Author Topic: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!  (Read 179452 times)


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2012, 06:37:41 AM »
Actually EGb 761 is the technical term for the standardised extract of ginkgo biloba leaf. I've been looking through its compounds and their properties. One of these in querctin which is the most potent natural COX-2 inhibitor.
Just because G. Biloba doesn't "cure" alzheimers doesn't mean it deserves a bad rap. This sometimes happens when a herb that has been used for years (in Ginkgo's case hundreds of years of documented use in Asia) is posited as a cure for some illness and is subjected to a medical trial.

For a start, they treat the herb as if it was a standard pharmaceutical and under-prescribe the dosage.
The following is worth a read
The study is significant and the conclusion is supported by a p score of less than 0.001, meaning that it's very clear from the study that there was a difference between placebo and ginkgo.

This doesn't mean G Biloba cures cancer but it does point towards some of the beneficial effects of its chemical components.   
Food for thought, as they say.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #41 on: July 28, 2012, 12:02:29 PM »
You can get pretty much everything from Now if you like, including the "Neptune Krill Oil". This might be useful as I can't find another manufacturer doing an equivalent coenzymated b complex and they're quite a large supplement manufacturer with their own labs.
Thanks for your precious advice on choosing the right products.
I'd also like to know whether you take zinc and magnesium as two separate capsules.
It started ever since my first orgasm. It lasts exactly for 7 days. Symptoms mainly in the brain: extreme mental  fatigue, difficulty concentrating, inability to comprehend/retain what is read,shortened attention span, loss of speech fluency, cloudy mindedness, mild headache, and anxiousness


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #42 on: July 28, 2012, 12:09:21 PM »
This is the best page I've ever read about nootropics and smart drugs! Thank you!!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #43 on: July 28, 2012, 03:22:54 PM »
You can get pretty much everything from Now if you like, including the "Neptune Krill Oil". This might be useful as I can't find another manufacturer doing an equivalent coenzymated b complex and they're quite a large supplement manufacturer with their own labs.
Thanks for your precious advice on choosing the right products.
I'd also like to know whether you take zinc and magnesium as two separate capsules.

I do but only because I can't find the 2 together without b6 :)
22 mg of zinc & 400 mg of magnesium.
There are also ZMA products out there with similar concentrations but these also have pyroxidine HCl form of b6. I don't need any more b6 as I'm taking this coenzymated b complex once / twice every alternate days. 

Going less Crazy

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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2012, 11:23:40 PM »
Interesting I was reading about allergy attacks and came across this.

mentions ginkgo biloba
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2012, 07:27:01 PM »
Thank you all for what you are doing, I think in my case it's not just an allergic reaction but there is also a hormonal component. Niacin in part by the allergy problem, taking off my brain fog, but does not remove the physical exhaustion, eyes closed and remain somewhat vacant look, slowness of thought .. etc etc. i think that people who have solved the Pois with niacin  suffer from allergic just a version. I do not have such skin reactions when  come in contact with it. I'm beginning to believe that there is more than one variant.

The fish oil I take omega 3 fish OMEGOR Vitalis, which is one of the best (IMHO). And a tablet b complex light that makes me vivid dreams, but I can not quantify the effect on POIS. The next step is to order the ginko biloba and try nicotinamide, i will let you know .


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #46 on: August 03, 2012, 03:10:52 AM »
Please do. Let me know the results you get. It may take some time to work so do not worry. If you're feeling very tired can I recommend you try acetyl l-carnitine also.
Combined with ginkgo that gives me a lot of energy. I don't take it all time , once a week, but you could take it more if you felt it beneficial.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #47 on: August 03, 2012, 07:28:38 AM »

Can you "feel" when the vitamins may be "protecting" you?

Since I've been using Niacin, I REALLY resist going back to POIS. Even WITH niacin, a couple of times, for reasons of
having eaten too soon before or whatever, I've had a couple of worse sessions, but have never gone back to a full one.

I really fear having sex without taking my niacin. Besides, at this point I haven't found the exact recipe of yours, just a good B complex that is similar to your recipe (although not co-enzyme).

I don't really feel much different, maybe don't sleep quite as well (mainly for the diarrhetic effect) and have neon yellow urine. My dosage is on the "lighter side", rather than heavier.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2012, 08:55:38 AM »

Can you "feel" when the vitamins may be "protecting" you?

Since I've been using Niacin, I REALLY resist going back to POIS. Even WITH niacin, a couple of times, for reasons of
having eaten too soon before or whatever, I've had a couple of worse sessions, but have never gone back to a full one.

I really fear having sex without taking my niacin. Besides, at this point I haven't found the exact recipe of yours, just a good B complex that is similar to your recipe (although not co-enzyme).

I don't really feel much different, maybe don't sleep quite as well (mainly for the diarrhetic effect) and have neon yellow urine. My dosage is on the "lighter side", rather than heavier.

