Aviron Rapid - A combo of Humic acid + Andrographolide + Apogen - It's supposed to be anti-viral and boost your immune system. I think it works on the adrenals as well, preventing their wasting that POIS causes (I haven't had lower back pains in a long time). This plus the EP oil and washing have significantly lowered my symptoms. If I take too much or for too long I get rage/anxiety episodes so I just take just 1/2 pill two times on the 1st and once on 2nd post-O days. It's also a mercury chelator (the reason for the rage?). I'm so glad here we get all three in a pill called "Aviron Rapid".
Drotaverine (No-Spa) - a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) - sometimes it works better, other times poops up. As I'm underweight I take very low doses, like 1/3 of a pill. I take it at most once a day, otherwise I get weird side effects. No more than 1 or 2 days after O.
Evening Primrose Oil - I take 1 to 4 tablets per day for 2-3 days after O. It's anti-inflammatory.
Optional: Any OTC antihistamine.
Also good for general health: CoQ10, L-theanine, Selenum, Zinc, fish/krill oil - haven't taken any for a while but I have thyroid issues so those are all helpful but didn't significantly helped with POIS specifically.
I try to drink lots of water, avoiding sugar as it releases cortisol AND sometimes I get nocturnal emissions from it lol.
In addition to POIS, I have excessive T, cortisol, insulin 30 min after eating (insulin resistance), T3 and DHEA-S, yet normal TSH and T4. Various allergies plus subclinical hyperthyroidism/Graves disease. I will try to lower my T with herbs for now like lavender, valerian root, hawthorn, peppermint, lemon balm.
Still looking for DHEA and T3 lowering herbs as the pill used to block the thyroid is pure poison, I got terrible side effects.
Somehow the adrenals, thyroid and gut are all connected to POIS.
The thing is every time my symptoms react differently. On better days even the Primrose oil is enough, but on the worst ones I need large doses of Aviron Rapid to have energy during the day and some Drotaveine/No-Spa.
Another good guideline is *no more than one O per week*. More than that and I need huge doses of the bolded supplements.