Hi, First time sending a message on this forum in years. I've no idea what's going on here or the Naked Scientists as I don't read them anymore. After lots of emails asking me was I really cured or trying to tell me I wasn't I just abandoned the forums. I haven't had POIS symptoms in a long time. I had a noticeable and dramatic improvement following treatment for SIBO and yeast infection. I believe POIS is effectively an epigenetic disorder. Read a bit about what Martin Pall has written about Nitric Oxide disorders. I think that we get an infection or virus and it weakens our immune system. Once that happens our ability to produce a correct immune response is compromised. In my case, I have several genetic mutations which would made it difficult for me to produce enough tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). (Research GCH1 and MTHFR mutations, I wrote a bit about them on the other forum). B3/niacin is a co-factor in the recycling of BH4 within the body and I think that what happened was that following a gastric infection in puberty (which led me to become ill for 3 months) I never completely recovered and, I believe, existed in a low BH4 and NO state for years. This led to increased ammonia, symptoms of B3 depletion (a mild form of pellagra) and low levels of glutathione which leads to acne and other signs of inflammation.Treating SIBO gave my body some time to recover and made new nutrients easier to absorb. My glutathione levels increased, I got less acne etc. I believe that the benefits people get from B3 are increased BH4 recycling which reduces inflammation in their body. Insufficient NO and higher levels of superoxides, are hypothesised by Pall to lead to cardiovascular problems, fatigue and inflammation. Low BH4 may lead to low dopamine (or fluctuating levels of dopamine/serotonin) which may explain some of the cognitive symptoms I got following an O. See the Pall Protocol athttp://chronicfatigue.about.com/od/treatmentprotocols/a/Pall_Protocol.htmI learned more by forgetting about the sex element of POIS and just researching chronic fatigue syndrome. There are people with ME and CFS on those forums who have sexual symptoms but they don't talk much about them. Honestly, I think the focus on orgasms here is useful only in the indication of a reduced Nitric Oxide level and dopamine problem i.e. an indication of an issue with blood flow. They complain about dizziness, nausea and other blood flow related symptoms of the Phoenix Rising Forums also. The sex bit of POIS is possibly a "red herring". I think of my symptoms as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that was made worse by orgasm. I was never completely better even without Os but I didn't know that because I couldn't stop having them I suspect that applies to other POIS sufferers. I don't take niacin before sex anymore but I still take a multivitamin every day. I studied the Pall protocol and my diet is focussed on creating and recycling bh4.I can't say what will work for you but I can tell you what worked for me. 1) Treat SIBO and a yeast infection if it exists. Note that there's some evidence that niacinamide helps treat a yeast infection. Seehttp://www.livestrong.com/article/509942-niacin-yeast-infections/Probiotics can be useful here but if you're diagnosed with SIBO then don't be afraid to take the antibiotics. I'm glad I did. The doctor who prescribed me the antibiotics also told me to take less refined sugar. When you're tired, the solution isn't a sugar fix. He was adamant about that. Sugar just creates bacterial and yeast imbalance. There's enough in most foods and complex carbohydrates are a better source of energy. It was tough to stop eating sugary cakes and sweets but worth it. 2) Take a good multivitamin with active b vitamins and extra antioxidants. Some of the best have reduced glutathione, and alpha lipoic acid. The latter will help recycle glutathione in the body and increase the effectiveness of BH4 your body creates. ideally the multivitamin has some niacin and niacinamide. The Pall Protocol M-VMA is good. Douglas Labs Ultra Preventative is good. Pure Encapsulations O.N.E. Thorne Extra Nutrients. There's a range of them that are fine and have a good selection of antioxidants as well as multivitamins. 3) Consider a supplement that are purported to increase the amount of NAD+ available in the mitochondria of cells. There's a few candidates that might do this. NADH had odd affects on some POIS sufferers. I liked it though. Resveratrol is great in my opinion as is pterostilbene. A combination is probably even better. There's talk of supplements like nicotinamide riboside being good but I only tried that once. I found it similar to resveratrol but more expensive. I don't really care much for particular brands but I take 100mg of 98% standardised trans-resveratrol extract in the morning and afternoon. This protocol is cheap and easy It's a multivitamin and resveratrol. Limit sugar drastically. Get exercise again and start living your life. Simple. Seehttp://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/no-onoo-cycle-uncpoupling-by-resveratrol.7040/for some research that suggests a mechanism of action for resveratrol. 