Author Topic: 1600 Natural Testosterone testimonial  (Read 1386 times)


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1600 Natural Testosterone testimonial
« on: November 21, 2023, 11:37:01 AM »
I have POIS and I have been trying to optimize my testosterone for so long in the hope that it would improve POIS, that when I took the exam, I was surprised. My testosterone levels were sky rocketing to levels that are more than double than what I had when I was 18 years old.
Althought it is that high, I don't feel my libido any better than when I had 700 in testosterone with my exams.. The only difference I noticed is that I'm extremely lean and I never gain fat.. I only put muscle. It's impossible for me to put on fat, and I recover very fast.

The exam said it's currently 1600 (the lab reference is 1100 at the maximum reference), and this is what I have been doing for so long:
CAUTION: please don't follow my advice, this is just what I have been doing for many many years.

1) 20 minutes in the sun, naked, exposing my [testicles], in my apartment
2) ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium, B6)
3) Magnesium Chloride (I bought 1kg for extremely low price, and I mix with 2 liters of water in the morning, and drink during the day)
4) Taurine (Bought 500g and mix a scoop with water)
5) I [ejaculate] just once per week. Even if I'm with my girlfriend, I have sex without cumming.
6. When I [ejaculate], I use the injaculation method, that I read in Joe Cohen's blog
7) I take Long Jack (Tongkat Ali) in capsules
8. 6mg of Boron (maybe the most important.. scientific studies show improvements as high as 30% in T levels)
9) Once a week a take half tablet of clomid (very low dose).

Besides that, I eat a lot of meat, rice and eggs, and huge amounts of olive oil. I take much more olive oil then David Perlmutter (doctor that talks about healthy brain)

I notice that I still have awful symptoms of POIS, but it's so much better than it was in 2015...

I'm 33 years old. I always thought that I would start TRT early, but man.. I was very surprised to know that it's possible to increase the T levels tremendously even in this age.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 08:57:15 PM by demografx »


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Re: 1600 Natural Testosterone testimonial
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2023, 12:30:01 AM »

I also have high testosterone but I am currently investigating a late onset 5-alpha-reductase (5ar) deficiency. I am masculine but have tested quite low DHT. It?s where testosterone is not converted to DHT as it should, amongst other things such as progesterone to allopregnenolone. This poor conversion can lead to high testosterone. DHT has numerous affects in our body and allopregnenolone has a lot to do with our brain.

I can?t say for certain if this path has answers as I am pending making a post until I know with a bit more certainty.

However getting DHT levels assessed as well as the other hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, thyroid stuff, SHBG etc might help you paint a clearer picture