Author Topic: Have I found the cure?  (Read 2666 times)


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Have I found the cure?
« on: May 21, 2013, 12:29:34 PM »
Hey guys,

Posted on this forum back in 2011.  My life at that time was falling to pieces in a multi-year trainwreck.  Anxiety, depression, and POIS an ongoing issue for a while.  I think I may have stumbled onto something recently, let me know if anyone has had similar experience or input on this.

Basically, I have noticed the dramatic effect of positive and negative thinking on my life, and mental strength, and a little faith in God.  I think it is also related to the serotonin/SSRI levels in my brain. I am not taking antidepressants but I can almost "feel" when the orgasm drains the chemicals in my brain, sapping my strength.

When I make an effort during masturbation to "hold" my mental strength together, and not let the full effect of ejaculation to lead to the brain drain, it seems that I can maintain my mental strength.  This does not happen overnight of course, as the mind is like a muscle, so you need to work each day to strengthen it.  I have been practicing relaxing my body while taking multivitamins to make sure I am not depleting too many vitamins and nutrients, while simultaneously focusing on preserving my mental strength day in and day out.

The point is, it requires EFFORT to build and maintain this mental strength.  Probably once it has been built up to a more normal level, and the chemicals in my brain are finally back to normal, I will be able to truly enjoy masturbating again, but for now, I am training myself to not let myself fully enjoy orgasm, so that I can preserve the mental strength.  Hard work!


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Re: Have I found the cure?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 03:04:00 PM »
I really like your post, realy motivating. I agree that mental strength plays a role; I feel as though we blame everything on POIS and basically POIS sufferes (like myself) don't actually attempt controlled our lives a bit, instead we let it control us.