i tried stopping etodolac for the past 6-7 orgasms over a period of 2-3 weeks and results are shocking to me.
i was started on this medication when i was having mayopathy attacks to control it and lower my pain, and i started to notice a couple of times i had very low pois symptoms when i was ill with mayopathy i discussed this with my then urologist who i was consulting for pois and when i recovered from mayopathy he started me on the same medication for pois to counter any immune response since i already had a good response to it.
initially it was a daily dose of 300mg extended release for 7 days after orgasm since its not really a fast acting medication, and it did work wonders for me i was pretty happy with it but at the same time i was taking duloxitine a ssri prescribed to me by a psychiatrist when i was hospitalized and asked to be continued for atleast 6 months by the doctor, so i was not very sure that its only etodolac which was the primary drug which worked for my pois i really thought it was the ssri and other psychiatric medications.
recently i stopped both of my medication for a good 3-4 weeks and all my symptoms came back pretty much at full scale and i first started to take etodolac to eliminate it as the primary drug of response for my pois and i was surprised, 90% of my symptoms went away just by using etodolac
i did take the ssri duloxitine alone for 2 weeks and the response was mild and mostly on my cognitive symptoms, it did little to nothing for myalgia and fatigue although it did made the fatigue quite mild but it was still there and it was annoying af.
this is so confusing cause i should really not take etodolac for long periods of time and i really hoped it was duloxitine which i could take for a long while, i am on a straight exercise binge and i am hoping to find a alternative to etodolac now which would be safer in the long run
my current etodolac dosage is quite low to make it safer but it should really not be continued for long periods of time
if you guys find any alternatives to nsaid's please suggest me to try.