Although not proven, it is said to be a testosterone booster and libido enhancer.'s the first med that has worked for me. I've tried antiallergy drugs, ibuprofen, changing my diet.
My POIS type is mainly cognitive. List of symptoms: depersonalisation, emotional blunting, brain fog, difficulty speaking, forming thoughts and holding a conversation, forgetfulness, demotivation, irritability, fatigue. Symptoms often get more severe to an unmanageable level.
Longjack has to be cycled. You cannot take it everyday forever or it will stop work.
Fortunately, there are some other libido enhancers/testosterone boosters that I've tried in the past, when I did not experience POIS. I just enjoyed having high libido and the feeling of energy from these herbs.
One is named Sarsaparilla, and you brew a tea from a few grams of it and drink thorough the day. I've tried it so I'm pretty sure it works. It's also good for your woman if she has painful periods.
The others, that I have not tried, but will try soon whether they work for me and if I can use them to cycle together with Longjack/Tongkat Ali, are, namely: Tribulus, Catuabe.
If you have not tried this kind of treatment, you should definitely look into these supplements that are supposed to improve your sex life. This stuff I've been taking for over 10 days, with one couple day break, I'm on another 2-day break now, and I feel normal in my life for once. I still feel shitty afterward orgasm and that particular day is to be wasted, however, I bear an assumption that if I continue taking Longjack/testosterone boosters, and work hard on better lifestyle: start exercising again, continue meditation; and also if I force myself through those reduced POIS symptoms in order to become more accustomed to living with them, as to be stronger than them, I'll eventually cure myself.
This is an assumption, however history has had numerous stories about medicines that worked only for symptoms, not for source of the problems, yet people cured themselves. A good example is depression. I believe POIS, at least my type, is psychosomatic and can't be entirely put into "psychological" or "physical" category. Think neurosis, think depression, think many illnesses actually. It's good to work with these diseases on many planes, don't just try to nullify the symptoms with a pill. Work with these symptoms.
TL;DR: Brain fog
almost completely lifted (can't compare to baseline coz I haven't felt normal for years, so what do I know), I feel motivated to do stuff and I love my girlfriend instead of subconsciously hating her for my POIS symptoms.
This is the
brand I've got, because I've found it cheapest in Poland, but it works:'ve also tried Powdercity's Longjack in the past and I can vouch for its quality, athlough I haven't since tried it for my symptoms.