Hi guys,
I just registered on the forum, but actually found it a while ago, when I was searching for answers to "what the hell is wrong with me after orgasms"? Shortly, I started to have really bad POIS symptoms around 6 years ago (didn't know what it was back then) that would last anywhere from 1-6 days. About a year and a half ago I discovered this site and finally had an idea what could be wrong. So (since I'm a researcher at a medical university) started to read all the research papers I could get my hands on. The answers weren't there of course, since it's not well researched yet, but I found out enough to think it does have something to do with an allergy to semen, not the prostatic fluid but the sperm itself. This thinking came from the fact that only ejaculation, but not dry masturbation or sex without ejaculation, made the symptoms appear. So my thinking was that we somehow need to reduce the exposure to the allergen. One option being abstinence (tried it when I was single and it's not fun) and the other removing the allergen in time.
So my solution is to remove the residual semen from the prostate, urethra and possibly other tissues. How I manage to do this is that I go to the toilet within 10 min of the orgasm (good to leave some time for not getting the ladies pissed at you for leaving so early after) and I press and squeeze repeatedly with my fingers on the "million dollar point", basically giving myself a (bit more forceful) prostate massage and in the process mechanically squeezing out as much residual semen as possible (let's say you are milking the prostate). I do the squeezing for around 30-60 seconds (might take you longer to do it properly in the beginning). You will most probably see that some more semen will leak out of the penis after the squeezing motions. Thereafter I urinate and after I'm done I repeat the squeezing motions for another shorter round ~30 seconds. In the beginning it might be helpful if you stop the urine flow half way through and do the squeezing motions, then continue urinating and finish with squeezing again.
This method lets me be completely symptom free. Haven't had symptoms for many many months now. I did test it and I did get them if I didn't use this method after ejaculating.
Give it a try guys and let me know if it works for you too.
p.s. Learning about where to squeeze is easy. Just write "prostate million dollar point" into Google. It's basically a point between your anus and testicles that (more towards your anus) that is softer and you can push into your body.