Didn't mean to sound like 'one of those' you mention above, saying it's always "in your head". I didn't mean that and understand the frustration of being told this. I am one of the worst POIS sufferers here, and it feels extremely real to me too! But I have had several treatments in the past that have given me full relief for a period. These came at times of relative stability, calm and peace in my life, and I wonder if that is a coincidence... Xanax (once a month) and propranolol are the only things that mask my POIS symptoms after all these years, and I try not to abuse them, but it is unbearable.
I don't doubt there may be different factors at play in SOME cases, such as having abnormally low testosterone levels, hypogonadism, etc... Personally I feel I fall into this category, but I have an unusually undeveloped physique.
But the longer you are active in this forum, the more you read about short-lived 'cures' from random vitamins, foods, drugs, and one wonders... To what degree the mind plays in all of this. That's all i'm saying. It certainly feels real as hell to me. But I also wonder if focusing on the condition and treatment ALONE is approaching it the correct way... Perhaps the issue is 'spiritual' in the sense that we are living our daily lives in such a way that is totally incompatible with our true self, and perhaps after orgasm when our immune systems are weaker, it exposes the difficulties of living up to these pretentious 'roles' and keeping up the act. Materialism, the means of acquiring wealth, the way we relate to and judge people, have become the primary focus in society these days for most people, which is why we see skyrocketing cases of depression, anxiety, and mental illness. We've been fed a KFC for the soul. Seeking happiness in places where happiness cannot be found. People are not living in harmony with their deeper selves, which often includes not listening to their bodies in terms of nutrition, exercise, and actions. Any of these things being out of balance can create serious imbalances. Many of us are living up to some conditioned idea of ourselves, how we were educated to believe certain things, to live and behave. But most of it is totally phony. If we were born 100+ years ago we easily could have been educated to believe owning slaves was normal. We still prize wealth over kindness. So yes, perhaps our bodies have slight 'weaknesses' compared to others, but by failing to address the deeper deficiency in our lives, of connection, love, oneness, and so on, we may be focusing on the symptoms, rather than the root cause.... Just a thought. Nothing more. No need to be offended. We're battling this together.