POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => Hormonal Causes and Treatments => Topic started by: Vandemolen on October 24, 2018, 12:07:52 PM

Title: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 24, 2018, 12:07:52 PM
My POIS doctor gave me Clomid. He said it might help me a bit against POIS and prostatitis.
I have to take it for 3 to 6 months. And then my testosterone level will go up. Now it’s a bit low.

Link between low testosterone and prostatitis:


Thanks Hurray for the idea.

I started a new topic so everybody will see that Clomid is a potential help.
There is an interesting alternative to traditional TRT injections/gels called clomiphene (Clomid). According to the second link below, it does not have a negative effect on male fertility:



Here's a quote from another paper regarding TRT and fertility:


"Alternatively, CC (clomiphene citrate) is commonly used as an alternative to TRT to treat hypogonadism in men wishing to preserve spermatogenesis. The ability to take an oral medicine that is relatively inexpensive and has good long-term safety data and is clinically efficacious at ameliorating hypogonadal symptoms is clearly advantageous."
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 24, 2018, 12:44:15 PM
Thanks Vander
We looking forward for positive results.

This look realy promising.

Heh like you took words from my mouth, couse thouse days i traying to resarch
naturall wey on how to incriese LH hormone and FSH.

I made comon patern and posible comon patern from poiser medical data.
(wery small amount of test result awalyable from poises)

But from those samall amount of results, a wery big amount of them
hawe a patern low testosterone hi estradiol.
See- https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2695.60

Is Clomid KEY for our relefe?

Clomid works by blocking estrogen receptors in the brain, which can increase the production of testosterone and sperm for men. Your body has a complex system for controlling its natural production of testosterone. The pituitary gland works a bit like a thermostat. When estrogen levels are low, it turns on and starts producing luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). As estrogen levels increase, the pituitary gland shuts down. Clomid blocks the estrogen receptors in the brain and tricks it into thinking estrogen levels are low. In response, the pituitary gland continues to produce LH and FSH.

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 24, 2018, 01:59:32 PM
Thanks Vander
We looking forward for positive results.

This look realy promising.

Heh like you took words from my mouth, couse thouse days i traying to resarch
naturall wey on how to incriese LH hormone and FSH.

I made comon patern and posible comon patern from poiser medical data.
(wery small amount of test result awalyable from poises)

But from those samall amount of results, a wery big amount of them
hawe a patern low testosterone hi estradiol.
See- https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2695.60

Is Clomid KEY for our relefe?

Clomid works by blocking estrogen receptors in the brain, which can increase the production of testosterone and sperm for men. Your body has a complex system for controlling its natural production of testosterone. The pituitary gland works a bit like a thermostat. When estrogen levels are low, it turns on and starts producing luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). As estrogen levels increase, the pituitary gland shuts down. Clomid blocks the estrogen receptors in the brain and tricks it into thinking estrogen levels are low. In response, the pituitary gland continues to produce LH and FSH.

Yes at the medical results topic I saw that I am not the only one that has low testosterone (TRT) level. I think low TRT was one the many triggers why I got POIS. Few months before I noticed that I have POiS I gained 20 kilo (44 lbs) in a few months. I stopped with soccer and had a job inside. So my vitamin D must have dropped. And with the gained weight my testosterone dropped. Because of POIS I don’t excercise. That’s also a reason for low TRT. And I am only once a month sexually active. That’s not good for TRT.

But I don’t expect the same results as Demo and Green. Because they take directly TRT before sexual activity. And Green also takes Tramadol. That’s a heavy medicine. I got that after my tonsils operation. I slept more than 15 hours a day because of the Tramadol.
If Clomid helps me 25% I will be happy. And for me relief from prostitis is more important than POIS.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 24, 2018, 02:42:25 PM
Well if you ask me, cronic prostatitis could easly produce pois in some of us.
So if raising tst give some relefe or cure, that will be heudge.

Yeah, low wit d is also comon patern for poisers.

You wright about exercise, i remeber some nice results for owerall health
in times when i did do some body weight execcises.

That help a lot for pots(postural orto...)
I am also wrigt now exersise intolerant.
Because pois damage me so hard, and nerwes do not fire as it should be
ewan out of pois, breathing isues like astma, bloating-romheld syndrome(unable to burp)
and that put preshure on heart(wagus nerwe).....POTS...etc

But i am somehow in recowering lately by my will power and trying some kind of
diets that feet me.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 24, 2018, 03:26:29 PM
Well if you ask me, cronic prostatitis could easly produce pois in some of us.
So if raising tst give some relefe or cure, that will be heudge.

Yeah, low wit d is also comon patern for poisers.

You wright about exercise, i remeber some nice results for owerall health
in times when i did do some body weight execcises.

That help a lot for pots(postural orto...)
I am also wrigt now exersise intolerant.
Because pois damage me so hard, and nerwes do not fire as it should be
ewan out of pois, breathing isues like astma, bloating-romheld syndrome(unable to burp)
and that put preshure on heart(wagus nerwe).....POTS...etc

But i am somehow in recowering lately by my will power and trying some kind of
diets that feet me.
Excercise makes me sick. I get a runny nose, eyes are irritated. So I don’t go the gym anymore. Now I just walk for two hours. I try to do these walks at least twice a week. Maybe when my testosterone level goes up I can start doing sports again.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Scrub on October 24, 2018, 03:52:04 PM
Follow your doctor's advice. I'm interested to see how it goes for you.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 24, 2018, 03:57:54 PM
Yeah , i been in a fases when i coldnt get up from bed on my feet an ddo 10m walk to
fazes of 5km yoging, an then again exercise intorlerance( as soon as i started , get dizzy, pois like
symptomes, heating a body make this all worse, extreme temeratue outside 10time worse
(its like i am dehidrated but drinking water), all folowed by hert palpilations,
itss fell like all body nerwes do not work properly, then folow muscule stiffnes ,
endles , endles -you give all your self to get body and mind in balance but noo,
as i trayning more the condition is worse.

hmmmm wery wery nasty conditions.

