Author Topic: Channelopathies  (Read 15717 times)


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Re: Channelopathies
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2021, 04:58:32 PM »
New POIS paper talking about a Piezo2 Channelopathy:
Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): Do They Have Anything in Common?
The piezo2 ion channel paper regarding premature ejaculation was already present under the PE header in the POIS paper archive thread.

I can't even believe some of the things they say in these papers. Do the researchers even read patients' stories?

"It is noteworthy that symptoms do not evolve in POIS patients during sexual activity in the absence of ejaculation".

Sigh. Anyway, they're not even explaining how this supposed "acute compression proprioceptive axonopathy" would have appeared in POIS patients. Are they saying we have a pre-existing injury? I remember reading someone's story in the forum saying he had some sort of nerve compression (it was Kit, I think) and that doctors suspected it was the cause of his POIS.

I'm not sure they're right, nonetheless I appreciate the effort of developing a thought-through and original theory in an official paper, at least they're not just repeating the usual nonsense.


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Re: Channelopathies
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2021, 08:48:50 PM »

I believe channelopathies could be involved indeed. Maybe as a secondary cause, something that got damaged because of another imbalance or deficiency? I didn't have any of these symptoms before, they only appeared last year after the bleach, so I think it must be something else that is throwing everything out of balance. I know there's something going on with potassium in my case, as since this worsening happened I've had intense cravings of specific foods, that I could not explain, but later realized were all foods that are high on potassium (potatoes and bananas, mostly).

If I don't eat any of those during the day, I start getting a slight dizziness and my heart does all kinds of weird jolts and jumps. In fact, it's happening today. I first thought about potassium when Quantum commented this on my case summary thread:

I also have exercise intolerance.  When I do sports in the evening, I used to wake up the following night in hypotension and tachycardia.  Hopefully, I found that taking enough potassium ( around 16 mEq) and magnesium after sports spare me that awful discomfort.   However, it is not clear yet as to why potassium helps me, both in POIS and after exercise.

I am happy, IronFeather, that my comment helped you find something that improves your quality of life!
In my case, I have found some info about why potassium helps me, but I do not understand the complete picture yet ( my health is a 10000 pieces puzzle, like it is for many other POISers...)  I am still using potassium but will have to refine my protocol.   Usually, low potassium causes high blood pressure, but during POIS, and in POIS-like symptoms after sport, I have low blood pressure... so, I often have to take sodium ( salt) too, with my potassium, to keep normal blood pressure.  Sodium and potassium have a reverse relationship - when you raise one, you lower the other.  So I have to take only the potassium I need, not too much, to not lower my blood pressure too much, and also take some sodium if blood pressure gets too low.  I will have to figure out if I also have a defect in some sodium channels.  I will dig my genome data about this.
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Re: Channelopathies
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2021, 08:50:56 PM »
Fox improved on banana's (potassium?). He had problems with swallowing food as a kid, this could indicate channelopathy.

Quantum is also a fan.

1 x potassium citrate ( electrolytic rebalancing) ( IMPORTANT WARNING:  I personally have a tendency to low potassium , = hypokalemia. This is a personal condition, so, do not take potassium supplements without the advice of your health professional,  if you take too much of it for your own needs, it can be dangerous, and can even cause fatal cardiac arrhythmia )

Bananas are a great and safe source of potassium, It must be hard to overdose in potassium by eating too much bananas :D

I always eat one right after sport !
I see I have written potassium citrate, in the quote above... for some time now, the potassium supplement I use is potassium chloride.  It works for me as good as citrate.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2021, 08:53:22 PM by Quantum »
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