I used Clomid for 3 weeks. I am researching what the cause of my hives is. Back then I did not read all the side effects. But now I see that Clomid can cause hives. I was also on antibiotics and that can cause hives too. I am also on Amitryptyline in the side effects is also hives written. Maybe it is a combination of those 3 medicines.
I am sick for two months now. Maybe it is the Clomid. I can not fall in sleep. And when I do sleep I wake up a few times during the night. Even if I am more than 8 hours in bed when I get out I am tired and feeling cold all day. I read that women get sleep problems by Clomid. I am off Clomid now for more than 6 weeks. I wonder when this side effect will go away. Because it makes me sick. I do not think that I will give Clomid another try.
I am in POIS state but I have not had any sexual activity in 10 weeks. Because of the Clomid maybe my hormones are messed up. After sex a lot of POIS patients can not sleep. The next day we wake up tired and feeling cold. Maybe because of POIS our hormones are also messed up. But the hormone level recovers after a few days. Until you have sex and then the whole starts again. Insomia after sex, wake up tired and feeling cold.
very much probably clomid had its adverse effect:
https://www.peaktestosterone.com/Clomid_Risk.aspx yesterday i' made a new blood tests
i esspecially didnt apply androgel 35 hours before test but i was on clomid constantly since october 20
so my tests showed no improvement ! i have the same level of T !
and at the same time i got collateral adverse effects:
1.floaters !!
2.less libido and shorter orgasms
but nethertheless i got rid of pois
i guess when i started androgel with clomid since 19 november my body was not accustomed to this two substances and i got real boost for my T level
and the very first in my life i got proper T level
but it was lasting only for one week
but that was really awesome experience so as i had read at reddit that some guys use clomid for years and read some clinical trials at pubmed that effect of clomid go stronger with time so i proceed to use clomid and androgel until yesterday
clomid consist of two substances: Enclomiphene and Zuclomiphene
https://www.peaktestosterone.com/Clomid_Half_Life.aspxwhat we need is the Enclomiphene but not the Zuclomiphene with is really an estrogen receptors agonist = it will work just like the estrogen !!!
also Zu has dramatically long half life = 14 days ! while En t/2=3 days
so i stopped clomid but i'm still on androgel and hope i will get rid of those nasty sideeffects in about a week or two
also i'm moving to real TRT i just ordered Testosteron cypionat 10ml ....
i can say during my whole life i was truly alive for just one that week when i got my proper T level - that was awesome and there is no way back for me since then
i need that again and i want live like that for as long as i can
so i'm on trt for life