Rasing T could be solution for relefe all of those symptomes.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 24, 2018, 04:11:23 PM
Follow your doctor's advice. I'm interested to see how it goes for you.
Yes I will report here how it goes. I have an appointment before Christmas. I think my testestorone will be checked after 3 months. They say the TRT level will double. That would be great. For now I have two bloodtests for my liver, as Quantum said in another topic Clomid is not so good for the liver. But I hope the side effects will not be worse because I only take 25 mg a day. Women normally take 50 mg a day.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 25, 2018, 10:24:20 AM
I am on day 2. The Clomid gives me hot flushes and I am a bit dizzy. It’s a known side effect of Clomid. Beside that I have no side effects. It’s normal because Clomid blocks estrogen. And estrogen helps against hot flushes. Beacuse the blokkage of estrogen my testosterone will go up.

I want to do this for at least 3 months and tops 6 months. Normally after 4 weeks my testosterone level must have go up.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: hurray on October 25, 2018, 02:34:28 PM
My POIS doctor gave me Clomid. He said it might help me a bit against POIS and prostatitis.
I have to take it for 3 to 6 months. And then my testosterone level will go up. Now it’s a bit low.

Link between low testosterone and prostatitis:


Thanks Hurray for the idea.

I started a new topic so everybody will see that Clomid is a potential help.

That's great news Vandemolen. I really hope that Clomid can help you with POIS and your prostatitis.

Your POIS doctor sounds like a very helpful and understanding person.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 25, 2018, 05:08:09 PM
Now I don’t use Nanna’s stack anymore I am also back on Taurine. I read that taurine is good for testosterone. I also use 50.000IE vitamin D once a week.

I will ask my POIS doctor if it’s a good idea to take an extra 25mg of Clomid just before or just after sexual activity. And also extra vitamin D, taurine and Niacin.

Thanks Hurray.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Nas on October 26, 2018, 03:38:57 PM
So if we would take testosterone into consideration when we're talking about POIS. One explanation that I have for this, is perhaps testosterone plays a role in the immune reaction that we suffer from. As you know testosterone is a type of steroid and what doctors usually prescribe for cases of chronic inflammation and auto-immune diseases are chorticosteroids, as they inhibit the immune system through and increase of the production of steroids in the body. Thus, the correlation I'm trying to make here is that perhaps low testosterone plays a role in the hyper reaction we experience in POIS. Thus increasing testosterone could have the same effect as when we take a chotricosteroid drug. I'm not sure about the medical validity of this hypothesis so I would appreciate if anyone can confirm it.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 26, 2018, 04:33:09 PM
So if we would take testosterone into consideration when we're talking about POIS. One explanation that I have for this, is perhaps testosterone plays a role in the immune reaction that we suffer from. As you know testosterone is a type of steroid and what doctors usually prescribe for cases of chronic inflammation and auto-immune diseases are chorticosteroids, as they inhibit the immune system through and increase of the production of steroids in the body. Thus, the correlation I'm trying to make here is that perhaps low testosterone plays a role in the hyper reaction we experience in POIS. Thus increasing testosterone could have the same effect as when we take a chotricosteroid drug. I'm not sure about the medical validity of this hypothesis so I would appreciate if anyone can confirm it.
I don’t think so. Because by using corticosteroids like Prednisone your testosterone level will go down.


In the medical results topic I saw that a few POIS-patients have low testosterone. And because Demo and Green have benefits from TRT I also want to raise my testosterone level. But I don’t want to use TRT for the rest of my life. So that’s why I use Clomid. Even after I stop with Clomid I will still will able to produce testosterone.

Beside POIS prostatis is my main problem. What kind of men have problems with their prostate? Eldery men. The main reason is that their prostate becomes bigger every year. And it becomes bigger because the testosterone level drops down. So when my testosterone level goes up I hope that I will have less prostatis and UTI. And when I have less prostatis my POIS will also not be so heavy. Because normally I only have 1 day of POIS. But when I am sexually active while my prostate is infected I will be sick for a week.

But I don’t think Clomid will have the same effect as testosterone therapy. Because Demo and Green get the testosterone directly. Clomid only blocks estrogen. So my body will start to produce more testosterone. Some people say that after sexual activity the testosterone level drops ans stays low. At men without POIS your body produces more testosterone after sex. I don’t know it this is true. Anyway I hope that when my testosterone level is higher I will feel beter on non POIS days. And when it also will help me in POIS that would be great.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 26, 2018, 05:07:48 PM
Yes Nas, this exectly.

As you can read about testasterone , it is involwed in meny proceses in men, from spermatogenesis to
antiinflamatory, muscule bulding-musculinity, libido,  anti-anxiety.

"In man, ewrything is about testosterone"

But acording to our resarch data from medical test results, it can be visible that comon patern in
big mayority of poisers is low testosterone and probbly hi estradiol.

So big question is- What is locked receptors in thouse people?

Thie simple ansver to this is hi estrogen, and hi estrogen in brain receptors always keap
pituitary gland low, so no signaling testicles to produce testosterone.

