Author Topic: Poor blood circulation and pois  (Read 13191 times)


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Re: Poor blood circulation and pois
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2018, 10:52:26 AM »
Yea, its an efect not a couse, but is linked togedher.

By the wey- Paracetamol help to realefe.


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Re: Poor blood circulation and pois
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2018, 11:36:12 AM »
but those migrains i get i hawe it only on cold exposure, like not wering hat on my head on cold weather, or drinking wery cold drink ... So if i pois i drik cold icey drink, tomorow in 100% i will get migrain atac (with blinding aura, wision disturbed, and unberable pain after).

Hmmm. My sister sais her migrain starts after a stressfull period, but not during a stressfull period. A typhical case is when her semester starts after some stressfull weeks at job. Then the migrain comes, when she starts relaxing.  Thats also what I read about migrains.

Could be same with cold weather. When your cold and your vessels are constricting, you dont have migrain. But when you get inside and the vessels start dilute again, then you have migrain. Its not the constrictning that causes migrain but the following dilation! ..or probably over dilation.

When the blood vessels are over-dilating they migh also become more fragile and start to leak substances which cause inflammation. Or they might just become more sensitive to substances (they do not nessecary have to leak) . But only if they are in a bad health from the beginning. Thats why people with migrain also seems to have problem with varicose veins. The main cause is stress, the persons receptivity of stress (personality) and stressfull substances like cortisol, estrogen dominance, hight blood sugar and insullin that wear out collagen and elasticity by an overconsumption of essential nutrients.

Hopeoneday, would that make any sense?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 11:39:09 AM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Poor blood circulation and pois
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2018, 01:02:57 PM »
My english is bad, i do not know do you understand me. Here precisly.

I get migrains only, and only in pois days, meaning after eyaculation.
After eyaculation in pois, my body is in inflamation state, i can feel it .

So if i go in store, and bying something in fridgirator my body get hited by this
cold exposure, and tumorow i get 100% hawy migreins.

About your sis... when i discower that migrans can be trigered by cold drink,
i dicsower also that there is exist diferent form of migreins, meaning not
all the same. So diferent tipe exist.

I didnt know for years why migrains hapen to me, naw i know
-it is because of my body is in pois state(inflamation state).

One of medicine cure for migrains is(paracetamol ,coffeine, aspirine-togedher).
Thats it from medicine. An they do not know actualy why is happening in people.
Do not know the reason, no real cure.(like meny meny meny..diaseses-no cure)


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Re: Poor blood circulation and pois
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2018, 02:19:42 PM »
One of medicine cure for migrains is(paracetamol ,coffeine, aspirine-togedher).
Thats it from medicine. An they do not know actualy why is happening in people.
Do not know the reason, no real cure.(like meny meny meny..diaseses-no cure)

Paracetamol and coffeine are all vasoconstricting! I think your migrain starts when the blood vessels are diluting (expanding)


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Re: Poor blood circulation and pois
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2018, 03:01:07 PM »
*oily skin
So what do you think? Is blood circulation has to do with pois? Also please give me suggestions about what to take to improve blood circulation if you know any.

Yes oily skin is my second name. Or at least it was so for decades untill some month ago when I started taking Vitamin A 10.000 IE/day, Zink 2 times 50 mg/day and Omega 3 (3 capsules /day) and vitamin B5 and B3 (with the whole B-complex). Those vitamins and minerals are known to have a reducing effect on skin seabum. I think I'm noticing a decline in sebum production, but I cant say for sure yet.

Oily skin is a manifistation of either too hight blood sugar, hight cortisol levels or high testosterone/DHT levels. For me I believe its hight cortisol levels because I have lots of stress in my life and had since teenage. I believe that stress in the early years is a strong POIS-trigger and messes up the hormones completely.  But there must be some other factor involved as well. Vitamin C is working against cortisol and taking 500 mg vitamin C (with bioflavonoids) 5-10 times a day (thats 2500-5000 mg vitamin C/day) has a great effect on my health and sleep. Its keeping the acne away too. If I see a pimple is starting to form I take immidiately 1000 mg vitamin c and keeps taking 500 mg almost every hour. Then the zit does not progress, it goes back. It doesnt fix POIS headache though.

Five to six years ago I went to an well known alternative medical doctor who looked at my blood in a microscope and we coudl clearly see that my blood was thick and slow flowing. Nothing unique though. Many people has this problem he said. So he gave me a special drink that should make the blood less sticky and after just 20 minutes he took a new blood sample and watched it in the microscope. Then the blood looked miraculously much better! It didnt stick together as much anymore. He gave me the recipe to the drink and I mixed it myself for some months, two times a day.

I remember that the POIS symtoms were less severe during this time and I felt much more clear in the head the following hours after taking the drink. However the drink tasted horrible so I had to stop taking it unless I would throw up. I will start taking it again. You know, finally the POIS will reach a level where you would do anything to make it go away. Even drinking that horrible drink that was from the beginning designed to adress cancer (with success!). I will get back and post the ingredients of the drink for those who like to try it. It's just natural ingredients, some of those were MSM, coral calcium, magnesium salt, Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and bicarbonate, if I recall correct. Maybe something else too. The ascorbic acid and bicarbonate reacted in the glass and made bubbles.  :)
Reason for oily skin could be dry skin. At least in my case. I have very fingers, dry mouth and dry skin. But on my forehead and nose there is a lot off oil. I think that is a reaction of the dryness. The reason for dry skin could be too much histamine.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Poor blood circulation and pois
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2021, 03:34:27 AM »
Hight cortisol cause excess sebum production in forehead and nose.