Author Topic: Pois induced cronic lyme disease xerxheimer reaction  (Read 1685 times)


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Pois induced cronic lyme disease xerxheimer reaction
« on: November 02, 2018, 10:43:32 PM »
The Herxheimer Reaction and Lyme disease conection to pois.

As POIS in my symptomes looks like a enormes Herxheimer reaction
i try to conect my pois symptomes to lyme disease and CFS patients.

A herxheimer reaction can kill, and it si massiwe in me in pois.

As we all to this day cant be diagnosed or hawe eny conection or marker to
our illnes. Then , what it can be? It can be cronic hiden infection.

Fwew poiser here hawe been tested negative for lyme disease and they
think that they are clear from cronic lyme... BUT!...

Why cant be diagnosed in large mayority of lyme suffers-why???

(similar as we poisers cant be diagnosed)

And similar as CFS patients etc... That is because it simply cant be diagnosed easy.

Doctors to doctors story :)
Thats why- See et 1,35s of this wid:

He took 210 CFS patients , and 60% of them feelt beter on antybiotics treatmant.

My pois symptome here:

Symptomes same as poisers and helpfull remeddies down from here:

Why mthfr treatmant work grat for some of poisers???

Simply because
If hawe cronic lyme (or some odhe hard diagnosed coinfetion...)
and hawe mthfr mutation -one or dublled, that inriese inability
to detox, no glutation working, and all toxins who should go from
body tay in body anc couse vicious symptomes of  Herxheimer reaction.
I supouse fro poisers who hawe lighter pois symptomes in general
does nothawe mthfr mutations. And so suplements do not helps them.

Mthfr Cant catchup detoxifitacion.

It affect to neurotransmiter production to etc..

Symptoms experienced after a shower or bath(the same like some poisers)

Muscle weakness and lyme disease
Did someone turn up the gravity?
In pois , this for me sometimes can be cantstandable.

Tinitus(some poisers)

Bartonella symptoms

A gram-negative bacterium that infects
endothelial(mentioded and discused by poisers) cells

11 things that can make a person with lyme disease feel worse besides treatment

All this 11 syptomes fell me worse except SEX and moon.

I hawe sharp nedle pain atacs in testicles second pois days.

Nerwe damage in pois.
Been there a lot of times.

Brain fog and cognitive impairment ​from chronic lyme disease

Lyme disease and brain fog


 Motherwort and Lyme disease
Fatigue and insomnia reducer. Mitochondria and heart protector

« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 06:20:48 AM by Hopeoneday »