Hello Guys
i was on benzo long time ago but felt it is just as good as Gaba potentiators supplement for pois
so any advice for good over the counter sleep med ?
i dont get good sleep these days ?
Thinking of starting low dose of olanzapine or quetiapine cause anticholinergics and antiserotoninergic help me sleep at night
appreciated ur valuable medical advice
I was also looking up the action of Clonazepam the other day and it said it was angaba reuptake inhibitor? This led me to search for herbs to increase gaba.
I'm going to try to take passion flower sometime in the near future since sleep is my biggest problem and only bad problem now. I don't know if it's because I worry, or from for games, or whatever. I'm literally fine during the day but as soon as I try to sleep it's like a process in my body getting started to keep me energized at night.
But yeah, going to try passion flower soon though can't attest to any others yet besides maybe olive leaf extract which supposedly reduces adrenaline.