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 26, 2018, 05:21:21 PM
I found nice link and here explanation on estrogen influce- neurotransmitesrs-
especially serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine


Can induce hypothayroism, low gaba, panic atac seizures.

Because estrogen is womans dominance hormone.

Is it posible that in our brains estrogen make all this mees?
Vasodilation in pois and migrains?=estrogen couse? =low T

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Nas on October 26, 2018, 06:39:00 PM
I don’t think so. Because by using corticosteroids like Prednisone your testosterone level will go down.

True but that's because of the abundance of steroid levels in the blood already, it's similar to when the body starts producing steroids less as you continue taking chorticosteroid medications. Right?
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Nas on October 26, 2018, 06:44:35 PM
I found nice link and here explanation on estrogen influce- neurotransmitesrs-
especially serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine


Can induce hypothayroism, low gaba, panic atac seizures.

Because estrogen is womans dominance hormone.

Is it posible that in our brains estrogen make all this mees?
Vasodilation in pois and migrains?=estrogen couse? =low T

If this theory holds true then Clomid should help Vandermolen alot with his brain symptoms. Since it blocks estrogen.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on October 26, 2018, 08:11:51 PM
I don’t know the answer of your question Nas.

Well, I will test it abouth a month. After 4 weeks the testosterone level must already go up. But the full effect is after 3 months.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 27, 2018, 08:05:51 AM
Nas, i can tell you one thing for shoure , is  that low or lower range testasterone in man is not
normal, espesualy if it hawe hi estrogen.

Evan in womans who hawe elewated estrogen then normal, could hawe meny helt isues in long term.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Hopeoneday on October 27, 2018, 10:24:43 AM
My POIS doctor gave me Clomid. He said it might help me a bit against POIS and prostatitis.
I have to take it for 3 to 6 months. And then my testosterone level will go up. Now it’s a bit low.

Link between low testosterone and prostatitis:


Thanks Hurray for the idea.

I started a new topic so everybody will see that Clomid is a potential help.

That's great news Vandemolen. I really hope that Clomid can help you with POIS and your prostatitis.

Your POIS doctor sounds like a very helpful and understanding person.

Hurray , thanks for sugestion.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on November 03, 2018, 08:27:32 AM
i did
but before i tried cabergoline i did my bloodwork
so my prolactin was 275 mkME/ml  ref(86-324)
i consider it is high and so after one week of taking just 25mg of cabergoline i did my bloodwork again
and my prolactin became just 56 mkME/ml
so far i have no sideeffects except i can fuck right after 10 minutes past former ejaculation
i believe it helps my pois for about 35-45% the rest is that i eat natural ginger every day at least 5 grams
and two weeks ago i started taking clomid - after clomid i started to feel much more desire but not too much
i believe i steel need to rise my test which was 330 ng/dl ref(250-836) before starting clomid
in several days i will get by free testosterone bloodwork and i'm sure it is still less than 600
cus in about 5 days after starting to take each day 12.5mg of clomid(1/4 of standart tablete) i felt like a Real Man
jeesus it was awesome !
my mood was like a concretesteel hard my diq was as hard as it was never before
unfortunately that state was not for long= it was like a one day wave
so at that time i believe i had my "normal" testo level which i had not for years and developed pois

by the way i found the perfect forum for trt : it is peaktestosterone just google it highly recommended

p.s. english isnt my born language
So I am not the only member who started with Clomid. We almost started at te same day. In the first days my sex drive went up. But now it’s normal. Because I am ill because of Candida and that’s caused by antibiotics. I am curious about your side effects. I have hot flushes. Was it your idea to take Clomid or your doctor’s idea? And if Clomid helped you? I didn’t have sexual activity because being sick. I want to do a test about a month or maybe two months. After a month the testosterone should already be a bit higher. But the full effect is after 3 months. Some men take it for 6 months. But I think I will stop after 3 months. Because also Estriodol will rise.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on November 14, 2018, 09:33:38 AM
I asked my doctor if I can stop with Clomid. In my latetst blood test I saw that amalyse was too high: 111. It should be below 99. I read a paper were it’s described that people who are using Clomid can get acute pancreatitis. Also since a few weeks my pelvis and my flanks hurt. I think it’s because prostatitis. Because I have candida I stopped with antibiotics. But after a week I felt really bad. Fever and cold legs. So I started antobiotics again, but after a few days I only get more sick. So i don’t want to take any risks and asked my doctor if I can stop with Clomid. I still believe Clomid can help a bit against POIS and prostatitis. So about a few months when I feel better I want to test it again with my doctor’s permission.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: hurray on November 18, 2018, 04:53:22 PM
I asked my doctor if I can stop with Clomid. In my latetst blood test I saw that amalyse was too high: 111. It should be below 99. I read a paper were it’s described that people who are using Clomid can get acute pancreatitis. Also since a few weeks my pelvis and my flanks hurt. I think it’s because prostatitis. Because I have candida I stopped with antibiotics. But after a week I felt really bad. Fever and cold legs. So I started antobiotics again, but after a few days I only get more sick. So i don’t want to take any risks and asked my doctor if I can stop with Clomid. I still believe Clomid can help a bit against POIS and prostatitis. So about a few months when I feel better I want to test it again with my doctor’s permission.

Sorry to hear the Clomid didn't work out for you, Vandemolen. You are quite right not to want to take any risks.

