Author Topic: This works big time for me, Sex yes, as much as you want, but avoid Orgasm  (Read 846 times)


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This might be obvious but I guess it's overlooked by most people. I overlooked it myself for a long time until this year.

I have tried many treatments, some with good results, but nothing is as good as no orgasm.
Attention, I don't mean no sex or no masturbation, Actually You can have sex as many times as you want and masturbation as many times as you want, you just have to avoid orgasm for a proper amount of time.

For me having only 1 orgasm every 3-4 weeks seems to be the perfect balance, pois is reduced to basically zero and I feel great the whole time, always, with a level of clear mind and attention which is stunning compared to previously.

Sorry for my english, it's not my first language.


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Re: This works big time for me, Sex yes, as much as you want, but avoid Orgasm
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2023, 10:14:09 AM »
this works best, but if you are addicted to porn or have a sexual partner its hard to not orgasm for that long and you should learn to deal with pois in younger years so you can have a healthy relationship i lost 3 gf's cause of pois and a lot of years of my life, so i recommend you learn to deal with it early cause you can get in serious trouble or be ill equipped to deal with self independence or a relationship in your 30's, this is my plan to just avoid orgasms in later years of my life when i dont need to have sex anymore.


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Re: This works big time for me, Sex yes, as much as you want, but avoid Orgasm
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2023, 07:43:28 AM »
this works best, but if you are addicted to porn or have a sexual partner its hard to not orgasm for that long and you should learn to deal with pois in younger years so you can have a healthy relationship i lost 3 gf's cause of pois and a lot of years of my life, so i recommend you learn to deal with it early cause you can get in serious trouble or be ill equipped to deal with self independence or a relationship in your 30's, this is my plan to just avoid orgasms in later years of my life when i dont need to have sex anymore.

imo the key is accepting you have a problem and there's no complete way out

at least for me it's easy to accept no orgasm for 3-4 weeks if thanks to that you can feel great always and still have sex as much as want