I have a regimen that has helped me manage severe POIS....I jack off / have sex pretty much at will and function at my job which is high stress corporate job. I get periodic symptoms and if I don;t adhere to the lifestyle changes after sex, I can still have pronounced episodes, but I consider the condition well controlled now. Here's what I do:
- No gluten
- No alcohol and caffeine (If I do near or around sex, POIS symptoms will be much stronger)
- daily allegra (extra dose after O)
- daily alleve (extra dose after O)
- high dose propranolol 60 mg extended release, 2x per day (extra dose after O)
- 20-30 mg pepcid ac when my stomach is affected (extra dose after O)
- sudafed if I'm feeling symptoms (dose after O)
- More regular sleep pattern. In bed by midnight.
- Nap for 20-30 min when fatigue kicks in
- Also, after sex or O, I shower and squeeze out any remaining semen. Leaving it in the "tube" seems to cause some skin symptoms for me.
If you have questions, let me know.