If you do decide to try it again in a few months, it might be worth considering asking your doctor about lowering your initial dosage. I understand you were taking 25mg/day, which seems to be the most common dosage for men. However, some studies suggest a dose of 25mg once every 2 days:



Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on November 18, 2018, 05:16:51 PM
I asked my doctor if I can stop with Clomid. In my latetst blood test I saw that amalyse was too high: 111. It should be below 99. I read a paper were it’s described that people who are using Clomid can get acute pancreatitis. Also since a few weeks my pelvis and my flanks hurt. I think it’s because prostatitis. Because I have candida I stopped with antibiotics. But after a week I felt really bad. Fever and cold legs. So I started antobiotics again, but after a few days I only get more sick. So i don’t want to take any risks and asked my doctor if I can stop with Clomid. I still believe Clomid can help a bit against POIS and prostatitis. So about a few months when I feel better I want to test it again with my doctor’s permission.

Sorry to hear the Clomid didn't work out for you, Vandemolen. You are quite right not to want to take any risks.

If you do decide to try it again in a few months, it might be worth considering asking your doctor about lowering your initial dosage. I understand you were taking 25mg/day, which seems to be the most common dosage for men. However, some studies suggest a dose of 25mg once every 2 days:



Yes if give Clomid another try I will take 25 mg 3 times a week for the first month. If the side effects are not too bad I will go to 25 mg everyday or 50 mg 3 times a week. And that for another 2 months. 3 months of Clomid must do the trick. I don’t want to use Androgel. I am afraid that even you use Clomid beside it that when you stop with Androgel the testosterone will drop even more. And it’s not good to mess up with your hormones.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: demografx on November 18, 2018, 05:38:22 PM
All very interesting.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on December 25, 2018, 07:17:43 PM
I used Clomid for 3 weeks. I am researching what the cause of my hives is. Back then I did not read all the side effects. But now I see that Clomid can cause hives. I was also on antibiotics and that can cause hives too. I am also on Amitryptyline in the side effects is also hives written. Maybe it is a combination of those 3 medicines.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on December 31, 2018, 11:44:59 AM
I used Clomid for 3 weeks. I am researching what the cause of my hives is. Back then I did not read all the side effects. But now I see that Clomid can cause hives. I was also on antibiotics and that can cause hives too. I am also on Amitryptyline in the side effects is also hives written. Maybe it is a combination of those 3 medicines.
I am sick for two months now. Maybe it is the Clomid. I can not fall in sleep. And when I do sleep I wake up a few times during the night. Even if I am more than 8 hours in bed when I get out I am tired and feeling cold all day. I read that women get sleep problems by Clomid. I am off Clomid now for more than 6 weeks. I wonder when this side effect will go away. Because it makes me sick. I do not think that I will give Clomid another try.

I am in POIS state but I have not had any sexual activity in 10 weeks. Because of the Clomid maybe my hormones are messed up. After sex a lot of POIS patients can not sleep. The next day we wake up tired and feeling cold. Maybe because of POIS our hormones are also messed up. But the hormone level recovers after a few days. Until you have sex and then the whole starts again. Insomia after sex, wake up tired and feeling cold.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: david on January 17, 2019, 08:13:10 AM
I used Clomid for 3 weeks. I am researching what the cause of my hives is. Back then I did not read all the side effects. But now I see that Clomid can cause hives. I was also on antibiotics and that can cause hives too. I am also on Amitryptyline in the side effects is also hives written. Maybe it is a combination of those 3 medicines.
I am sick for two months now. Maybe it is the Clomid. I can not fall in sleep. And when I do sleep I wake up a few times during the night. Even if I am more than 8 hours in bed when I get out I am tired and feeling cold all day. I read that women get sleep problems by Clomid. I am off Clomid now for more than 6 weeks. I wonder when this side effect will go away. Because it makes me sick. I do not think that I will give Clomid another try.

I am in POIS state but I have not had any sexual activity in 10 weeks. Because of the Clomid maybe my hormones are messed up. After sex a lot of POIS patients can not sleep. The next day we wake up tired and feeling cold. Maybe because of POIS our hormones are also messed up. But the hormone level recovers after a few days. Until you have sex and then the whole starts again. Insomia after sex, wake up tired and feeling cold.

very much probably clomid had its adverse effect:
 yesterday i' made a new blood tests
i esspecially didnt apply androgel 35 hours before test but i was on clomid constantly since october 20
so my tests showed no improvement ! i have the same level of T !
and at the same time i got  collateral adverse effects:
1.floaters !!
2.less libido and shorter orgasms

but nethertheless i got  rid of pois

i guess when i started androgel with clomid since 19 november my body was not accustomed to this two substances and i got real boost for my T  level
and the very first in my life i got proper T level
but it was lasting only for one week
 but that was really awesome experience so as i had read at reddit that some guys use clomid for years  and read some clinical trials at pubmed that effect of clomid go stronger with time so i proceed to use clomid and androgel until yesterday

clomid consist of two substances: Enclomiphene and Zuclomiphene

what we need is the Enclomiphene but not the Zuclomiphene with is really an estrogen receptors agonist = it will work just like the estrogen !!!
also Zu has dramatically long half life  = 14 days ! while En t/2=3 days

so i stopped clomid but i'm still on androgel and hope i will get rid of those nasty sideeffects in about a week or two

also i'm moving to real TRT i just ordered Testosteron cypionat 10ml ....

i can say during my whole life i was truly alive for just one that week when i got my proper T level - that was awesome and there is no way back for me since then
i need that again and i want live like that for as long as i can
so i'm on trt for life :)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on January 17, 2019, 10:18:56 AM
David, I am happy for you that androgel works for you. But you should know that when you take androgel and other TRT for a few weeks you probably have to take it your whole life. Your body propably can not make testosterone anymore. Maybe ask your doctor to be sure.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: demografx on January 17, 2019, 12:07:53 PM
David, will you be injecting? (That didn’t work for me).
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: david on January 17, 2019, 01:11:57 PM
David, will you be injecting? (That didn’t work for me).

