Niacin, a Godsend! For me it's made 100% difference.
I've also found that the flush isn't necesary, although with the flush, the outcome is more definite.
On only one of my attempts and on a full stomach (well recent consumption, not FULL), I had zero flush, so didn't even try an orgasm.
On about half of the tests I felt that I got close to the flush, maybe feel slight priclky sensations on the skin or a slightly altered heart rate, but no red or heated skin. On those occasions the niacin worked as well. Seems like getting close to the flush or better is enough for it to work.
It leaves me practically POIS free. I've begun to notice that whereas I though I was completely POIS free, that on day 2, maybe 3 I get some muscle tiredness, but that's the LEAST of my worries.
It cleans up the blahs those first days, ALL brainfog and any tendancy toward depression or letahary. And besides that I feel generally younger, healthier a sort of springtime feeling.
Don't know whay anyone would waste their time with anything else... But that's just me.
The only downside, is that you have to plan. One hour before. Sometimes you might not know when it's one hour before. And also you can;t eat for at least 4 hours ahead. I sort of feel that it might be more than eating. It's almost like if the liver is busy or something there;s less effect. In the morning the does can be much less for a good flush.
And in my opinion, the flush is actually enjoyble, ennvigorating.