i'm almost certain i got ill after receiving meningitis vaccine when i was around 16, it went completely downwards after. I immediately felt bad and developed horrible brainfog from that point on, it never changed after that vaccine. Last 13 years i had severe inflammatory pain inside my head which feels similar to rubbing red pepper or salt on wounds. It always emerged in the centra of the brain but slightly more to the back of the brain. On a few occasions i felt like my brain was swelling ( literally ) and i felt it all around my brain underneath the skull sometimes one pupil would get larger for short periods of time. I also had the tendency to drive on the left side of the road and i have no clue why, i would have severe urge to use my left part of the body or go the the left side of road ( wether walking or something else ). I could literally feel and hear my brain swelling and making squeeky noises... don't know if it were just the veins
Other symptoms are loss of conciousness, fainting, psuedohallucinations, lost of taste or sense, tingling in feet and fingers, extreme itch on my head only, extreme light sensitivity, Loss of memory, blood flow problems were i would have severe vasodilation and uncontrollable erections. Also behavioural problems like extreme spending or sudden emotional swings, complete irrational behaviour. The depression and nerve problems are severe... most of the times i couldn't read anything from or 6 feet away , even large signs. Change in temperature sensitivity ( not feeling temperature at all ). insomnia that would take forever to go away , my brain just wouldn't shut off only getting around 3 or 4 hours sleep a night for many years.
1 orgasm and i have severe nerve pain in my spine, alot of the times just having an erection causes this. it takes one week for it to dissappear, sometimes even more. I once had an erection and severe nerve spinal pain for 2 weeks straight including severe muscle weakness in upper back. . 2 orgasms in one or 2 weeks and my head is on fire, takes 2 weeks to dissappear but at least 3 weeks to recover completely. After 3 weeks i can read normally again unless i have an erection in that span of time.
I once tried the force method where you masturbate alot...took me almost up to a year to completely recover my cognitive abilities ( one year of having no erection or orgasm as well ) i barely could read anything for almost up to a year, permabrainfog so to speak. From 24th to 28th year i had all these symptoms.. duloxetine and gabapentin reduced these symptoms, cryotherapy also helps.
The book ''my brain on fire'' is something i can relate to, i have similar experiences and symptoms.
I tested for Autoimmune Encephalitis and NMDA receptor Encephalitis among with some other stuff but everything came back negative.
I'm horribly afraid it will come back again... this lead me to seeking refuge in all kind of weird activites from extreme hedonistic persuits to self torture. i never want to go back to those symptoms or psychiatry ever again. I do everything to avoid erection or orgasms to the point of extreme neuroticism.