yes i will definitely do it for the sake of true life !
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: david on January 17, 2019, 01:18:15 PM
David, I am happy for you that androgel works for you. But you should know that when you take androgel and other TRT for a few weeks you probably have to take it your whole life. Your body propably can not make testosterone anymore. Maybe ask your doctor to be sure.

i knew that long before i started my jorney

that is why i started to administer clomid to support my own production of T
and it did help
my balls became bigger by 25% at the end of first week i started clomid and my Luteinizing hormone rised by 50%
but clomid as i made sure personally has bad sideeffects also so i stopped clomid

and as you may already know i'm 41 and have 2 kids so i will sacrifice my balls for the better life :)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Vandemolen on January 17, 2019, 02:05:48 PM
OK if you already knew it then there is no problem.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: demografx on January 17, 2019, 04:17:24 PM
David, will you be injecting? (That didn’t work for me).

yes i will definitely do it for the sake of true life !

David, my endocrinologist told me that injections didn’t work for me because the testosterone “spikes” in and out of the body. He said testosterone gel or patches mimic the more even natural flow of the body’s own testosterone throughout the body. He was right, injections failed me but patches worked well. They still do, 10 years later.

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: david on January 18, 2019, 05:12:11 AM
David, will you be injecting? (That didn’t work for me).

yes i will definitely do it for the sake of true life !

David, my endocrinologist told me that injections didn’t work for me because the testosterone “spikes” in and out of the body. He said testosterone gel or patches mimic the more even natural flow of the body’s own testosterone throughout the body. He was right, injections failed me but patches worked well. They still do, 10 years later.

well Demo i guess you found not the best doctor
please read this and you will understand how to properly use injections to not have testo/estrogen levels roller-coaster and avoid high T aromatization:

as far as i know the best way to inject is 0.1ml(250mg/ml) every week or even 2 times a week subcutaneously

doing injections this way will keep your T level almost flat and with very little aromatization so you wont need to use anastrozol
and additional benefit is that subQ injections are much less even not painful at all in comparison to intramuscular

and this:
i think this is what i got - my T level almost didnt rised or get rised insufficiently with androgel
cuz as you remember i had good t level only for the very first week and then as i can feel it was not so high enough
may be you are luckier then me and it is enough for you to just use regular dose of androgel but for me there is only one way now it is to start real and the most effective trt = test cyp subq injections

and another benefit is that injections are around 10 times cheaper then androgel
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: demografx on January 18, 2019, 02:29:30 PM
well Demo i guess you found not the best doctor
I totally disagree with you. I’m very happy with my choice.

Best wishes to you and your approach. We are all different.

ps - I hate injections :)

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: david on January 18, 2019, 08:40:05 PM
well Demo i guess you found not the best doctor
I totally disagree with you. I’m very happy with my choice.

Best wishes to you and your approach. We are all different.

ps - I hate injections :)

sorry i'm glad i'm wrong
that is all my bad  experience with doctors in my small town, although we have our own medicine academy here
i'm lucky to meet only proud and at the same time ignorant docs
 even at the very recent appointment doc tried to impose me some useless dropper before trt and at the same time he didnt know clomid helps to increase LH and by that own production of T ...
medicine presented by local docs are no more a hope for cure it is a business only

I am not excited with injections too
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: hurray on March 03, 2019, 07:05:28 AM
Bizarrely, clomiphene is in the news today. The world's number one bridge player has been banned for a year for "doping" with clomiphene.

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: berlin1984 on November 08, 2020, 04:43:05 PM
Heh like you took words from my mouth, couse thouse days i traying to resarch
naturall wey on how to incriese LH hormone and FSH.

Please consider investigating Tribulus terrestris (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=3371.msg37418#msg37418) (let's discuss it there if you find out anything or gave it a trial)
Title: Clomiphene Citrate Almost cured
Post by: anson123 on May 18, 2022, 08:25:53 AM
Almost cured by clomiphene citrate
Title: Re: Clomiphene Citrate Almost cured
Post by: Hopeoneday on May 18, 2022, 09:57:13 AM
Almost cured posts lately???
Title: Re: Clomiphene Citrate Almost cured
Post by: Muon on May 18, 2022, 10:31:03 AM
For what reason did they prescribe this to you?
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on May 19, 2022, 02:42:57 AM
I bought Clomid today. 50 mg tablets. Will break into 2. Have not decided how I will approach it, probably 25 mg every other day, or maybe 4-5 days a week, or 5 days on, 5 days off. Different studies have used different approaches. My body and testes are quite a lot smaller than average so I will go easy on the dose, and watch out for side effects. Will report back. I suspect my body has trouble making up semen at the normal rate after O due to size.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on May 19, 2022, 02:45:15 AM
Ansom - what do you mean "almost cured". Can you please be more specific, in order to help others here. I will begin taking it this week. What dose/frequency are you on? When did you start taking it?
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on May 19, 2022, 12:18:27 PM
Hey, sorry I have not read much posts lately in this forum, but I knew this forum since more than 8 years ago. So I will try to give my best to share my experience. Feel free to ask.

After I married last year, my wife ecouraged me to let me test my testosterone level, after I
founded journals of people being cured from POIS. They had low level of testosterone.

My testosterone level was similar like theirs before cured. It was low.

So I decided to tell my mother in law that I had a rare disorder maybe because my low Testos.level. Thanks God she know people like that. So she recommended me to visit an andrologist. Thanks God he is a good senior one, also has a good reputation among his youngster.

