Hello all!
I tell briefly about my experiences.
I've noticed that the way how i ejaculate/get orgasm affects to my symptoms.
If i am feeling tensed, anxious, worried, unsure...so on, negative feelings, it easily leads to unpleasurable sex experience. Orgasm just doesn't feel good. It feels like my mind and body missed the real orgasmic state, like "straightened some curves" to reach the goal. I call this as "bad/wrong orgasm".
Good orgasm gives me good feeling after sex and it doesn't lead to POIS, bad doesn't give good feel, it leads to POIS. Good orgasm shakes my whole body, mind loses time and space, feeling heat on my skin, maybe some tickling/numbness, feeling warm in my groins/sex organs/lower abs, just wanting to enjoy the good feel and lay on bed for a moment in euforia.
The bad orgasm isn't like this. It leaves me in tension, anxiety, bad feelings - unsatisfied.
My way to avoid this bad orgasm is trying to relax my mind, just concentrate on the pleasure, trying not to think anything, just feel it, letting my instincts do the job, not my logic mind. It usually works for me. If i come too aware what i am doing, it leads to unnecessary tension on my muscles and mind, and interferes the natural/automatic process.
More over, i have also observed my diet. I feel i have had poor protein intake. So i have increased chicken, eggs, beef, cheese more to my diet. Proteins seems to also boost my well-being (not a surprise). Also lately, i have added some liver sausage into my diet, to increase vitamin A intake. I have had problems with my skin, peeling skin, especially after orgasms. Maybe a bit early to conclude it but i am feeling that this liver sausage increases also my well-being. Not just curing my dry skin but also seems to healing my problems to have dry mucous membranes after orgasms (especially eyes). Eating of course also carrots (carotenoids -> vitamin A) but haven't noticed same effect.
I have suffered years very difficult post orgasmic symptoms, but now i am feeling that i have found ways to beat them, or at least make my life feel more normal. I don't need to fear anymore that if i ejaculate today, i am not able do anything tomorrow or even for a week. Now i am able, now i can! I can sometimes ejaculate twice a day and still not have any severe POIS symptoms. I have more energy, mind works better, feelings are quite normal, body feels usually okay or even good.
I thought this isn't cureable condition because lasted so long but luckily it isn't so.
Wishing good luck for everyone!