Author Topic: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS  (Read 2740 times)


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Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« on: December 26, 2021, 05:45:09 AM »
Hey guys, so many of you might know me from running the facebook group and because I have one of the most severe cases of POIS for several reasons I won?t go into.  That has lead me to research more than most..

Well I have a new theory that a subset of us especially with Pain or Gastro Symptoms involved could actually have a compression of the veins or artery in the Pelvic region.

Unfortunately 99.999% of the Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, which is what it is called, diagnosis are women at the moment. Women have a lot more trauma and activity in the Pelvis then guy, but they also have Gynecologist who specialize in only women?s health and especially their pelvis. While they don?t diagnosis themselves, some are aware of it so that they can order testing or referrals to special Radiologists called Intervention Radiologist who can test for it. Guys don?t have that and generally Urologist and gastroenterologist are not aware of PCS. Usually women find out by chance still as well. Guy usually find out they have a varicocele which is an enlargement of a testicle vein that drains blood from our testicles and brings it back to the heart

There are various types of compressions: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (collar area), Nutcracker Syndrome, May Thurner Syndrome (Kidney and liver areas) and MALS (Gut area). Out of theseI would say MALS is the most researched. A survey for MALS found that 30-45% of patients have psychological/cognitive issues of every type, also about 50% have Dysautonomia. Most common symptoms for these syndromes is pain but not everyone has pain. Also 33% have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which might explain some of symptoms.

The doctor that usually treats PCS is the either a Vascular Surgeon or if they treat it non invasive the the Interventional radiologist. There is not much agreement how to treat these syndromes so different doctors have different techniques.

I am in touch with a European expert, who has lectured on Male Pelvic Congestion. He is going to try to look at my scans and maybe tell me where to go or to get more. There are different types of vein and artery scans and radiologist needs to know what they are doing and looking at. Also some of the scan might need to be upright.

Along with this compression theory I have a few theories of how it comes about and why it may or may not improve. I also believe that or prostate is somehow involved and I wonder if there are any guys here without a prostate? I believe that when I am aroused something is causing my prostate to enlarge and then during orgasm the spasm may damage the artery or vein and over time this process of inflammatory process.

So you see it all fits together nicely and I have been saying that I thought blood flow was an issue for us for a long time I just didn't know about compressions?
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2021, 08:56:11 AM »
Interesting theory...i can confirm that my prostate is enlarged during arousal and for a while after ejaculation. Also sometimes it feels inflamed after orgasm.
Do you experience orthostatic disregulation while in POIS too?


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2021, 06:33:17 PM »
Niacin flush a vasodilator before orgasm reduces symptoms 40% , during a cold for 3 days in 2020 February I felt more warmth and blood flow and pleasure in the middle area of penis and had ZERO POIS

How would this cause stuffy nose, throat mucus, brain fog and so on though?


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2021, 03:46:01 AM »
Also 33% have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which might explain some of symptoms.


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2022, 01:55:59 PM »
Interesting theory...i can confirm that my prostate is enlarged during arousal and for a while after ejaculation. Also sometimes it feels inflamed after orgasm.
Do you experience orthostatic disregulation while in POIS too?
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2022, 01:57:30 PM »
Niacin flush a vasodilator before orgasm reduces symptoms 40% , during a cold for 3 days in 2020 February I felt more warmth and blood flow and pleasure in the middle area of penis and had ZERO POIS

How would this cause stuffy nose, throat mucus, brain fog and so on though?
yes vasodilators help many of us so that backs up my theory. No sure about having a cold because that could effect many immune modulators and maybe cause vasodilation..
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2022, 05:28:52 PM »
I found some supplements for chronic venous insufficiency I am going try..
POIS sufferer for over 3 decades. Has progressively gotten worse over the years and I became completely disabled around 2011. My case of POIS is very severe.


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Re: Vaslucar Compressions: My new Theory for subset of POIS
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2022, 02:59:58 PM »
I found some supplements for chronic venous insufficiency I am going try..

Any report as to  how that went and what supplements you tried?