Yes, I definitely feel better. I feel that the b vitamins are diminishing POIS and that the ginkgo & krill oil are improving my mind. I'm seeing definite signs of better learning and less of the astonishing forgetting where it would be like days never happened. This improved again when I added some acetyl l-carnitine. A small amount of huperzine appears beneficial but I have some muscle spasms in one of my eyes and it's entirely possible the huperzine's effect on me is nothing more than helping to calm this. I'm taking it once every 3 days now.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2012, 10:18:29 AM »

Can you "feel" when the vitamins may be "protecting" you?

Since I've been using Niacin, I REALLY resist going back to POIS. Even WITH niacin, a couple of times, for reasons of
having eaten too soon before or whatever, I've had a couple of worse sessions, but have never gone back to a full one.

I really fear having sex without taking my niacin. Besides, at this point I haven't found the exact recipe of yours, just a good B complex that is similar to your recipe (although not co-enzyme).

I don't really feel much different, maybe don't sleep quite as well (mainly for the diarrhetic effect) and have neon yellow urine. My dosage is on the "lighter side", rather than heavier.

Yes, I definitely feel better. I feel that the b vitamins are diminishing POIS and that the ginkgo & krill oil are improving my mind. I'm seeing definite signs of better learning and less of the astonishing forgetting where it would be like days never happened. This improved again when I added some acetyl l-carnitine. A small amount of huperzine appears beneficial but I have some muscle spasms in one of my eyes and it's entirely possible the huperzine's effect on me is nothing more than helping to calm this. I'm taking it once every 3 days now.

OK Thanks. What I really mean to ask, is if you can feel before hand that the vitamins are going to work for you (if it is your first time). This weekend I will have been taking them for about a week, but feel real uncomfortable about having an orgasm without my niacin.

I feel about the same as usual, that is no particular sensation that anything is different (other than the neon yellow urine and having to go quite often) I understand those are effects of B2 and B6 respectively.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2012, 10:40:50 AM »
I'm going to try co-enzyme B, zinc, and ginkgo, when they arrive.
Really wish to end 'it' and get back my life.
Wishing it'll work.
It started ever since my first orgasm. It lasts exactly for 7 days. Symptoms mainly in the brain: extreme mental  fatigue, difficulty concentrating, inability to comprehend/retain what is read,shortened attention span, loss of speech fluency, cloudy mindedness, mild headache, and anxiousness


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2012, 12:37:24 PM »

Can you "feel" when the vitamins may be "protecting" you?

Since I've been using Niacin, I REALLY resist going back to POIS. Even WITH niacin, a couple of times, for reasons of
having eaten too soon before or whatever, I've had a couple of worse sessions, but have never gone back to a full one.

I really fear having sex without taking my niacin. Besides, at this point I haven't found the exact recipe of yours, just a good B complex that is similar to your recipe (although not co-enzyme).

I don't really feel much different, maybe don't sleep quite as well (mainly for the diarrhetic effect) and have neon yellow urine. My dosage is on the "lighter side", rather than heavier.

Yes, I definitely feel better. I feel that the b vitamins are diminishing POIS and that the ginkgo & krill oil are improving my mind. I'm seeing definite signs of better learning and less of the astonishing forgetting where it would be like days never happened. This improved again when I added some acetyl l-carnitine. A small amount of huperzine appears beneficial but I have some muscle spasms in one of my eyes and it's entirely possible the huperzine's effect on me is nothing more than helping to calm this. I'm taking it once every 3 days now.

OK Thanks. What I really mean to ask, is if you can feel before hand that the vitamins are going to work for you (if it is your first time). This weekend I will have been taking them for about a week, but feel real uncomfortable about having an orgasm without my niacin.

I feel about the same as usual, that is no particular sensation that anything is different (other than the neon yellow urine and having to go quite often) I understand those are effects of B2 and B6 respectively.

OK, so when I take the b coenzymes, I feel more alert and have better energy. I can feel my memory working better when I take the ginkgo and the nice surprise is that POIS doesn't interrupt it. It's not that I don't feel a little wiped just after an O but it's not so that I can't think or remember things so it's a more pleasant experience than POIS and almost relaxing. If I feel a bit more tired I take spirulina and it just sorts it out. So yes, I can feel a difference before and after.
I also feel physically stronger which I believe is because my testosterone levels have increased and I have more energy and inclination to exercise.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2012, 06:53:41 PM »
Please do. Let me know the results you get. It may take some time to work so do not worry. If you're feeling very tired can I recommend you try acetyl l-carnitine also.
Combined with ginkgo that gives me a lot of energy. I don't take it all time , once a week, but you could take it more if you felt it beneficial.

I'm waiting for these products

-Ginkgo Biloba, 60 mg (is not so safetly!!?!...
-Niacinnamide nature's way 500mg
-and seems to be high dose multivit (what do u think aobut it?)

- i don't know where i can find acetyl l-carnitine.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2012, 05:28:30 AM »
Please do. Let me know the results you get. It may take some time to work so do not worry. If you're feeling very tired can I recommend you try acetyl l-carnitine also.
Combined with ginkgo that gives me a lot of energy. I don't take it all time , once a week, but you could take it more if you felt it beneficial.

I'm waiting for these products

-Ginkgo Biloba, 60 mg (is not so safetly!!?!...
-Niacinnamide nature's way 500mg
-and seems to be high dose multivit (what do u think aobut it?)

