Hi Meshal,
In October 2016, a web journalist came here to POIScenter and wrote an article about POIS from questions he asked to some of us, through e-mail. He made contact through e-mail only, and never asked for our real names, and neither for a photographs. You can see his article at
https://melmagazine.com/these-guys-will-do-anything-to-avoid-coming-279fc4eb1a8b . You can also see how he proceeded, by registering and creating this thread:
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2364.msg19749#msg19749 .
I am the one called Jeremy in the article, which is not my real name. Mr Blum never asked for my real name, and never saw my photograph. He send me questions by e-mail, and I answered him by e-mail, that's all. And, if you read carefully the article, he does mention that I replied to him by e-mail, so he has been very professionnal and clear about his sources. And, I used an e-mail address that does not have my real name in the address, so that this journalist had no way to learn about my real identity.
So, see for yourself how you feel, but know that if you do give your photo, all you family, neighbors and friends will know about your POIS, and even strangers may recognize you... personally, I would never do that ! POIS is already a burden, no need to add to it. This journalist that is contacting you does not seems to understand the consequences of what he is asking for.
Well, just my opinion. But be sure to protect yourself, Meshal. Some journalists may be very greedy, and may not care about the consequences in your personal life once their article is out. I do not say this journalist is, I don't know him, but what I do know is that informing people about POIS does not have to be done in a way that would cause problem to any POIS sufferer by exposing his privacy to the world - we have the right to stay anonymous.
You can show him the link about the 2016 article, and argue that a good article is possible to make, even without any photograph or real name.