He gave me options: 70dollar/shot HCG or less than 1 dollar half of clomid tablet / day.

I started to take 4 January every two days. After 25 days my testos.level rised high, he lowered it to every three days.

Until now the symptomps are much milder on the second day. On the third day it is 99.5% normal.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on May 20, 2022, 06:39:17 AM
Anson, thank you for taking the time to write back. I really appreciate it.

- Can I ask what dose you took? Was it 25 mg every 2 days to start, or 50 mg every 2 days?

-  Do you still experience bad POIS on the first day? Have you (and your doctor) considered increasing the dose to see what happens to your symptoms?

I have low testosterone, and will begin taking Clomid tomorrow, so your experience is helpful!

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Lihua on May 20, 2022, 05:59:35 PM
hello POISed2cure, looking forward to your positive result! ;D
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on May 21, 2022, 07:12:45 AM
Thank you Lihua 😊 I wish you well too, and will report back soon within about 3 weeks of testing.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on May 21, 2022, 11:36:32 AM
Hi POISed2cure,

- Can I ask what dose you took? Was it 25 mg every 2 days to start, or 50 mg every 2 days?
always 25mg, start with every 2 days, after the testos.level high enough every 3 days

-  Do you still experience bad POIS on the first day? Have you (and your doctor) considered increasing the dose to see what happens to your symptoms? it is around 92% healthy within 24hours. I can still work, drive, walk on the street. Not very bad, but not perfect. Before clomid/low testos.level I was oftenly hidding in my bedroom for around 3 days.

I have low testosterone, and will begin taking Clomid tomorrow, so your experience is helpful! good luck! Thanks I am glad can help
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on May 21, 2022, 11:44:41 AM
Few days ago I was finish with the examination of the tiny symptomps. I will check my testos.level again if still in the normal range & maybe visit the Doctor. He refused to publish my result at the beginning, a weird good one.    ???
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on May 21, 2022, 11:56:54 PM
Wonderful. So glad you have relief, and hope it lasts the rest of your life. I also "hide in my bedroom" for about 2-3 days. Thank you for answering those questions. I have no expectations, but will share my results soon. If you have time, I had just a few more questions... 😊

- Do you take your pill in the morning or evening, with food or without?
- How often are you able to O now?
- Do you notice any other physical or mental changes?
- What were your Testosterone levels before the 25 days of Clomid, and after the 25 days? (Approximately)

Thank you... 😊
Title: For Admin - shall we add Clomid to the summary of treatments?
Post by: POISed2cure on May 23, 2022, 02:08:13 AM
Hi folks, one of the posts below has a member (Ansom) that has been treated successfully (90%+) for several months now using an alternative to TRT - Clomid, an easy, relatively cheap fertility drug that boosts T levels. This was prescribed to him by his doctor and his treatment is summarised in the Clomid post. He has been on it Since January. His testosterone levels were low and after 25 days on Clomid his T levels were much higher.
Just thought we may wish to add that for other members... I recall reading other positive stories/comments for Clomid. Thanks.
Title: Re: For Admin - shall we add Clomid to the summary of treatments?
Post by: Quantum on May 23, 2022, 08:00:40 AM
Hi folks, one of the posts below has a member (Ansom) that has been treated successfully (90%+) for several months now using an alternative to TRT - Clomid, an easy, relatively cheap fertility drug that boosts T levels. This was prescribed to him by his doctor and his treatment is summarised in the Clomid post. He has been on it Since January. His testosterone levels were low and after 25 days on Clomid his T levels were much higher.
Just thought we may wish to add that for other members... I recall reading other positive stories/comments for Clomid. Thanks.
Hi POISed2cure,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, it would be possible to add a Clomid section in my POIS type chart.  I would like to have a little more information from Ansom ( see my questions to him lower in this thread)
However, Clomid has some drawbacks.  For example, it is hard on the liver, and can have other side effects.  That is why it is available on prescription only.

If you stumble upon one of those other positive feedbacks about Clomid, let me know.  I read about the partial success of member david, but he also takes Androgel along with Clomid.  I also saw some comments by user ramore, but it looks like he stopped Clomid now, not specifying the reason ( no follow-up). 

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Quantum on May 23, 2022, 08:13:29 AM
Hi POISed2cure,

- Can I ask what dose you took? Was it 25 mg every 2 days to start, or 50 mg every 2 days?
always 25mg, start with every 2 days, after the testos.level high enough every 3 days

-  Do you still experience bad POIS on the first day? Have you (and your doctor) considered increasing the dose to see what happens to your symptoms? it is around 92% healthy within 24hours. I can still work, drive, walk on the street. Not very bad, but not perfect. Before clomid/low testos.level I was oftenly hidding in my bedroom for around 3 days.

I have low testosterone, and will begin taking Clomid tomorrow, so your experience is helpful! good luck! Thanks I am glad can help

Hi Anson,

I am considering adding a section about Clomid in my POIS Types Chart, where I list the effective methods of relief found by members (Your success with Clomid for over 3 months now was brought to my attention by POISed2cure).
To have a more complete section,  I would like to have a little more information from you. 

What were your usual POIS symptoms before treatment, and what symptoms are disappearing with Clomid, and what symptoms remain despite Clomid ?

Also, do you have side effects with Clomid ?  Did your doctor check your liver enzymes ( Clomid is hard on the liver) ?

I understand that you started at 25mg of Clomid every other day until Testosterone got to a normal level, and after 25mg once every 3 days. Is that correct?

