Roemheld syndrome
Tru resarching stuf for pois i found this, hah whot a coicidence.
This is the name i found after 20, 25 years of sufering from this sindrome.
This sindrome is conected to pois in my case( tru vagus nerve probbly)
Because of misdiagnosing, no doctor belive me to hawe this.
Ewry doctor convince me that is not posible to hawe this symptomes and that is all in my head like pois. Syndrome symptoms:
Arrhythmia (irregular heart beat)
Tachycardia (rapid heart rate)
Gastro-intestinal issues
Trapped stomach and intestinal gas
Panic attacks
Blood pressure fluctuations
Dizziness and balance
Vasovagal syncope (fainting)
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Misdiagnosing and misunderstanding
Sufferers of Roemheld Syndrome (or RS for short) are often diagnosed with anxiety and depression; which are consequences of RS, or they are dismissed as being hypochondriacs because of RS's far reaching effects on the brain, gut and heart.
A particularly common misunderstanding involves the buildup of intestinal gas and its relationship to tachycardia. Dr. Roemheld's findings are sometimes misunderstood because compression of the heart and vagus nerve result in a SLOWING of the heart rate. What is not understood is that this slowing, as well as the nausea and dizziness from the buildup of pressure, can produce a panic reaction - resulting in tachycardia due to a panic attack. Also, upon the quick release of pressure through gas expulsion, the heart rate increases immediately, especially when lying down, due to the heart compensating for the pressure change. This is the purely physiological tachycardia response. Sufferers often can't differentiate between these three, which makes the symptoms all the more difficult to discuss clearly with their doctors, or receive a proper diagnosis. can be as follows.[3] They are periodic, and occur only during an "episode", usually after eating.
Sinus bradycardia
Difficulty inhaling
Angina pectoris
Left ventricular discomfort
Uncomfortable breathing
Poor perfusion
Muscle pain (crampiness)
Burst or sustained vertigo or dizziness
Sleep disturbance (particularly when sleeping within a few hours of eating, or lying on the left side)
Hot flashes