The following are of my experience and findings after I my POIS is back.
a) I came to know the reason why POIS is came back: After spending two months of happiest moment in life after success in Neem. One night I make summary how I faced difficulties because of POIS in that seven years, its symptoms, treatments taken by me, use of this forum and I was emotionally involved in this. From next masturbation I got my POIS back.
Probably, I reminded my mind / immune system about POIS and it started again.
b) POIS effects will reoccur / increase if I not gone to deep sleep and had dreams for 2 to 3 hours in the sleep. If this is happened next day, I will experience increase in POIS symptoms. This is the reason way for some one's POIS effects will be there continuously. So, I tried sleeping tablets to get sleep deeply.. Unfortunately that is not working.
c) Still I am taking Neems and observing again decrease in POIS effects from day by day.
d) Because of this, I came to know that our emotions / confidence level will determine severity of POIS. After consultation of hypnotist, now I am following approach..
i) to write in a diary / paper before having orgasm that, ' After this orgasm, my mind is calm, clear, happy, confident and my breathing is normal, cool and calm, and my energy levels are strong'.. this type I will write with full concentration, for half an hour and this is giving me a confidence that I will not get POIS this time. The result I found is, excellent decrease in POIS symptoms.
ii) Suppose, if I failed in above approach and got POIS effects, on the next day, I will write as ' my mind is calm, clear, happy, confident and my breathing is normal, cool and calm, and my energy levels are strong' for half an hour twice a day and observed POIS symptoms will go quickly. Pl some body this approach and post.
Hence, presently I am in a hope that , our confidence level and mind will determine the changes in hormone level after POIS and if we something imbalance in hormone levels after o , then auto immune reaction will follow and symtoms of POIS. Also Neem will reduce the auto immune symtoms.