- i don't know where i can find acetyl l-carnitine.

Nothing is safe! When the wrong patient meets the wrong drug the results can be horrible.
Yes there are possible interactions. These are very rare from the literature I've read but it's fair to say that you shouldn't mix 2 drugs that impede clotting at the same time.

Ginkgo is a drug. It might be herb-derived but it's a drug. One that has been taken for hundreds of years (at least) by Chinese without producing serious illness in the majority of those who took it but that the problem with anything that has a physiological effect is that it must also have side effects. For example, taking large amounts of b12 could promote cancer cells metastasising. I'm not sure the literature is conclusive but it will encourage cell division so if you have an undiagnosed tumour then taking lots of b12 could be a problem. Regular supplementation with some amino acids that can be made by the body will reduce our body's ability to make those amino acids. If I didn't have a problematic condition I might not risk any of these things. Unfortunately I do. It's a constant trade-off between what enables us to function and what may be doing long term harm. I'm finding that about 90-120 mg of ginkgo / day on top of the b vitamins gives me good relief from POIS.

There are millions of people, as we speak, consuming food with high levels of mono sodium glutamate which is a known excito-toxin which may have a detrimental effect on their long term neurological health. Or it may not. Some people smoke and develop horrible cancers, others seem to be more resistant.

I'm not a doctor. Just an engineer with a broad interest in chemistry and biochem since my college days. I'm relating my personal experiences but I've said a few times that you need to read up on anything you take. Personally, I feel the risks associated with me taking ginkgo and co-enzymated b vitamins are low. A world-leading endocrinologist said taking extra zinc (up to about 50mg / day) was beneficial for hormonal health so long as you added about 5% of whatever you take in copper also. (say a 20:1 ratio). So I believe what I'm taking is relatively safe. If I start to feel nauseous or have any problems I'll reduce what I'm taking immediately.

Here's a list of things you shouldn't take with ginkgo
There's a good categorical list over on wikipedia

You should not take gingko or large amounts of fish oils (and certainly not both together) for several days before any surgical procedure even if you're perfectly healthy.  Technically, combining >60mg of ginkgo with large amounts of fish oils is not a great idea either but it's very very difficult to be precise without a medical history and a  blood test. Haemophiliacs for instance should not take ginkgo. (

Having said that I cut myself while shaving a few days ago and noticed no problem in healing. I have not noticed any problems myself and I've known people who took ginkgo almost every day for decades with no problems.

Acetyl L-carnitine is available from lots of online nutritional stores and a "well known online retailer" called after a South American river (or a tribe of warrior women depending on how you look at it :))


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #54 on: August 04, 2012, 01:52:22 PM »
Although I am studying engineering and I have the same approccio.Non a doctor before trying new drugs quache try to inform me.
Thank you for what you wrote. Certainly if I had not this serious problem, do not take these medicines.
So Ginkgo biloba should not be taken with fish oil? why?


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #55 on: August 04, 2012, 02:44:51 PM »
both blood thinners.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #56 on: August 04, 2012, 05:20:58 PM »
both blood thinners.

Yes that's the reason but I'm taking 1 krill oil with about 120mg of ginkgo and I'm not noticing any problem. So I guess the honest answer is that you should be aware of the risks. You'd have to take quite a few capsules of fish oil to have the same anti-coagulant effect as aspirin (also depends on potency/concentration of the fish oil) but the same kind of precautions as described at
would apply.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #57 on: August 04, 2012, 05:48:32 PM »
I just went on a run today, and was surprised to feel more energized than I usually do.  My fatigue didn't set in as early as it usually does.  I've been taking these vitamins for over 5 weeks now.  I just had an "O" yesterday accompanied with niacin.  I really feel good right now.  It's really genuine, I'm not having to consciously force myself to think positively.  I typically have to tell myself I'm feeling good lol.
Turmeric and Rosemary 30-45 minutes before orgasm for anti-inflammatory and immune support has helped me a lot. Faster and easier than niacin approach.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #58 on: August 05, 2012, 05:15:57 AM »
I just went on a run today, and was surprised to feel more energized than I usually do.  My fatigue didn't set in as early as it usually does.  I've been taking these vitamins for over 5 weeks now.  I just had an "O" yesterday accompanied with niacin.  I really feel good right now.  It's really genuine, I'm not having to consciously force myself to think positively.  I typically have to tell myself I'm feeling good lol.

I know the feeling. And going for a run is a great step as it has all kinds of positive effects on your neurochemistry, including levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Function (BDNF) which basically helps you learn and feel intellectually productive.


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Re: Vitamin supplementation WORKS - start taking them!
« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2012, 06:11:47 PM »
I just went on a run today, and was surprised to feel more energized than I usually do.  My fatigue didn't set in as early as it usually does.  I've been taking these vitamins for over 5 weeks now.  I just had an "O" yesterday accompanied with niacin.  I really feel good right now.  It's really genuine, I'm not having to consciously force myself to think positively.  I typically have to tell myself I'm feeling good lol.

Tell me exactly what you're taking and the doses,thank u.