4) Forget about POIS and get on with your life. It just goes away. I think POIS for me was primarily about having low BH4 levels and consequently low Nitric Oxide. Once I didn't have problems getting nutrition from food and with some vitamins so I could recycle my Bh4 effectively everything got better. I've had some acne twice in 6 months. Both times, it cleared up in 2 days. I used to have it every single week. So it's not just the orgasm related brain fog that's gone, there are obvious visible changes. The acne didn't clear up because of age or any other reason, that I can tell, because I had bad acne in my mid 30sI won't be back to this forum because I'm very busy. If you want to message me, that's fine, but I'm not going to reengage with either NSF or Poiscenter. The forums take up too much time and it's entirely possible we all have different illnesses. I had other posters try to talk me out of SIBO treatment, resveratrol and other stuff that worked for me because it didn't work for them or didn't work as they wanted. I don't know anymore. I wasted months of my life trying to come up with a cure for everyone and justifying my posts. You've asked for help and I respect that. I'm sure the "professional researchers" will have their say and that's a good thing. The POIS research grant was a big milestone for this forum. But I needed to experiment faster and take more risks because I wanted to move on with my life. Good luck my friend, KReport To Admin
Sr. MemberPosts: 370Scientist, Engineer, INTJ type
Re: Treatment
« Sent to: Shinjiro on: August 25, 2014, 04:59:55 PM » « You have forwarded or responded to this message. »ReplyQuoteDeleteI'm not sure we're in the same boat. I have no POIS symptoms anymore. I'm happy with that. If POIS has a genetic basis then I don't expect it can just be switched off overnight. If that's the cure you imagine, with no ongoing medication, then you may be disappointed. Perhaps, I'd be fine without a multi-vitamin and resveratrol. I haven't tried to find out.If POIS comes from a viral infection e.g. HHV-6 then it won't be curable as such. The patient would have to take anti-virals when there are flare ups of the virus. Interestingly, vitamin D is used as a treatment for Herpes and some people with Epstein-Barr report improvement with vitamin D. Low vitamin D also effects testosterone and dopamine levels. Complimentary supplements in treating viruses are lysine and resveratrol as lysine inhibits the virus while reseveratrol and vitamin D increase the immune response. Some people may have a problem with low BH4. If they do, good, they should treat it. If they don't, they have problems other than what I had and I can't help. If you have SIBO it will create nutrition problems, fatigue etc.. Get it treated. My guess is that there are different illnesses on this forum. Some people are mentally ill perhaps and their POIS is anxiety related. I can't fix all these problems so I went away. It is easier for me to be happy with my own good health rather than spend hours every day trying to convince other people I'm OK. Why would I, they'd just resent me for being better but not being able to help them. Drinking red-bull and taking vitamin D is taking vitamins and caffeine to treat POIS. If that makes you happy, keep going. But if vitamin D is really making you better then it's advisable to get tested by your doctor for viral infections, EBV, Herpes etc.. Explain to your doctor your fatigue symptoms and see if they can help. Just try to make yourself better and don't try to fix POIS for everyone. One thing I learned, doctors have some ability to treat fatigue related illnesses and to test for viruses, bacterial overgrowth, vitamin deficiencies etc. They have no idea how to treat POIS and telling a doctor you have it will just make them think you're a hypochondriac Regards, KReport To Admin
Sr. MemberPosts: 370Scientist, Engineer, INTJ type
Re: Vitamin D3 (Fat)
« Sent to: Shinjiro on: September 04, 2014, 01:36:21 PM »ReplyQuoteDeleteSounds like a promising angle on treating POIS. I had a few posts about FADS2 enzymes on the Naked Scientists. I also wondered about POIS connection to delta-6-desaturase enzymes in the past.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatty_acid_desaturaseAlso read
http://www.encognitive.com/node/5050Fascinating. There's a possible connection between viral infections and autoimmune disease affecting lipid oxidation. Check outhttps://www.naturesplus.com/products/productdetail.php?productNumber=1045&criteria=keywordSearchResultsLooks a good D3 supplement and has added resveratrol. It's worth trying. Good luck. Regards, Kurtosis
And Mr. Demo and Daveman after reading this. Don't forget to block my account.