My english is bad, i do not know do you understand me. Here precisly.
I get migrains only, and only in pois days, meaning after eyaculation.
After eyaculation in pois, my body is in inflamation state, i can feel it .
So if i go in store, and bying something in fridgirator my body get hited by this
cold exposure, and tumorow i get 100% hawy migreins.
About your sis... when i discower that migrans can be trigered by cold drink,
i dicsower also that there is exist diferent form of migreins, meaning not
all the same. So diferent tipe exist.
I didnt know for years why migrains hapen to me, naw i know
-it is because of my body is in pois state(inflamation state).
One of medicine cure for migrains is(paracetamol ,coffeine, aspirine-togedher).
Thats it from medicine. An they do not know actualy why is happening in people.
Do not know the reason, no real cure.(like meny meny meny..diaseses-no cure)