Details I don't remember, but there was one test where it was thought that it is quite important that the test be taken at more precise times. There are IgE tables in Dr. Waldinger's papers I think.
It seems that IgE for instance peaks just for a short period with the type I reaction, and the T-cells increase at a later time.
So perhaps with a little study, maybe the Waldinger papers and other information related to type I and type IV reactions the best would be to take several test at different times.
One should take a base test, when everything is normal, and then another one ( or several ) at expected key times. It's important that we know what we're doing when we take the tests...... the doctors don't. It's also important that we know how to evaluate the information ofterwards, again, the doctors don't.
If we're not sure what to expect, or what and when we are looking for something, it'll not be too likely we'll know that the tests mean.
Maybe with some of your "friendly knowledgable contacts" Habibou, you can get an idea of the best times, and then go to the doctor with a guidline. "I want this, this and this, and I want it at this time, and at this time etc." We're the boss!

we're paying the money.