Author Topic: Childhood vaccinations and POIS  (Read 877 times)


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Childhood vaccinations and POIS
« on: July 09, 2023, 03:28:48 PM »
I am just curious. I was thinking about the side effects of vaccines and I remember getting vaccinated as a kid. I wonder how many of us have had vaccinations in childhood or teenage years and that this may have contributed towards POIS?


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Re: Childhood vaccinations and POIS
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2023, 07:01:35 PM »
vaccines dont cause pois i have had all the vaccines and so did all my siblings and relatives including my mother and father no one have pois in my family till 2 generations up and 1 generation down that i know of


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Re: Childhood vaccinations and POIS
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2023, 02:48:24 AM »
Okay thanks for your response. I'm not saying that they do cause it but I was wondering if they affect some people and the side effect of it being POIS.


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Re: Childhood vaccinations and POIS
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2023, 03:18:09 AM »
this is a basic education in autoimmunity not anything complex humans have a gland called thymus gland its job is to produce t cells and  lymphocytes.

it checks every antibody cell which our body produces against all possible cells humans have and make sure we dont develop auto antibodies in large quantities unless its required then it will do so.

sometimes genetic anomalies change working of this gland and it starts missing some antibodies which are autoimmune in nature, these genetic anomalies are the reason we get autoimmune diseases of all kind allergies, chronic conditions, various syndromes etc.

can vaccines affect your thymus gland
well its answer is complicated if a vaccine is targeting thymus cells then yes but if not then thymus cells regenerate at a healthy pace throughout your life and even faster in your younger years so any affect by vaccines are not long lasting if they do exists in the first place. with ageing and your thymus gland regenerating you will in most cases grow out  of any affects by vaccines anyways.

that's why we can grow out of allergies cause we stop using certain parts of genomic data as we age and new genetic data takes its place. so if a vaccine is specifically not targeting your thymus gland developing allergies because of vaccines is highly unlikely, there is a significantly higher chances that you have certain genetic anomalies which will trigger allergic reactions on there own then you getting a genetic change from vaccines in our thymus.

other autoimmune pathways exist but this is a major one which can be affected by a vaccine in general.

now the second one is your bone marrow but autoimmune conditions rooting in your bone marrow are largely chronic in nature like lupus or other conditions where autoimmunity is generally triggered not specifically like in case of allergies.these autoimmune conditions are also likely to affect multi system organs in a more diffused manner which we dont see in pois, our symptoms are largely non organ damaging in nature or even if there is organ damage its mild or not to the levels which lupus like conditions can cause. so this route of autoimmunity for pois is very unlikely.

the others are not a cause for a pois like disease or could be affected by a vaccine so they are highly unlikely.

what can cause symptoms like pois a anti body which is targeting semen "after ejaculation" cause if it did if it did it before ejaculation we would have seen hypogonadism, autoimmune orchitis, autoimmune epididymitis, interstitial cystitis or other inflammatory diseases involving the sexual organs.

tho common autoimmune symptoms we see is urethritis but only time semen comes in contact with urethra is when the semen is fully mixed and ready to be ejaculated so its highly likely we have auto antibodies present in urethra which react to semen and generate autoimmune cascade in a region with high blood supply which then spreads the autoimmunity throughout the body as general inflammation


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Re: Childhood vaccinations and POIS
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2023, 03:53:26 PM »
vaccines dont cause pois i have had all the vaccines and so did all my siblings and relatives including my mother and father no one have pois in my family till 2 generations up and 1 generation down that i know of

vaccines effect people differently, your family not having pois is no scientific proof of vaccines not effecting us