Author Topic: understanding brainfog  (Read 4389 times)


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understanding brainfog
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:24:00 PM »
 So i am doing gre practice math, and doing great with them while in pois. It baffles me because am doing better than most doing the practice but when it comes to holding conversation i am quiet as a numb. Also there was one question everyone realize a persons age cant be negative i didnt realize that and ask a dumb questions about whether the numbers can be negative when the fact that the number represents age restricts them to positive.  It seems i can understand the math problems but commonsense things dont really kick in for me while pois. 
Does this make sense to some of you.
Just trying to make sense of pois brain fog.


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Re: understanding brainfog
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 11:32:38 PM »
So i am doing gre practice math, and doing great with them while in pois. It baffles me because am doing better than most doing the practice but when it comes to holding conversation i am quiet as a numb. Also there was one question everyone realize a persons age cant be negative i didnt realize that and ask a dumb questions about whether the numbers can be negative when the fact that the number represents age restricts them to positive.  It seems i can understand the math problems but commonsense things dont really kick in for me while pois. 
Does this make sense to some of you.
Just trying to make sense of pois brain fog.
I agree. I actually like working with numbers while in POIS (I sometimes use data in my job). It gives me an excuse to seclude myself from social interaction, which can be quite overwhelming when I'm symptomatic. I should note that I'm fairly outgoing and funny when I'm not in POIS.
Experienced POIS since 2002.
My symptoms include: brain fog, depression, physical and mental fatigue, memory problems, social anxiety, concentration problems, myalgia, inflammation.


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Re: understanding brainfog
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2012, 11:50:21 PM »
I am sometimes really funny and outgoing. But POIS makes me become a soft-spoken introvert. It's not that I'm shy, it's because nothing happens up there (in my brain). It feels like everything asleep.


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Re: understanding brainfog
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2012, 02:26:11 PM »
I feel you totally, the akward long silence that comes up when you are talking to people. Because nothing comes up. have you tried niacin