It looks that your (almost) complete relief comes at day 3 at around 90%, so what percentage of relief do you have on day 1, and what percentage of relief on day 2?   

Do you have to limit your Os, like, no more than once a week, for this method to stay effective ?

Thanks for the details!

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on May 23, 2022, 09:35:23 PM
Thanks for the follow up Quantum... Much appreciated. Glad you pointed out the liver issue - I would not even consider that until first finding out if it works. Even if it is hard on the liver, it still may serve as a cheap, easy, and effective way to test the testosterone option for anyone with below-normal-to-borderline T levels - one may switch to a different T option later. TRT can be a tough sell to a doctor, especially one not familiar with POIS. I recall demo not having low-enough T levels for his specialist to approve TRT but he somehow managed to find a doctor to approve. I am on my third day of testing Clomid - my T-levels are borderline, so we'll see if it helps. Like you I prefer natural options and will always focus more on finding natural ways but if the issue is related to hypogonadism or abnormally low T levels, it may be necessary.

Ansom wrote that on the first day he can live quite normally without severe symptoms (90% fine) whereas before that he was hiding in his room for 3 days. To me that is an enormous shift, as somebody who falls in the "hiding in his bedroom" category myself.

Hopefully he returns soon to answer both our questions.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on June 02, 2022, 06:28:25 AM
Wonderful. So glad you have relief, and hope it lasts the rest of your life. thanks..I hope also, someday..I also "hide in my bedroom" for about 2-3 days. I really understand, very bad conditions, hope your treatment will workThank you for answering those questions. I have no expectations, but will share my results soon. If you have time, I had just a few more questions... 😊very sorry for the late reply :-[

- Do you take your pill in the morning or evening, with food or without? evening I guess, after dinner, I have also problem memorizing details by the way    :-[
- How often are you able to O now? after some trials I realize it is better not to have orgasm if not neccesary. Because 90% within 24hours is also risky, luckily I could handle it to get deals with clients, but risky
- Do you notice any other physical or mental changes? in the first day after I took the pill, my head was getting warm. After some weeks I think my body was getting stronger, faster regeneration after physical exercises, can run like I was in the high school, better stamina. I can work also better, less coffee. Longer time to have orgasm, difficult to have short orgasm during sex
- What were your Testosterone levels before the 25 days of Clomid, and after the 25 days? (Approximately) ok I will write in the next reply
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on June 02, 2022, 06:41:34 AM
These are the results of my T tests, before treatment & after I felt my body was too warm (before I reduced to every 3 days)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on June 02, 2022, 07:15:16 AM
Hi Quantum, sorry for the late reply

What were your usual POIS symptoms before treatment, and what symptoms are disappearing with Clomid, and what symptoms remain despite Clomid ? my symtomps were: memory loss, problem to talk with more than 1 person, less concentration, difficult to understand example reading books/watching movies, weird body sweating, stamina drop, body getting weak, less concentration while walking on the street. It needed around 7-10days to be cured. After treatment it all still remain, but it much less, see the percentages below

Also, do you have side effects with Clomid ?  Did your doctor check your liver enzymes ( Clomid is hard on the liver) ? I just felt my upper body temperature was getting warm, that's all. I didn't check, maybe because I think it was just 25days of treatment. Now after 5 months since treatment started, I feel ok

I understand that you started at 25mg of Clomid every other day until Testosterone got to a normal level, and after 25mg once every 3 days. Is that correct? yes

It looks that your (almost) complete relief comes at day 3 at around 90%, so what percentage of relief do you have on day 1, and what percentage of relief on day 2?   day 1 around 90%, day 2 99%, (almost normal), day 3 99,5% (better than 99% or day two, but not perfect normal)

Do you have to limit your Os, like, no more than once a week, for this method to stay effective ? please see my previous reply

Thanks for the details! glad to share :)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on June 03, 2022, 09:15:05 PM
Thank you Ansom!! So much appreciated. Glad you are still having a high percentage of relief. I have been on Clomid for 2 weeks already - same as you - 25 mg every second day.

Will report back in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on June 06, 2022, 08:41:50 PM
Hey, my best wishes, hope you succeed also! My last O was on Friday, we tried to have a baby. Saturday I still had a interview meeting, etc. Saturday night I didn't have the second O, because on Sunday I drove a car around  9 hours.. :)

Before, I can't drive after O at all.. just sharing my condition. Glad to share, thanks :)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on June 08, 2022, 04:38:59 AM
Many thanks, and best wishes to you too, and with having a healthy baby. Your life must have changed since you are able to do things you could not do easily before (after O), and always worrying about "the days after". Glad you have much relief. I wonder how long it took you to feel a difference with Clomid. Did you slowly notice the symptoms decreasing each week or did it take 1 or 2 months after your testosterone levels reached a specific level before you noticed symptoms disappearing?

I have not noticed much difference yet (after 2.5 weeks), although I think my 3rd day of POIS is better. I have only O'd 2 times since I started Clomid (once every 10 days) because my symptoms are difficult to manage. One side effect I get is pimples (like back in high school!) but they are not bad.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on June 11, 2022, 03:25:27 AM
I wonder how long it took you to feel a difference with Clomid. Did you slowly notice the symptoms decreasing each week or did it take 1 or 2 months after your testosterone levels reached a specific level before you noticed symptoms disappearing? Hi, I had the O after I saw the T level was above 1000 (my last post), before that I was too afraid to have an O. Even I was forced to, because I had to prove, if there is connection between T level and my POIS. I was wondering that you are brave enough to have O. Are your symptomps similar like mine? Thanks & have a nice weekend! Regards from Jakarta  :)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on June 11, 2022, 07:05:10 AM
Interesting! So helpful man. I cannot thank you enough. My symptoms are similar to yours I think. Both mental and physical. I cannot function at all after O for several days although recently I have found some drugs that help me function at 80% when I need to, but they are dangerously addictive and not long-term solutions.

