match with POIS ; fatigue, anxiety, social disorder and cognitive impairment that come and goes back within days ;

Orgasm = Dopamine VS prolactin ; What if prolactin wins by KO because raise for 1 hour only(non detectable) to the sky ? How long would dopamine need to go back to it's initial level ?

My prolactin like others is high, we had several hyperprolactinemia here(even adenoma)

Junk food cause low dopamine, stress cause low dopamine(see the vicious circle here), SSRI are also involved in dopamine reuptake inhibition, work for while and make symtoms worse(my story), coffe also.

Dopamine and testosterone are friends ; both high are both low

Is anybody tried to boost dopamine : soft way is mucuna pruriens / less soft ways are levodopa are dopamine agonist like bromocriptine(Coreeman from NSF tried that apparently but kinda disappeared from the forum then) ?

The theory is not new in here :


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2013, 01:56:57 PM »
I need to come back in that subject ; what I keep reading about dopamine depletion  match perfectly with POIS

This research is amazing :

Did not find a better match with POIS ; fatigue, anxiety, social disorder and cognitive impairment that come and goes back within days ;

Orgasm = Dopamine VS prolactin ; What if prolactin wins by KO because raise for 1 hour only(non detectable) to the sky ? How long would dopamine need to go back to it's initial level ?

My prolactin like others is high, we had several hyperprolactinemia here(even adenoma)

Junk food cause low dopamine, stress cause low dopamine(see the vicious circle here), SSRI are also involved in dopamine reuptake inhibition, work for while and make symtoms worse(my story), coffe also.

Dopamine and testosterone are friends ; both high are both low

Is anybody tried to boost dopamine : soft way is mucuna pruriens / less soft ways are levodopa are dopamine agonist like bromocriptine(Coreeman from NSF tried that apparently but kinda disappeared from the forum then) ?

The theory is not new in here :

Makes sense, but what about the flu symptoms? What is the influence of hormones in the immune system, especially IgE and inflammatory response?

« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 02:11:16 PM by FornicationDENIED »


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2013, 06:09:04 PM »
I am on cabergoline for more than 2 months now because of a  microadenoma.
it should be safer than bromocriptine.
still no improvements on pois symptoms but libido is a bit higher as well as sex drive.
actually I'm thinking about sex all the time.


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Re: Prolactine
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2013, 06:07:31 AM »
An answer about flue like symtoms would be that :