Final exams starting from 15th Feb... Been getting NE's daily... My condition is very miserable now.. Got two consecutive NE's today.. As a result, I'm feeling so crap.. Can't even keep my eyes open.. Heart is beating too fast as if it's gonna explode..! Legs are shivering in pain... Have no idea how to focus on studies... Even, writing this post properly is difficult for me now! Hope, you can understand my feelings.. Anyways, I would like to ask if there is any way to reduce the symptoms temporarily.. I must study hard these days.. Otherwise, I will surely fail.. NEED HELP!!
Below helps me a lot. I believe it is also because the sounds work on vagus nerve. It relaxes and rebalances my CNS.
I Listen or sing along to the first song sitting or laying down with eyes closed no interruptions. Turn off cell, then having cell in very near, I gently reach and stop video with a small motion of one finger and continue remain with eyes clothes sitting peacefully as long as I like. Very nice feeling. Then before openning my eyes I take a big breath through the nose and let go normally. Then take another big breath and let go. After then slowly and gentlly open eyes.
The second song within the same video is also good but the recording interrupts and there is a startling loud noise at the end from poor recording. That makes me jump. Which is not pleasant when I am so relaxed. That is why I stop at first song.
It works fast. I can do 2x or 3x a day as long as it feels good. If it does not feel good (too much) I finish the song and take a break as needed, a day or two for me. However I usually only do it once a day when needed. .
It helps me with everything!!! Symptoms, Stress, clarity, emotionally, etc. it is important to sit quietly for at least 5 minutes before opening my eyes. Ideally at least 10 if i feel like it
It is Ok if legs or arms etc twitch while in the process. I have been told it is healing happenning. And i feel so much better afterwards. a first impulse to discount it without trying it. I have advaced degrees in engineering and can attest that this practice simple and free is very powerful and effective. Once you try it for sure you will want to learn more.
The one below is the most effective and powerful of them all for me. I only listen once a day about 5 min. That is enough for me.
I heard recommendations to try about 15 min. But the key is to stop if it feels like too much. Read above on doing it with eyes closed, sitting quitly after stoping sound, and how to come out. That is VERY as important. This one elow costs $16 though. Also this one you take one long breath between each word of the chant and exhale slowly as saying the next word. Very key not to be interrupted and sit quietly afterwars. Ok. What If I get interrupted? After interruption I sit quietly for ten minutes with eyes closed and come out after two deep breaths, by slowly and gently opening my eyes. financial inerest in product.