As you did, I will wait until my T levels are over 1000, which means I need to get tested soon... Then I will find out if Clomid/Testosterone helps. I like the dose of 25 mg every 2 days - it feels like a safe way to do it. Quantum mentioned the heavy effect of Clomid on the Liver, so I think we should take his advice and check the Liver after a few months. Quantum's job is a pharmacist in Canada (I think), but anyway I believe he knows about this stuff.

Will report back soon. Best wishes from here!
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Lihua on June 18, 2022, 07:54:40 PM
Thank you Ansom!! So much appreciated. Glad you are still having a high percentage of relief. I have been on Clomid for 2 weeks already - same as you - 25 mg every second day.

Will report back in a few weeks.
hello POISed2cure, any progress?
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on July 18, 2022, 10:30:20 AM
Hi Lihua,
The POIScenter forum was not working for a month, so I could not update.
I still take Clomid every second day, 25 mg, it's been 1.5 months, and I'm pretty sure my T levels are higher as I often wake up with morning wood! Need to have them tested shortly. It has not cured my POIS. It does seem to stabilise my mood within POIS - no more mood swings - but other symptoms remain unfortunately. I will continue taking it for another month or so, test my T levels, and if there are no noticeable symptom reduction, I may phase out the pills gradually. Glad to be testing the theory though so I can check it off the list.

Propranol seems to be not very effective for me these days, but Xanax does allow me to function at 70-80. You have to be really careful with Xanax though - it is highly addictive, tolerance builds up, it's habit forming, major withdrawals, and overall a very dangerous drug to become dependent on. Still, for now, it saves me, and try to take it as less as possible.

Any luck with HcG?
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Lihua on July 19, 2022, 02:12:58 AM
No, I amm curing the urinary system.
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on July 19, 2022, 04:47:42 AM
How are you doing that? Can you share your method, and where you found it?
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: Lihua on July 19, 2022, 07:40:43 PM
here is my  record https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=4104.0
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on August 02, 2022, 01:34:39 PM
Hi POISed2cure,

How are you & how about your T-Level?  It has been around 10 weeks since you started to take Clomid. Did the T-level increase & in what level? Hope you are fine.

Mine is ok, it has not changed the symtomps. But I feel sleepy after O & fall asleep, maybe I started to feel relief & have less worries.

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on August 06, 2022, 09:55:59 AM
Hi Ansom,

I still take Clomid. Haven't had a chance to have my blood test yet though, however, I can say that my POIS is still pretty bad. My mood seems to be more stable though, but it is still very difficult to have a normal conversation. I am not at ease at all for 2 days, but have found Xanax allows me to function well enough on those days. Not a long-term solution, and I try to be so careful not to get addicted to it.

I am trying to reach the root cause, working on meditation. Perhaps I am trying to 'be somebody', not acting 100% naturally in interaction/conversation, and if I am not being my true self then it requires constant effort and therefore in POIS, it becomes impossible to keep up these masks after chemical changes happen in the body. Living naturally, in every moment, and finding a balanced lifestyle to achieve this, is the only way I believe I will find the solution to this.

I have exhausted all other options I can think of... i am really glad you had success with Clomid though! Thank God for that. And hope you have success with having a baby, and with your family. Much love!
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on August 22, 2022, 06:28:48 PM
Hi POISed2cure,

Hey sorry for late reply. Please keep the spirit! I tried to count the things I have, if I face problems,  started with the ceiling fan, my sofa, my books, my each granit tile that I should not buy from bulding store,l because it is heavy, my eyelashes every 5 hairs & my hairs every 20 hairs that without it I will have a bad looks, also my skin area, maybe 2cm2 of each healthy skin. So I felt very lucky and happy of it. It can be billions of blessings I have.

We can 1-2minutes to be dissapointed, after that we have to stand up again. Anything that I can do for this POIS, please ask. Maybe I can visit my doctor & speak together via whatsapp call. It's not expensive in my country. Don't be worry. my wife & I have time..

so keep the spirit & greetings from train to cirebon city! my name is anson by the way, just trying not to hide my identity ;)
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: POISed2cure on October 05, 2022, 04:56:05 AM
Thanks a lot Ansom. You look joyful! Glad to see it. Thank you also for your offer to help. Unfortunately all of our cases are so different that we're on this journey of discovery alone. A few months of Clomid didn't help unfortunately, but I'm glad it helped you! And that I tested it also. I suspect it is connected to a drop in dopamine, or some other substance immediately after O. I am still testing things...
Hope you're well there in Indo, and enjoying life with your family. 😊
Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on February 13, 2024, 08:11:12 PM

long time i haven't reported my progress, i hope you are all ok. unfortunately, after my last post it didn't work as i expected. the symptoms came again. it took time for me trying to find the solution, with struggles.

Then i went to other andrologist in YPK Mandiri (https://g.co/kgs/nRzZn5K), she is a young professor. at the first time i had no intention to cure myself. but rather than to improve the sperm quality for fertilization program.

She gave me quite expensive prescription. but fortunately, i feel i am cured. how many percent it is difficult to say.

I will check my prescription and post it as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Clomid instead of TRT
Post by: anson123 on February 16, 2024, 04:05:32 AM
these are the supplements i got, hope it can be helpful. thanks