If you allow I start new thread about our best pre-packs or pre-packs which we are going to implement. If you can, please write your best sets, you can put short description how these remedies work. If you also have knowledge you can indicate which type od POIS you suspect.
I am preparing for implementation my first pre-pack, which would reduce intensity of POIS.
Few main symptoms:
- deterioration of cognitive processes and intellectual abilities
- emotional and social problems
- jumping muscles, trembling muscles
- pain in the whole body (bones, muscles)
- rather no burning/itching eyes
So I think to take:
- antihistamine - for example claritine (H1 blocker, decrease activity of histamine and mast cells)
- taurine (lowering prolactin, increasing gaba)
- pseudoephedrine (acts on α- and β2-adrenergic receptors = mast cell inhibition) or another NLPZ like diclofenac
- drotaverine (anti-inflammatory) ? without a prescription or better Prednisolone if I will get prescription
- acyclovir (works when we have HSV-1)
- melatonin (to inhibit noradrenaline)
- calcium (in my case every POIS causes deficiency of calcium)
- lysine (inhibits HSV-1)
- carnitine
- NAC (regeneration)
- protein shake (regeneration)
- benzodiazepine (to inhibit dopamine and noradrenaline)
And go to sleep after O (to inhibit noradrenaline)
I don`t take quercetin because I have child in plans (any of my remedies also has a negative effect on fertility?)
I suspect that my POIS is assiociated with immunology (but I don`t exclude other reasons). When I got first time POIS I was working in strong stress and (short time) in toxic environment (I will write about it later in topic about my case
Please write if you have thoughts on my pre-pack or if you have your own well working pre-packs.